Maria Grillo Arbulú, PhD
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Office: EA3030
Phone: 403.440.5941
Email: mgrilloarbulu@mtroyal.ca
BEd, Spanish Language and Literature (Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega)
MA, Latin American and Peruvian Literature (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos)
PhD, Hispanic Studies (University of British Columbia)
Scholarly Interests:
A scholar and a novelist, my research focuses on Latin American literatures and cultures. I am interested in Latin American colonial and testimonial literature, as well as in the novel of the twenty-first century. My book on testimonial texts, Discursos de la nación pendiente (Editorial Pakarina/Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos) was published in 2016. I have also analyzed the “Indigenismo” literary genre, particularly the novels by José María Arguedas and Manuel Scorza. I have published articles and chapters in peer-reviewed books and academic journals, and participated in several local and international conferences. In 2018 I coedited the monographic number of the Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos (Canadian Journal of Hispanic Studies). My novel El límite del alba (Lluvia Editores) was published in 2022. A CV and additional information on my academic and literary publications can be found in my Linkedin profile (under María Teresa Grillo)
Teaching Statement:
At Mount Royal University, I am the Coordinator of the Spanish Section and provide students with advice on the Minor in Spanish Language and Hispanic Cultures. I teach all levels of Spanish language courses, from SPAN1101 and SPAN1103 (Beginners’ I and II) to high intermediate courses on writing and oral expression, grammar courses and a Business Spanish course. Teaching Spanish and offering MRU students the opportunity to acquire a second language as an asset for their careers has been and continues to be a satisfaction. I teach two courses on Latin American cultures, LAST1101 and LAST2201. As a scholar who was born in South America, I am delighted to have the opportunity to teach about this beautiful region, its struggles and opportunities; I find it a way to contribute to multiculturalism and inclusion at MRU.
Selected Publications:
El límite del alba (novel). Lima, Lluvia Editores, 2022
Discursos de la nación pendiente (academic book). Lima, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos/Pakarina, 2016.
“El hervidero de Arguedas: Una mirada hacia Chimbote bajo el influjo del capital en El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo.” José Antonio Mazzotti, ed. Arguedas Global. Indigenismo en el nuevo milenio. Lima, Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana/Universidad César Vallejo/International Association of Peruvianists, pp. 413-433.
"El suicidio como performance en 'El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo' de José María Arguedas". Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos (Canadian Journal of Hispanic Studies).Vol. 42.2 (Winter 2018) pp. 211-223.
"Convergencia de lo onírico y lo alegórico en la narrativa de Manuel Scorza". Revista Desde El Sur (Universidad Científica del Sur) Vol. 11.1 (2019), pp. 101-115.
Selected Grants, Honours and Awards:
022 - 2023. Mount Royal University Internal Research Fund. Internal Research Grant Fund. 3000 (CAD).
2014 - 2015. Mount Royal University Internal Research Fund. Internal Research Grant Fund. A study on Andean testimonio in Peru. 5000 (CAD).
2008, September - 2010, August. Doctoral Fellowship. Conferred by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Canada