Our Stories


From MRC to NYC: Artwork in EDUC Classroom 


SoTL Symposium 

NetWORDing Event 

UNITE Summer School 

New Student Orientation 

Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta - Isabella Reid Memorial Scholarship and the Mandin Award

2023-2024 Education Undergraduate Society 

Canadian Association of Health Sciences Meeting 

The Honourable Lois E. Mitchell Graduating Social Studies Teacher Award

Sharing Community Service Literacy Learning Through Visual Storytelling


Building a Foundation for Early Literacy 

Alumni Gathering 

Partnering with the Brown Bear Woman Cultural Centre 

From Practicum to Classroom: Sara Tkachuk 

Edwin Parr Teacher Award Nominee: Chantelle Clairmont, Class of 2022 

French MRU student from Congo leaps into Bachelor of Education


The Department of Education's Tipi 

University of Cologne - International Summer School 

Department of Education Career Fair 

Graduating Social Studies Teacher Award

Edwin Parr Teacher Awards Nominees  

Kathryn Zemp - Governor General Silver Medal Recipient 

Knowledge Sharing in the Classroom 

Education Undergraduate Society 

Forest Ed West Conference 


Inclusive Education Symposium 

Marnie Garner - Outstanding Future Alumni

MacLean's Best Education Programs List 

Virtual Maker Creation Showcase

Capstone Showcase

BEd Student-Athlete Experience

Kimberlee Pratt - Teaching in the North 

Orange Shirt Day 


Excellece in Partnership Awards 

Connect Charter School Partnership

University of Cologne Partnership

Maker Studio Showcase 2019

Katelyn Stone — Governor General Silver Medal Recipient

Traditional Indigenous Dances in EDUC 3105 — Teaching Physical Education

Inclusive Education Symposium

Exchanging Knowledge


New Student Orientation 2018

Taylor Gierl — 2018 Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Social Studies Education Student Award

Practicum Experience at Jennie Elliot Elementary School

North to South Exhibit

Art Seminar at Willow Park Elementary


Capstone Showcase 

Department Orientation

AERA Conference


Welcome New Students — 2016

Stories from Our Grad

International Teaching Adventure in Cambodia

Completing the First Nations Education Circle

Making the Right Choice for your First Year Teaching Experience

Story Archive