Jodi Nickel, PhD

Academic Title: Professor 

PhD, University of Western Ontario
MEd., University of Regina
BEd., University Regina

Contact Information 
Phone: 403.440.7227

While teaching in the K-12 education system, Jodi completed her Masters of Education researching student-teacher interaction in writing conferences. Her PhD focused on the emerging autonomy of young children. Her research interests include Scholarship of Teaching and Learning focused upon teacher reflection and learning through literacy tutoring, the emergence of professional identity during preservice education and early career teaching, teacher leadership, and the experiences of academic chairs.

Areas of Instruction

  • Language Development and Literacy
  • Teaching Elementary Language Arts
  • Practicum Supervision

Areas of Scholarship

  • Professional identity and teacher reflection
  • Teaching reading and literacy tutoring
  • Teacher leadership
  • Academic chairs

Selected publications

Nickel, J., & Chadwick, J. (2022). Tutoring to build teacher candidates' competence as reading teachers. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 30(3), 312-332.

Webber, C.F., & Nickel, J. (2022). A vibrant and empowering context for teacher leaders. International Journal for Leadership in Learning 22(1), 1-27.

Burns, A., Danyluk, P., Nickel, J., Kendrick, A., Kapoyannis, T., & McNeilly, E. (2022). Aligning goals for certification and professional growth: Building cooperation among Bachelor of Education programs in Alberta. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 69(1), 103-118.

Nickel, J. & Crosby, S. (2021). Professional identity values and tensions for early career teachers. Teaching Education, volume pending, DOI: 10.1080/10476210.2021.1895107.

Nickel, J. & Jacobsen, M. (Eds.). (2021). Preparing teachers as curriculum designers. Canadian Association for Teacher Education.

Dean, Y., Nickel, J., Miller, J., & Pickett Seltner, R. (2021). Creating an academic ecosystem where chairs can thrive: A call for action in post-secondary institutions. Brock Education, 30(2), 99-115. https://DOI.ORG/10.26522/BROCKED.V30I2.875

Nickel, J. & Zimmer, J. (2019). Professional identity in graduating teacher candidates, Teaching Education, 30(2), 145-159. DOI: 10.1080/10476210.2018.1454898

Relevant Community Service

  • Previously President of the Canadian Association for Teacher Education
  • Champion, Calgary Reads
  • Reviewer for Curriculum Journal, Frontiers, Teaching Education, The Teacher Educator, Teaching and Learning Inquiry, Journal of Early Childhood Education, and others