Kenna Olsen

BA (Victoria); MPhil (Glasgow); PhD (Calgary)
Office: EA3154
Phone: 403.440.5953
I teach Old and Middle English literature and the History of the English Language in the department of English, Languages, and Cultures at Mount Royal University. My research and teaching interests include Old and Middle English literature and language, the history of the book, vernacular textual and editing studies, and medieval rhetorical analysis and reception theory. My recent research project, "Emerging Medievalisms: Manuscript, Media, Method," investigates the prominence and importance of medievalisms in post-medieval culture, and the ways in which medieval material culture might inform our own popular culture. As part of my "Emerging Medievalisms" project, I've taught about how television shows like "Vikings" and "Game of Thrones" use and abuse the notion of the medieval. I'm also interested in the methods by which we come to critical and scholarly conversations, their sustainability, and the efficacy in using digital methods and social media to enhance our critical curiosity.