
Internal Research Grant Fund

The Internal Research Grant Fund (IRGF) is the main source of internal research funds available to eligible faculty at Mount Royal University. This program is designed to support faculty in developing their research programs through the funding of:

  • Pilot projects
  • Projects designed to lead to larger-scale external funding applications
  • Projects that are not well-suited to external funding opportunities

Opportunity Deadlines

Fall Application Deadline: noon Monday, September 30, 2024.

Winter Application Deadline: noon Monday, January 6, 2025 

Due to login issues with ROMEO, the winter application deadline has been extended to noon Wednesday, January 8, 2024 


  • The maximum period for a project is 1 year.  
  • Applications awarded in the Fall IRGF opportunity must be completed by December 31, 2025.
  • Applications awarded in the Winter IRGF opportunity must be completed by March 31, 2026.
  • Applicants are encouraged to apply to the opportunity that best suits their proposed project timeline.
  •  Applications will be accepted until noon on the submission deadline. Results will be announced 6-8 weeks from the submission deadline.
  • Program guidelines subject to change between opportunities. Please review for updates prior to application submission.



SSHRC Explore Grants

MRU receives a SSHRC Institutional Grant block grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) that funds SSHRC Explore grants.

The application process for the SSHRC Explore Grants is integrated with the Internal Research Grant Fund (IRGF) application process.

Applications for these awards will be conducted through ROMEO. Applicants who indicate their application is SSHRC eligible  will be considered for the SSHRC Grants by the Scholarship Review Committee. The top ranked SSHRC eligible IRGF will be awarded SSHRC Explore grants. SSHRC Explore awards are administered identically to existing internal awards, but they are 'branded' as SSHRC awards and will have specific acknowledgement and reporting requirements.

The maximum value of an IRGF Grant or a SSHRC Explore Grant is $7,000 over one year.

Applicant Eligibility

Applicants must be full-time tenurable or tenured Mount Royal University faculty at the time of application. Part-time faculty members interested in applying are required to partner as a co-applicant with an eligible full-time faculty member. Non-MRU faculty may participate as co-collaborators and are expected to bring their own resources to the project. With the exception of certain well justified travel and subsistence-related expenses, IRGF (or SSHRC Explore) funds may not be used to cover expenses collaborators incur in the conduct of research or research-related activity.

Applicants may hold one IRGF (or SSHRC Explore) grant every two years. NOTE: grant extensions will impact your eligibility period. Previous IRGF grants must be completed one year before applicants are eligible to apply again. A grant is completed when all expenses have been incurred and the final research report has been submitted. This applies to the Principal Investigator only. 

Lead applicants can only submit one application per opportunity. 

Ineligible applications will be returned without adjudication.

Adjudication Process and Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be adjudicated by the Scholarship Review Committee (SRC). The SRC is composed of faculty members from across Mount Royal University. Each academic Faculty has representation on this committee. As a whole, the Scholarship Review Committee has a wide range of research experience covering quantitative, qualitative and mixed methodologies. Therefore, it is important to understand that any of the SRC committee members may review and adjudicate your applications - please ensure that you write your proposal so that it can be reasonably evaluated by all faculty on the SRC.

The ORSCE will notify applicants of the results of their applications and will provide committee comments to applicants who were not selected for funding.

* If you are concerned about a potential Conflict of Interest with your proposal and a particular committee member, please be sure to explain this in the Conflict of Interest section of your application. The ORSCE will work with your Faculty Dean to explore and mitigate potential conflicts that have been identified to us.*

IRGF Rubric

Please click above to view an updated version of the IRGF scoring rubric. This is the criteria that will be used for adjudicating IRGF applications. There are nine categories and each will have a detailed description. Each category is worth five points toward an overall score of 45. Please see the rubric above for a detailed overview of what scoring will look like in each category. 


Budget FAQ

Most expenses that are related to the direct costs of research are eligible under the Internal Research Grants fund.

Examples of typical IRGF expenses are:

  • Personnel/student Research Assistant (RA) costs
  • Data collection costs (including related travel)
  • Conference/dissemination travel (see the note below)
  • Small equipment purchases (excluding computers)
  • Specialist services not available at Mount Royal University (e.g. translation)

Personnel costs: 

Include rates (as a guide, the "standard" RA rate is $17-$21 per hour at Mount Royal University), hours and total costs. The current employer's costs are approximately 17% (9.2% vacation and holiday, employer's contributions of 5.10% and employer's CEI contributions of 2.268%). The benefit costs should also be included for budgetary purposes (this covers CPP and CEI employer costs) and is an additional cost charged to the grant account.


Include a reasonable estimate of what the required equipment will cost. Estimates can be determined by contacting suppliers or consulting appropriate websites. Don't forget costs for taxes, shipping, exchange and duty. All equipment purchased through an IRGF award are the property of MRU.

Collaborators expenses:

 Non-MRU faculty may participate as collaborators and are expected to bring their own resources to the project. With the exception of certain travel and subsistence related expenses, IRGF (or SSHRC Explore) funds may not be used to cover expenses collaborators incur in the conduct of research or research-related activity.

For travel/conferences: 

Try to estimate the full cost. If the conference has not yet been scheduled or is some time in the future, estimate the costs.
For example: Domestic conference presentation: $1250.


  • Dissemination-based travel can comprise up to 35% of the total budget.

Ineligible expense examples:

  • Software costs where MRU has institutional licenses (SPSS, NVivo, Qualtrics)
  • COVID Quarantine related expenses
  • Personnel Costs for principal applicant, co-applicants and collaborators
  • Teaching Release
  • Hospitality related expenses
  • Office Supplies: General office supplies and photocopying are not eligible expenses. Printing that is specifically related to the project (e.g. printing of paper surveys to be used in data collection) is an allowable expense. Contact Print Services for current rates. Be sure to provide appropriate justification for these costs in your application.

Other Funding:
It is an acceptable practice to submit the same proposal to multiple funding opportunities. However, you must indicate in your application if this proposal has been submitted to another internal or external opportunity. If both opportunities are awarded, you may be asked to forfeit your IRGF award if you do not adequately indicate how you will effectively utilize both opportunities.

Additionally, if your project budget exceeds the maximum award amount, you must clearly indicate in the application how you will obtain the additional funds.

ORSCE follows MRU and Tri-Agency policies and procedures must be observed when spending an IRGF award. You may find the relevant MRU policies and procedures on the ORSCE and Financial Services websites. Visit the Tri-agency Guide on Financial Administration for more information on the relevant polices.

Once funding has been secured, our Research Finance Analyst will be happy to sit down with you and explain key finance procedures associated with your project, however, by accepting funds from the Internal Research Grants Fund, you are agreeing to use those funds in accordance with all policies and procedures governing research at Mount Royal University.

Research Compliance

Compliance certification (human ethics, animal, biomedical, etc.), is not required before applications have been approved for funding. However, successful awards will not be released until all required certifications have been secured. Please contact Priscilla Wamucii (, Research Compliance Officer, for more information.


Melissa Deane (, Director of the ORSCE, will be able to answer many of the questions you may have on the IRGF process.