Conduct Your Research

Conduct Your Research

Conducting a research project can seem like a daunting task, especially if you are unfamiliar with all of the steps involved. We are here to provide high quality, one-on-one support to your research program. Our services span the life-cycle of your project, from seeking and securing funding, understanding conflict of interest and ethics, managing your funds, and disseminating your knowledge.

A Research Activity Form must be submitted via ROMEO one week prior to the external funder's deadline. The Research Activity Form must include the full and complete grant application (or LOI, NOI, etc.) for review, whether of not the external funder requires institutional signatures. A Research Activity Form must be submitted for each stage of the funding process, such as LOI, NOI, etc. 


Step One:

Get Funding

Find Funding Opportunities

Once you have developed a project idea, you may determine that funding is required to complete it. Funding for research can come through internal sources, provincial, federal and other non-profit sources or industry.

Understand Indirect Costs of Research

When acquiring funding, it is important to understand and allow for all associated costs. Understanding the indirect costs of research can help you to plan your budget when applying for funds.

Prepare Your Application

The Office of Research, Scholarship and Community Engagement offers one-on-one proposal development consultations and draft review. For detailed feedback, contact us early in the process. we can help you to structure your idea to make it more competitive for funding, and to develop a strong funding proposal.

Step Two:

Apply for Ethics Certifications

Understand MRU's Policies and Procedures on Research Ethics and Compliance

If your research involves human or animal subjects, you will need to have ethics certification before you can proceed with your research. Researchers must agree to adhere to MRU's policies to perform their research.

Apply for Certifications Through ROMEO

Ethics applications that are managed by MRU are done through the ROMEO research management system.


Step Three:

Manage Your Project

Hire and Contract for Research

Some research projects may require the use of contracted external help. Please be sure to familiarize with MRU's policies and procedures related to contacting. All contracts must go through ORSCE in order to be funded.

Hire and Supervise Research Assistants

Student Research Assistants support researchers in their projects while gaining valuable experience for themselves.

Transfer Funds to Co-Investigators

When collaborating with co-investigators from other institutions, it may be necessary to transfer research funds. A transfer of funds requires the creation of a legal agreement and must go through ORSCE.

Purchase Equipment and Software

Certain procedures must be followed in order to purchase equipment and software for research use. Following these procedures will ensure that equipment and software expenses are covered by your research funds.

Travel for Research

Before leaving on research related travel, there are a few procedures that must be followed and forms to fill out. This is to make certain that all those involved in travelling are safe as well as to provide funds for specific travel related expenses.

Report and Claim Expenses

After spending research funds, an expense form must be filled out. Researchers may be held responsible for covering deficits for unapproved, unreported, or ineligible expenses and for not complying with MRU and funding agency rules and regulations.

Giftcards for Research Participants 

Explanation of the Everything Card platform and how to request funds for a giftcard as compensation for research related work. 

Release of Funds 

Explains how release of funds works. Important information on how ethics and project funding intersect. How to gain access to funding for a project when waiting for ethics approvals. 




Step Four:

Communicate Your Research


Share Your Knowledge

Increasingly, funders expect that research undertaken with grant funds generate results outside of the academic community (where applicable). Knowledge mobilization can, and often should take place throughout the life cycle of your project - it is important to consider the ways that your work can impact different groups and how you can share the knowledge you are creating with them (or even share the process!).