Students in the Athletic Therapy major are required to complete seven practicum courses in the degree. The practicum is designed to intentionally introduce students to the field of athletic therapy. These opportunities are extremely valuable to students as it showcases potential areas of future employment.
Practicum (ATTH 2050 — Professional Practice) involves two components. The first requires students to gain knowledge on professionalism, ethical behaviour, business practice, communication, conflict management and confidentiality. The second component is a 50-hour unpaid practical shadowing and observation experience. Students will be assigned a certified athletic therapist to shadow.
Throughout each year of the four-year program, experiential learning components in and outside the classroom allow you to put classroom theory into practice to gain the valuable skills that will support them later on in their careers. The practicum experience further builds and enhances student learning.
BHPE — Athletic Therapy students must complete:
- ATTH 2050 — Professional Practice in Athletic Therapy
- ATTH 3150 — Clinical Practicum I
- ATTH 3152 — Clinical Practicum II
- ATTH 3160 — Field Practicum I
- ATTH 3162 — Field Practicum II
- ATTH 4150 — Clinical and Field Practicum III
- ATTH 4152 — Clinical and Field Practicum IV
Students will be required to complete a minimum of 750 practical hours. However, since the Athletic Therapy program is competency-based, students must continue to collect practical hours until they have achieved specific milestones and competencies at specific time periods throughout the program. Failure to achieve these competencies may delay student progress.
Students need to obtain a Police Information Check and Vulnerable Sector Search prior to ATTH 2050.