

Economics, Justice, and Policy Studies
The Department of Economics, Justice, and Policy Studies offers two degrees: the Bachelor of Arts - Policy Studies and the Bachelor of Arts - Criminal Justice. Graduates of both programs find themselves in high demand in today's market. More...

English, Languages, and Cultures
Turn your love of the English language into a four-year Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in English, or prepare for global opportunities and expand your horizons with language studies. More...

Build a solid foundation for your liberal arts education in Canadian Studies, History, Humanities, Philosophy, Religious Studies or Women's and Gender Studies. More...

Interior Design
Shape the spaces in which people live and work with an applied degree that prepares you for a dynamic career in interior design. More...

Learn about the many fascinating aspects of human behaviour with a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Psychology. More...

Sociology & Anthropology
Get a better understanding of social interaction with a major in Sociology. Or, study human life from the beginning of time to today with a major in Anthropology. More...

The Department of General Education
A great education doesn't just make you an expert in one area - it gives you a well-rounded knowledge base in a variety of areas.