Aida Patient, MA
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Office: EA3124
Phone: 403.440.5687
Email: apatient@mtroyal.ca
BA, Honours ( University of Calgary)
BSc (University of Calgary)
MA (University of Calgary)
Teaching Statement:
Aida Patient's interests include early modern literature, women's writing before 1800, the history of science, and gender theory. She has worked on representations of race in Lady Mary Wroth's texts, and her current research focuses on seventeenth- and eighteenth-century women's contributions to the discourse of science. Most recently, her focus has been on midwifery practices and professional debates in the early modern period. She teaches composition, early modern literature, women's writing, poetry, and science fiction.
Aida Patient's interests include early modern literature, women's writing before 1800, the history of science, and gender theory. She has worked on representations of race in Lady Mary Wroth's texts, and her current research focuses on seventeenth- and eighteenth-century women's contributions to the discourse of science. Most recently, her focus has been on midwifery practices and professional debates in the early modern period. She teaches composition, early modern literature, women's writing, poetry, and science fiction.