Lisa Semple

Academic Title: Associate Professor

Office: Y354
Phone: 403.440.8652

MN, University of Calgary
BN, University of Calgary

Lisa Semple received her Bachelor of Nursing at the University of Calgary in 1986 and began her career as a staff nurse the Alberta Children's Hospital caring primarily for hospitalized children with cystic fibrosis, asthma and diabetes. She developed a special interest in the needs of children with complex chronic illness and the family experience. This led to the focus of her graduate studies.
For several years Lisa Semple worked in the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic at ACH and considers this a highlight of her career. During that time, she participated in the development of the first newborn screening program for cystic fibrosis in Canada. Lisa joined the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Mount Royal University in 2009 and teaches nursing fundamentals and child health.

Areas of Instruction

  • Children's Health
  • Fundamentals of Nursing

Areas of Scholarship

  • Collaborative Practice and Education: An Integrative Approach Using an Unfolding Case Study
  • Nursing Student Experiences Implementing Family Centred Care

Selected Publications

The Wiley International Handbook of Service-Learning for Social Justice, Local to Global Indigenous Health in Service Learning: Collaboration with Child, Family, and Community, Elder “Grandmother” Doreen Spence, Kupuna “Aunty” Francine Dudoit Tagupa, Andrea Puamakamae`okawēkiu Kennedy, Lisa Semple, Samantha Cardinal Rachael Jones and Michelle Scott

Kennedy, Andrea; Semple, Lisa; Alderson, Kerri; Bouskill, Vanessa; Karasevich, Janice; Riske, Brenda; van Gunst, Sheri (2017). Don't Push Your Luck! Educational Family Board (Not Bored) Game for School-Age Children Living with Chronic Conditions. Journal of Pediatric Nursing (Vol. 35(July-August 2017) pp. 57- 64). Elsevier. (In Print). doi:

Selected Presentations

Semple. L., Currie, G., Hughes, S. (2019). Benefits of Interprofessional Education in Undergraduate Learning. MRU, MRU. Celebrate Teaching and Learning.

Currie, G., Semple. L., Hughes, S. (2018). "It Stretched my mind" Student engagement through an innovative interprofessional learning activity. Research, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement (RAISE) England, Hallam University Sheffield England. Working Better Together: Collaborations in Student Engagement

Hughes, S., Currie, G. (2018). New Insights, New Perspectives: Benefits from participation in a Interprofessional Case Study. SoTL Banff, Alberta.

Semple, L., & Currie, G. (2018). "Stretching my mind to look at things in different ways" An Innovative Interprofessional Learning Activity. CASN, Montreal Quebec.