John Cox, PhD


Office: B248K

Office Hours: TBA


Fax: 403-440-6333

Instructor Profile: John began his career at Mount Royal College in 1983 and was honoured with Distinguished Faculty Awards in 1994 and 2012 and a Student Association
Teaching Excellence Award in 1995. He was Chair of the Department of Earth Sciences for
13 years and helped to develop the BSc Geology major program. He is currently
coordinator of the Geology program.

Main areas of scholarly interest and Current research interests:
Petroleum Geology; Clastic Depositional Environments; the Mesozoic strata of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin.

Education: John's MSc research work at the University of Alberta(1976-79) examined the Lead-Zinc-Gold-Silver ore deposits associated with the Nelson Batholith in British Columbia. His PhD studies at the University of Aberdeen (1988-93) were on the Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Bow Island Formation in south-west Alberta.