Faith-Michael Uzoka
Position: Professor
Office: B113L
Phone: 403-440-6674
E-mail: fuzoka@mtroyal.ca
Post Doc Fellowship, University of Calgary, (2004-2005)
Ph.D., Computer Science [IS], Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
M.Sc., Computer Science [IS]. Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
MBA, University of Benin, Nigeria (1995)
Michael has taught Computer Science and Information Systems in various universities since 1992. He also conducted a two year post doctoral research at the University of Calgary (2004-2005) .
He is a full professor in the department of Mathematics and Computing, and Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Commerce, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya and the ICT University in Baton Rouge, USA.
Michael's research interests are Medical Informatics, Evaluation Systems, Computing Disciplinary Studies, and Technology Adoption and Innovation. He is on the editorial board/ program committees of the following journals/conferences: International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Consumer Informatics, Information Systems Conference, Axioms, ACM SIGMIS-CPR Conference. He has recently reviewed for the following journals: Journal of Healthcare Engineering, ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), Technological Forecasting and Social Change, ACM Inroads, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, The Behaviour and Information Technology, Medical Informatics and Decision Making, Information and Management, Telecommunications Policy, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, International Journal of Scientific Research in Education, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, and Expert Systems with Applications.