Our office is located in the Main Building in B344
Contact Information for the Department of Biology
Our faculty and staff are happy to provide information on our programs or answer questions you may have. Please refer to the list below for whom to directly contact regarding your specific questions.
General Inquiries, Department Administrative Assistant
Anna Sahata
Email: asahata@mtroyal.ca
Phone: 403.440.6163
Chair, Department of Biology
Dr. Jon Mee
Email: jmee@mtroyal.ca
Phone: 403.440.5150
Biology Honours Program Coordinator
Dr. Sara Smith
Email: ssmith6@mtroyal.ca
Phone: 403.440.6639
Biology Department Advisor
Dr. Kartika Tjandra
Email: ktjandra@mtroyal.ca
Phone: 403.440.8733
Requests for Prerequisite or Program Overrides
Override Request Form
Academic Advising
Chelsey Schafer, Ciarra Spaan, Ryan Owchar
Phone: 403.440.7220
Email: scitechadvising@mtroyal.ca
Admissions and Recruitment Office
Phone: 403.440.5000 - (Option 5)
Toll free: 1.877.440.5001