Rebecca Geleyn, PhD
Academic Title: Assistant Professor
Office: EA3120
Phone: 403.440.5923
Email: rgeleyn@mtroyal.ca
BA, Honours (University of Ottawa)
MA (University of New Brunswick)
PhD (University of Calgary)
Scholarly Interests:
My scholarly interests include creative writing, contemporary Canadian literature, animal studies, ecocriticism, and visual culture. My recent fiction engages with questions of human-animal affinity and ethical representations of animals in stories, and I am currently working on a speculative novel about a post-scarcity society that examines what life beyond capitalism may look like. Prior to joining Mount Royal University, I helped run The Insurgent Architects’ House for Creative Writing (TIA House), which brought together writers, artists, scholars, activists, and community members to discuss anti-racism and social justice. My creative work can be found in literary journals across Canada, including The Malahat Review, CV2, Riddle Fence, and others.
Teaching Statement:
My teaching is based on the premise that we create knowledge together through interactions in (and outside) the classroom. I try to help students become comfortable with a sense of uncertainty, questioning, and curiosity through various in-class activities that encourage experimentation and revision. Instead of telling students how they should or shouldn’t write, my creative writing workshops place a strong emphasis on investigating the aesthetic effects and social and political ramifications of different ways of writing. My aim is to empower student writers by giving them tools to become attuned to the nuances of language so that they may use writing throughout their lives: to work through intellectual puzzles, to delve deeper into a subject through research and reflection, to share important stories, to heal, and to play.