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The Gender-Based Violence and Misconduct Prevention and Response Policy were approved as of May 2023 at Mount Royal University. This policy represents the University’s ongoing efforts to foster a culture of respect and safety, while providing support for those who have been impacted by gender-based violence and misconduct. It replaces the Sexual Violence Response Policy and has been updated to align with current best practices and guidelines from the Government of Alberta. This policy applies to all members of the Mount Royal University community. Everyone within our community is expected to engage in respectful and consensual interactions and to foster an environment that does not tolerate harmful behaviours. This policy and its associated procedures describes safety and support options, reporting options, and prevention education programming. 

Support Options

For those who have experienced gender-based violence and misconduct, support is available. This policy and its associated procedures outline the support and safety options that are available for disclosures of gender-based violence and misconduct and articulates:  

  • The support available from Dating, Domestic, and Sexual Violence Services
  • The various options for Accommodation Supports
  • The interim measures that are available to protect individuals and the community when a report is made
  • The steps employees are requested to take to follow-up with Dating, Domestic, and Sexual Violence Services if they receive a disclosure of gender-based violence and misconduct 

Reporting Options

This policy and its associated procedures outline the reporting processes available on campus at Mount Royal University. Reports of gender-based violence and misconduct can be made through Dating, Domestic, and Sexual Violence Services, which will go to either Human Resources or the Office of Community Standards. Option for alternative resolutions is also available under certain circumstances. There is no obligation to report.

Education and Awareness

The University is committed to ongoing and coordinated efforts towards the prevention of gender-based violence and misconduct. This policy and its associated procedures explains how education and awareness will be developed, coordinated, and overseen. By implementing this policy, Mount Royal University aims to create an environment where everyone can thrive, free from the fear of violence and discrimination.