PhD, University of Calgary
MEd, University of Lethbridge
BA, University of Calgary
Contact Information
Office: U243E
Email: nvanwyk@mtroyal.ca
Phone: 403.440.5147
Nadine Van Wyk is the current Physical Literacy Coordinator and Assistant Professor in the Department of Health and Physical Education. Nadine's PhD examined the exploration of innovative methods of program design and delivery of physical literacy in the recreation sector. Her community work and research have involved Vivo for Healthier Generations, the City of Calgary, the Calgary Catholic School Board and the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario. Nadine's areas of interest include; curriculum design and assessment and promotion of physical literacy across the lifespan.
Areas of Instruction
- Movement Education
- Introduction to Health and Physical Education
- Leadership and Communication
- Functional Gymnastics
- Issues in Physical Literacy and Health
Areas of Scholarship
- Assessment of Physical Literacy (Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy)
- Vivo for Healthier Generations - 4in1, 7 Year Longitudinal Physical Literacy Study
- CHEERS in Early Learning Childcare Centres: Raising Healthy Albertans
Selected Presentations
Parent Link Provincial Network Conference — Learn Play Connect, June 2019
Alberta Recreation Parks Association Conference — Connecting through Research
Early Learning & Child Care Essential Pieces Conference: Connecting Professionals
Relevant Community Service
- Motor proficiency testing, systematic observation, interviews and focus groups at Vivo for Healthier Generations
- Conducted and been part of the validation of the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy with the Calgary Catholic Board of Education and Chartered Schools
- Part of the leadership for the Physical Literacy and You (PLAY) group in Calgary
- Member of the Alberta Parks and Recreation Association Child & Youth committee