Susan Reid

Susan Reid, M.SC

Position: Sessional Instructor

Office: B248 S

Office Hours: By appointment

Phone: 403.440.6179


I am passionate about Earth Science! I love getting students interested in learning more about our Earth and the relationship between society and the natural world. I like to keep students engaged with lots of in-class activities, by highlighting geological and geographical events that are happening around the globe, and by making connections between geology, geography and everyday life. I have been an instructor at MRU since 2014, teaching lectures, labs and field schools in both Geology and Geography.

Before coming to MRU, I worked with Natural Resources Canada actively investigating zinc and lead mines in northern Canada, and prior to that in the petroleum industry in Calgary. My most recent areas of study are Environmental Geography and Human-Environment relationship.

B.Sc. Geology, University of Calgary
M.Sc. Geology, University of Calgary