Events and Conferences

Everything You Treasure

The exhibition "Everything You Treasure-For a World Free From Nuclear Weapons" was jointly created by SGI and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). Launched in Hiroshima in August 2012 at the 20th World Congress of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), the exhibition commemorates the 55th anniversary of second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda's September 8, 1957, Declaration Calling for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons.

The exhibition has been shown at various international conferences such as the Second Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for the 2015 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference held in Geneva in April 2013, the first Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons held in Oslo, Norway, in March 2013 and the second in Nayarit, Mexico, in February 2014.

The concept: nuclear weapons are a continuing and direct threat to all that we, collectively and individually, treasure. They impact us in ways ranging from humanitarian, environmental and economic to medical, generational and spiritual. We ourselves are the solution to the abolition of nuclear weapons which provides an opportunity to transform society, win over violence and establish a culture of peace.


  • To build a broader nuclear abolition constituency by providing the opportunity to learn about nuclear weapons from multiple viewpoints and in line with diverse interests
  • To provide information and perspectives that empower people to take action for "the future we want"
  • To generate popular momentum toward the outlawing of nuclear weapons through a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons

Section 1: What do we treasure?

  • Human security and sustainability: a safe and secure life for all
  • Nuclear weapons: historical realities and continuing threat
  • Reflection: Viewers are invited to reflect on what is most important to them (and the need to protect this from nuclear weapons)

Section 2: Learning more

  • Understanding the nuclear weapons issue from 12 perspectives: Humanitarian, Environmental, Medical, Economic, Human Rights, Energy, Scientific, Political, Spiritual, Gender, Generational and Security

Section 3: Changing Our Worldview

  • Disarmament achievements and next steps; realizing a Nuclear Weapons Convention (NWC)
  • We ourselves are the solution: New awareness and solidarity
  • The future you want: Viewers are invited to share their personal commitment to action

Event DetailsMarch 29-31, 2017
Time: All day

This event is free. All are welcome!

Main Street, Lincoln Park Campus
Mount Royal University
4825 Mount Royal Gate SW

Bringing the exhibition to Mount Royal's campus is made possible thanks to SGI Canada, Project Ploughshares, 2020 Symposium and the Peace Studies Initiative.