Human Resources and COVID-19


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Frequently asked questions


What should I do if I:

  • have COVID-19 symptoms
  • have tested positive for COVID-19

Employees are encouraged to stay home if they are symptomatic or test positive for COVID-19. If you are an employee and you are experiencing symptoms or have tested positive, please work with your supervisor/manager to determine if you are able to work from home or to discuss the appropriate leave as per the Collective Agreement or Terms and Conditions of your employment.


If I experience long-term effects of COVID, will my benefits cover me if I have to be off work for an extended period of time?

The University health benefits and short- and long-term disability benefits are designed to support employees who are unwell in both the short and long term. You should contact Employee Wellness if you have questions about short-term disability or long-term disability.


What if I am ill while on vacation?

The coding of an employee’s time who is sick while on vacation is based on the pre-approved vacation period dates and remains as such. Upon the expected return date from vacation, if the employee remains sick, standard sick time and short-term disability provisions apply.


Can I change my vacation time if I am ill while on vacation and can work remotely?

Managers continue to have the ability to approve remote work in place of utilizing vacation time, sick time or short-term disability if an employee’s job duties are conducive to remote work and they are well enough to do so. In those approved instances it will be treated as regular work time. Managers must contact their HR Business Partner to confirm the eligibility of individuals to work remotely outside of Alberta, but within Canada, on a temporary basis. Remote work remains unavailable internationally.


Who should I tell if I know someone working on campus has been exposed to or has COVID-19?

This is confidential and private medical information that should not be shared except between an employee and their supervisor.


What are my rights with regards to refusal of unsafe work during COVID-19?

The Right to Refuse Dangerous Work is a component of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Alberta. You can review the legislation online. The MRU Unsafe Work Refusal procedure can be found here.


Employees have a right to refuse unsafe work, but it must be based on a reasonable assessment of the risk. What is considered 'reasonable' and who defines this?

It is defined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Alberta.


What resources are available to support employees?

Employees have access to a number of resources through Inkblot Therapy, our Employee Family Assistance Program provider.  For more information about the support available, please visit the Employee Wellness webpage


Are masks and cleaning supplies provided?

EH&S is providing hand sanitizer and cleaning products for departments. If you are working on campus, you can pick up a box of rated-surgical masks in the Cougars Campus Store during regular business hours. Show your OneCard to receive a box, which should last approximately 45 working days. If supplies last, you can then pick up a new box. Also, disposable masks are available at Security at West Gate if someone forgets theirs.


Where do I find information on mental health support?

Please refer to Employee Wellness for information about the many resources available to employees.


What should I know if I am travelling internationally?

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact some aspects of travel. Employees traveling internationally are encouraged to regularly check Mount Royal’s travel guidelines, as well as all applicable international, federal and local travel measures. Travellers should also have contingency plans in place should they become ill during travels or experience extended delays.

Costs and delays due to jurisdictional requirements and/or travel restrictions due to illness or quarantine/self isolation are the responsibility of the traveler.

It is recommended that you are familiar with Emergency Travel Assistance coverage that may be available to you through Sun Life. Additional health and travel insurance coverage is available through most insurance companies and/or travel carriers. The Government of Canada has additional recommendations.