Tatiane Piucco, PhD
Academic Title: Contract Faculty
PhD, Federal University of Santa Catarina
M.PE, Federal University of Santa Catarina
B.Physics, Federal University of Santa Catarina
B.PE, Federal University of Santa Catarina
Contact Information
Office: U243S
Email: tpiucco@mtroyal.ca
During my PhD postdoctoral work I developed and validated a new protocol to evaluate performance on speed skating. This protocol considers limitations in leg blood flow imposed by the specific low posture and the long isometric duty cycle during skating. Now my current research project aims to examine cardiovascular and neuromuscular responses to exercise throughout the adult lifespan in trained and untrained individuals. The purpose is to investigate how much aging 'per se' or fitness status influence overall health.
Areas of Instruction
Exercise Physiology
Statistics and Research methods
Endurance and strength training
Exercise Physiology
Motor learning
Endurance training
Selected Publications
PIUCCO T, PHILIPS J*, FINNIE J*, RADOS A*, de LUCAS RD. (2019). Critical skating intensity on a slide board: physiological and neuromuscular responses and correlation with performance on ice. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. Accepted
PIUCCO T, de LUCAS RD. (2019). Application of critical intensity model during slide board skating. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 44: 443–446.
PIUCCO T, SOARES R, DIEFENTHAELER F, MILLET GM, MURIAS JMM. (2018). Oxygen uptake and muscle deoxygenation kinetics during skating: comparison between slide board and treadmill skating. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 13(6): 783-788.
PIUCCO T, SAKAGUICHI M, STEFANYSHYN D, BINI R, DIEFENTHAELER F. (2017). Motor unit firing frequency of lower limb muscles during incremental slide board skating test. Sports Biomechanics. 16(4): 540-551
PIUCCO T, DIEFENTHAELER F, SOARES R, MURIAS JM, MILLET GM. (2017). Validation of a maximal incremental skating test performed on a slide board: comparison with treadmill skating. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance.12(10): 1363-1369