Oki, Aba wethtech, Danit'ada, Tanisi and Congratulations!
Although the signing of Treaty 7 occurred on September 22, 1877, our ancestors were connected by treaty generations before. In 1910, Mount Royal College, as it was known then, was granted a charter to begin operating as a post-secondary institution. Now, as a degree-granting institution, we graduate more than a hundred First Nation, Métis, Inuit and Non-status Indigenous students yearly.
Imagine our ancestors from that time seeing you today as graduates that have learned to walk in both the Western and Indigenous worlds — this was their hope and dreams for the seventh generation.
Every year, we want to acknowledge this momentous occasion — recognize your hard work; celebrate with you, your family and the community; and continually raise awareness of Indigenous peoples, cultures and student support throughout MRU and the greater community.
We are honoured to invite you to the Mount Royal University Indigenous Honouring Ceremonies.
IUBP Indigenous Honouring Ceremonies
You and your family are invited to participate in Mount Royal University's Indigenous Honouring Ceremonies to celebrate your accomplishments as a community.
The Iniskim Centre and Mount Royal University wish to honour you on the successful completion of the Indigenous University Bridging Program.
Throughout the event, you will hear celebratory messages from Elders, MRU senior leadership and Iniskim Centre staff; celebrate with traditional songs and a blanket ceremony of your education achievement as part of your pathway to a good life.
After the ceremony, the community is invited to share stories, celebrate and get to know the people who have supported your family members during their academic studies.
Indigenous graduates have the option and are encouraged to wear traditional regalia to the ceremony in place of or in addition to the cap and gown.
Event details
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
9 a.m. – noon
Bella Concert Hall
Taylor Centre for the Performing Arts
Mount Royal University
Entertainment and light refreshments will be served in the Bella Lobby as you arrive.
This event is free. Registration for graduates, family and friends is required.
Indigenous Honouring Ceremonies Photo Opportunities
By offering several photo opportunities, we want to ensure that we offer a culturally safe space for Indigenous graduates and their families.
Indigenous graduate portrait sessions
Lifetouch will be on campus on Tuesday, May 30, 1 – 4 p.m. Photos will be taken in order of appearance. No registration is required, and Indigenous grads will not incur the sitting fee through a Lifetouch sponsorship. There will be two locations available for portrait sessions, book your 10-minute time slot.
For the Indigenous graduate portrait sessions, graduates are welcome to wear traditional and formal regalia, and family members are encouraged to join the photo session.
Indigenous graduate photos with tipi and family
Indigenous graduates and family members can have their photos taken in front of the tipi in the Centennial Garden Courtyard (outside the T-wing near the Iniskim Centre). Any photos taken will be shared with the graduate.
There is no registration required. Photos will be taken in order of appearance. Pending weather, we will have a tipi located outside the Iniskim Centre.
Past celebrations
Summer 2022 Indigenous Graduation ceremony
Launch the digital graduation program
Spring 2021's online gathering
Spring and Fall 2019, Winter and Spring 2020's online gathering
Please email Tori McMillan at tmcmillan@mtroyal.ca and Christy Lowrance at clowrance@mtroyal.ca