Assessment tools
Use the following assessment checklists to guide your department or area on "Best Practices" when it comes to working with records at Mount Royal University.
These tools are designed to direct employees towards specific issues and/or requirements that need to be considered in order to meet RIM and FOIP obligations within each department - area.
In addition, the assessment checklists can provide a template upon which to design and draft a records management system that best meets the requirements of Mount Royal University.
Due to the fact that documents are typically produced from the activities belonging to an entire department or area, it follows that these tools are best used to stimulate communication within teams rather than being used by a single individual.
Assessment tool goals:
- to help design or draft a records management system
- to promote team-building within your area
- to highlight the strengths and weaknesses in your records management practices
- to prevent privacy breaches before they occur
- to provide a way to document your ideas and forward your feedback directly to the Information Management Advisor
- to enable the Information Management Advisor to make formal changes to the Records Retention Schedule
Below are two assessment checklists that can be used to analyze your department or area. They are designed to be short and help a department or area begin to draft a records management program.
How to assess your records management system:
Always contact the University Information Management Advisor after completing any assessment tool in order to help with providing additional analysis or perspective.
Assess meeting FOIP Requirements
Assess meeting RIM Requirements