Academic title: Associate Professor
PhD, University of Calgary
MA, San Diego State University
BPE & B.Ed., University of Calgary
Contact information
Office: U243Q
Email: dpsheehan@mtroyal.ca
Phone: 403.440.5148
Dr. Dwayne Sheehan was a Marine Warfare Officer in Her Majesty's Royal Canadian Navy before becoming a K–12 physical education teacher for 19 years. He served as the Executive Director of Calgary High School Sports and Past President of both the Alberta Schools Athletic Association (ASAA) and the Health and Physical Education Council (HPEC) of the Alberta Teachers' Association (ATA). Dwayne collaborates extensively with municipal recreation, parks, charities and other leisure partners. His academic and research specialization is lifespan motor development, specifically the measurement of pre-adolescent gross motor proficiency. He is an accomplished author (2 co-authored books and 3 book chapters) and has more than 50 peer-reviewed publications in international academic journals. He has received well over $600K in research funding and presented 140+ academic presentations worldwide. He is an active Scientific Diver who is currently leading a five-year deep water coral research project on the Mesoamerican reef.
Areas of Instruction:
- Human Growth and Development
- Physical Activity and the Older Adult
- Motor Learning
- Senior Practicum
Areas of Scholarship:
- Gross Motor Proficiency in Children
- Naturalistic Observation of Physical Activity in Recreation Settings
- The Impact of SCUBA Diving on Coral Reefs
- Physical Education Teacher Training
- Physical Literacy Assessment in Children and Youth
Selected Publications:
Sheehan, D. P., Lienhard, K., & Ammar, D. (2020). Reducing the Object Control Skills Gender Gap in Elementary School Boys and Girls. Advances in Physical Education. (Vol 10(2) 155-168).
Sheehan, D.P., Kooiman, B., Wesolek, M. (2018). Active Video Games: Paving the way to Virtual Online Active Games. Research and Investigations in Sports Medicine (Vol. 2(1) pp. 1-8).
Sheehan, D.P., Lienhard, K. (2019). Gross motor proficiency and peak height Velocity in 10-14-year-old Canadian youth: a longitudinal study. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science. (Vol 23(1) pp. 89-98).
Sheehan, D.P. (2017). An Evaluation of Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity in an Elementary School QDPE Program. Physical and Health Education Canada Journal (Vol. 83(2) pp. 6-30).
Green, N.R., Roberts, W.M., Sheehan, D.P., Keegan, R.J. (2018). Charting physical literacy journeys within physical education settings. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education (Vol. 37 pp. 272-279).
Selected Presentations:
- Sheehan, D. P. (2023) What is the Environmental Impact of Recreational SCUBA Divers on the Caribbean Coral Reef. 47th Annual Caribbean Studies Association Conference. Christiansted, US Virgin Islands
- Sheehan, D.P. (2019). Bringing Physical Literacy to Life in Schools and Community. Chang Jung Christian University Physical Literacy Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Sheehan, D.P. (2019). Healthy Living School: Connecting Schools to Their Community. SHAPE America Conference, Tampa, Florida.
- Sheehan, D.P. (2018). Engaging Residents In The Development Of Their Own Neighborhood. Walk 21 Conference, Bogota, Columbia.
- Sheehan, D.P. (2017). Promoting Physical Literacy for Holistic Health Throughout Life. International Physical Literacy Association conference, Liverpool, U.K.
Relevant Community Service
- International Physical Literacy Association, Canadian Representative
- Calgary Housing Authority Community Researcher
- City of Calgary Sport and Recreation Researcher
- Vivo for Healthier Generations Physical Literacy Researcher
- Brookfield Residential Community Engagement Researcher