Build skills you can use every day
Our part-time courses support students as they build life skills, such as interpersonal communication and meal planning, as well as improve their ability in areas including reading, writing and math. From learning how to code to preparing to take the learner's licence test, these courses are designed to meet students' practical needs and interests. To see all course descriptions, click here.
Spring registration is now open!
Questions? Contact us:
403.440.6872 or tvp@mtroyal.ca
Functional Literacy - Condensed Click here to register
This course assists you in improving your reading, writing, listening, speaking and viewing skills in a learner-centered small group. To meet individual needs and ability levels, the content is based on your learning goals
Subject (for registration): TVP - Adult Basic Education
Subject code: XABE-10017-003 | Fee: $350 | |||
CRN 50050 |
May 1 - June 17 | 10 a.m. - noon | Tue & Thurs. |
Functional Math - Condensed Click here to register
This course increases your ability to understand numbers, use calculators for daily living needs, understand income and expenses, and to be aware of community resources. To meet individual needs and ability levels, the content is based on your learning goals.
Subject (for registration): TVP - Adult Basic Education
Subject code: XABE-10018-004 | Fee: $350 | |||
CRN 50051 |
May 1 - June 17 | 1 - 3 p.m. | Tue & Thurs. |
My Digital Life Click here to register
The course aims to expand your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. You will do this by using computer-based applications and programs. You will have the opportunity to work on a variety of activities and create projects based on your individual learning needs and goals.
Subject (for registration): TVP - Adult Basic Education
Subject code: XABE-10020-007 | Fee: $350 | |||
CRN 50052 |
May 2 - June 18 | 1 - 3 p.m. | Wed & Fri |
Computer, Tablets, and Smartphones Click here to register
This course helps you use programs such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, keyboarding and typing software programs. Explore tablets and smartphones and find ways to use them in your daily life. Learn basic computer terminology, and explore the accessibility features and a variety of apps in tablets and smartphones,. Practice successfully and safely using the internet to search for specific information. Register and utilize a web-based email program such as Gmail or Hotmail.
Subject (for registration): TVP - Computer Literacy
Subject code: XCLI-10001-014 | Fee: $485 | |||
CRN 50039 |
May 2 - June 25 | 9:30 a.m. - noon | Wed & Fri |
Graphic Design Click here to register
You will learn the basic principles of graphic design (proximity, alignment, repetition and contrast) in the computer lab. Use computer-based graphic designSubject (for registration): TVP - Computer Literacy
Subject code: XCLI-10009-005 | Fee: $350 | |||
CRN 50255 |
May 1 - June 17 | 1 - 3 p.m. | Tue & Thurs. |
Basic Living Skills Click here to register
Learn how to handle the demands of daily life, take care of yourself more independently and learn steps to stay healthy. Learn how to plan meals, budget for common expenses and get around the city. Note: Students participate in an instructor-led online cooking component.
Subject (for registration): TVP - Self Development
Subject code: XSDL-10018-003 | Fee: $400 | |||
CRN 50149 |
May 2 - June 18 | 1 - 3 p.m. | Wed & Fri |
Eating Right, Living Right Click here to register
Participate in hands-on learning activities in this engaging course. Go on an interactive tour of a grocery store with a registered dietician and learn about healthy eating, and learn from a pharmacist about medicine use and safety. Create personalized nutrition, fitness and health tools to help you achieve your goals and stay on track. Try a different fitness activity each week lead by a certified fitness instructor in Mount Royal's world class recreation facility.
Subject (for registration): TVP - Self Development
Subject code: XSDL-10007-010 | Fee: $485 | |||
CRN 50253 |
May 1 - June 12 | 1 - 4 p.m. | Tues & Thurs |
Healthy Relationships Click here to register
Learn how to interact with friends, acquaintances and strangers in an appropriate manner and how to maintain relationships.
Subject (for registration): TVP - Self Development
Subject code: XSDL-10020-005 | Fee: $350 | |||
CRN 50254 |
May 2 - June 18 | 10 a.m. - noon | Wed & Fri |
You can find instructions on creating an account, searching, and registering here. If you are a current student you will already have an account and can find information on how to register and pay here.