Indigenous Housing Program

Belong to a community

The Indigenous Housing Program provides cultural supports and affordable single rooms and family units for students who self-identify as First Nations, Métis, Non-status or Inuit. Students qualify for housing based on academic readiness, academic and career goals, and financial need. All self-identified Indigenous students are eligible for a bursary to reduce residence fees.

The Indigenous Housing Coordinator helps you build a support network, connects you with academic supports and includes you in monthly community-building activities.

Single Rooms

Single rooms are located across campus — in East Residence townhouse-style units and West Residence apartments, among Indigenous students and non-Indigenous students. All students in the Indigenous Housing Program belong to a supportive, connected community on campus. Participate in monthly community-building activities, including monthly events, meetings, and cultural celebrations and ceremonies.

Access support from application through to graduation with:

  • applying to residence,
  • understanding university life and navigating campus services,
  • administrative support with Indigenous organizations and First Nations for your residence fees,
  • off-campus resources,
  • scholarships, bursaries and awards, and
  • volunteer and job opportunities.


“Housing has been a big part of my success. I’ve been able to save money because my costs were literally cut in half. I never miss a class because it’s walkable, and it has been such a privilege to go to the library at night … right next door.”

— Recent graduate and former resident


Important message for new students from Residence Services

Due to our higher than usual anticipated occupancy for the 2024-2025 academic year, Residence Services cannot guarantee housing for new students who apply before June 15. We will prioritize housing new students as much as possible. Our prioritization process will likely include date of application, so we will encourage new students to apply as early as possible. Thank you for your understanding as we work in this challenging housing environment. 

Learn more about Residence Services.

How to apply for the Indigenous Housing Program bursary

If you would like to be considered for the Indigenous Housing Program bursary, please contact Melanie Parsons, Housing and Events Coordinator, Iniskim Centre, for more information about the program and the application.

This bursary application is in addition to the Residence Services application you must submit. Please read the important message for new students from Residence Services above. Do not wait to apply for housing through Residence Services until you have heard back from third party sponsors or about the bursary. The Indigenous Housing Program bursary application is part B of a two part application process.  

The bursary application is available through the Housing Coordinator as of May 1st until July 1, 2024. 

Frequently asked questions


Family Units — 2 or 4-bedrooms

The Iniskim Centre is pleased to offer eight family units.

Residents of family units live on campus year-round with their children, with access to the Wellness Centre, Child Care Centre and Cougars Recreation. Family units are in the East Residence townhouses — a quiet fenced-in campus area offering a small, family-friendly community with play structures and open green space.

Get support from application through to graduation. We can help you:

  • apply to residence,
  • learn about university life and navigate campus services,
  • work with Indigenous organizations and First Nations for your residence fees,
  • connect with off-campus resources,
  • apply for scholarships, bursaries and awards, and
  • find volunteer and job opportunities.


“Having a safe, affordable home on campus took so much burden off my shoulders as the sole provider for my children. It was one less thing to stress about.”

— Recent graduate and former resident


Calls for applications for family units are based on availability.

No longer accepting applications for the 2024/25 academic year. 


How to apply for 2 or 4-bedroom family units

If you would like to be considered for the Indigenous Housing Program, please contact Melanie Parsons, Housing and Events Coordinator, Iniskim Centre, for more information about the program and application, which is in addition to the Residence Services application you will have to submit.

Applications do not carry over. Family units are not rented on a first-come, first-serve basis. There is no waitlist for the family units.

Frequently asked questions

Contact us


Housing and Events Coordinator
Iniskim Centre

Iniskim Centre


The Indigenous Housing Program is grateful to David and Leslie Bissett for their donation for family housing renovations and bursaries.