Michelle DeWolfe, PhD
Position: Professor
Office: B248 C
Office Hours: TBA
Phone: 403.440.8945
Fax: 403.440.6333
E-mail: mdewolfe@mtroyal.ca
Instructor Profile :Dr. Michelle DeWolfe is a professor of economic geology and igneous petrology. She attained her Ph.D. in mineral deposits and Precambrian geology from Laurentian University in 2009. Prior to that she worked in mineral exploration for Falconbridge Ltd. (now Glencore PLC) and FNX Mining Ltd. (now KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.).
Current research:
Her current research is focused on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Slave craton, Trans Hudson orogen, West Greenland, and the northern Appalachians, as well as seafloor massive sulfide deposits of the southern Indian Ocean.