Academic Title: Instructor, Italian Language and Culture
Office: EA3014
Phone: 403.440.7024
Email: astojanovic@mtroyal.ca
MA, Language Science/Linguistics with the focus on Italian (University of Belgrade)
BA, (MA equivalent), Italian and English Language and Literature (University of Belgrade)
Scholarly Interests:
The main areas of Aleksandra's scholarly interests are transnational Italian studies, Mediterranean cultures, cultural anthropology, and second language pedagogy. Furthermore, she has extensively studied the influence of English as a global language on other languages, especially Italian, which resulted in her MA thesis. Aleksandra is currently a doctoral student in cultural anthropology at the University of Calgary.
Teaching Statement:
Aleksandra has been teaching at MRU since 2008. Between 2004 and 2016, she also worked as an Italian language instructor at the Department French, Italian and Spanish, University of Calgary. Before moving to Canada in 2003, she taught beginner, intermediate and advanced language courses to children and adults, as well as large lectures and grammar courses at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia. In teaching language, Aleksandra applies both communicative and culture-based approaches, keeping in mind that the basic function of language is communication between people in a socio-cultural context.
Selected Publications:
Colussi Corte, Sonia Claudia. Il segreto dell’isola nuda. Edited by Aleksandra Stojanovic, Loretta Veri, and Laura G. Ferretti. Udine: Forum Editrice Universitaria Udinese, 2015.
Stojanovic, Aleksandra. "Introduction: The Seed of Memory" in The Secret of Bald Island, by Claudia Sonia Colussi Corte. Translated by Konrad Eisenbichler. Toronto: Club Giuliano Dalmato, 2023.
Book Reviews:
Stojanovic, Aleksandra. Review of Dove andare, dove tornare: Autori italiani dell’Istria, di Fiume e della Dalmazia dal Novecento al nuovo millennio, by Giusy Criscione and Patrizia Hansen. El Boletin, no. 180, December 2019, p. 18.
Stojanovic, Aleksandra. Review of A Blood Border: Trieste between Mussolini and Tito, by Luisa Morettin. El Boletin, no. 182, June 2020, p. 12.
Conference Presentations:
Stojanovic, Aleksandra. “The Counter-Exodus of Italians to Yugoslavia after WWII: The Case of Cherubino Colussi”. CAIS (Canadian Association for Italian studies) Annual Conference, 13 – 16 June 2019, Palazzo dei Congressi & Centro Studi, Orvieto, Italy. Conference Presentation.
Stojanovic, Aleksandra. “Italian captives in Yugoslavia after WWII”. AAIS (American Association for Italian Studies) Annual Conference, 26 – 28 March, 2020, University of Arizona, Tucson. Conference Presentation.
Selected Grants, Honours and Awards:
SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (2024)
University of Calgary, Faculty of Graduate Studies Doctoral Scholarship (2024)
Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (2023)
Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (2022)