Frequently Asked Questions


Employment Preparation Certificate

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the goal of the full time Employment Preparation Certificate Program?
A: To develop the skills necessary to obtain and maintain a paid entry level job within one year.

Q: Who does TVP serve?
A: Adults with mild developmental disabilities who are ready, willing and able to work.

Q: Is there financial support available? Who qualifies?
A: Yes, there are a variety of options available.

  • The program is RESP eligible.
  • Skills Investment funding might be available for adults who have a diagnosed developmental disability and who are 18 years of age

Q: What qualifications do the staff possess?
A: Each staff member has qualifications and experience that relate directly to supporting adults with developmental disabilities including supported employment, community rehabilitation and adult education.

Q: If I already took the Employment Preparation Certificate Program, can I take it again?
A: No, but ask about the possibility of our Employment Assistance Program.

Q: Is there a second year to the program?
A: Yes, there is an optional second year of support that is available to graduates of the Employment Preparation Certificate Program.

Q: Do I get a U Pass for transit?
A: Yes, there is the option to purchase a Upass. Please visit our Fees and Tuition webpage for Upas cost

Q: Can I use Mount Royal Recreation and other facilities?
A: Yes, but please inquire about applicable fees.

Q: I already have a job. Should I take the Employment Preparation Certificate Program?
A: Yes - we can help you develop additional skills at your current job or to look for a different job. If you are working 25 hours or more you are not eligible for funding.

Q: Which employers do you work with?
A: Click here to see the types of employment TVP students have had in the past.

Q: Am I guaranteed my choice of job?
A: No, it depends on your qualifications and the job availability.

Q: Will I get paid? How much?
A: Paid employment is always our goal; however, it depends on each student's circumstance and the employer.

Q: I want to work with computer programming/designing video games/in the trades/agriculture - can you get me a job in this field?
A: Our focus is on entry-level positions based on your qualifications and job availability.

Q: Will I have homework?
A: Yes, because we believe it helps you remember what you have learned and to help develop time management and problem solving skills.

Q: Do I get holidays/vacation?
A: No, because it could interfere with instruction and employment. It is similar to your first year at work where you typically do not get vacation.

Q: What types of things will I be learning? What classes will I take?
A: All our classes help you develop functional skills and are related to work. Examples include functional math and literacy as well as work preparation.

Q: What is an Employment Specialist?
A: An Employment Specialist is the key contact person who supports students transitioning into work experiences and competitive employment.

Q: What if I need more support when I am done the program? Can I stay/come back to TVP?
A: There is an optional second year of work site support and after the second year we will make recommendations if further support is necessary. It is up to the individual to pursue these recommendations.

Q: Will I take mainstream classes?
A: No, all classes are specifically designed for the Employment Preparation Certificate program.

Q: Can I live in residence? If so, will I receive support? How much does residence cost?
A: Yes. Please contact Residential Services at 403.440.6275 on your own. TVP does not provide support in residence.

Q: What are work experiences?
A: Work experiences are designed to support you in developing skills necessary for entry-level employment. Work experiences can be paid or unpaid.

Q: Can I join the sports teams?
A: You can try out for competitive sports teams or join intramurals in your free time.

Q: Is there an age limit (min/max)?
A: Students need to be a minimum of 18 on the first day of classes.

Q: How much parental support/involvement is there?
A: TVP students are adults and will be treated as such; however, we do believe that it is important for the students to receive support at home in order to be successful in the classroom and on the work site. Parents are asked not to contact the work sites but to work with the key contact, the Employment Specialist.

Q: How long is the program?
A: The Employment Preparation Certificate program is 12 months beginning in September and continuing through the end of August. It can be followed up with the optional Employment Assistance Program, which is also 12 months, September through August.

Q: How many work experiences will I have?
A: As few or as many as it takes to see you competitively employed in an entry-level position.

Q: Can I work with pets/animals? Children?
A: We strongly discourage placements in these areas due to certification requirements and the low availability of jobs in the job market.

Q: Do I have to work at the end of the program? How many hours a week will I be working?
A: We expect you to be ready, able and willing to work and to be working at least 25 hours a week.