Program Review Schedule and Outcomes

Program Review Schedule

The schedule for academic program reviews is reviewed each Fall, confirmed each January and will be updated accordingly as changes are needed.

The current schedule is based on consultations with the deans in the Fall of each academic year.




Bachelor of Business Administration - General Management | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Business Administration - International Business | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Science - Chemistry | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan


Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Arts - Criminal Justice | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Arts - Psychology | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Business Administration - Human Resources (and Advanced HR Certificate) | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Communication - Journalism and Digital Media | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Computer Information Systems | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Education - Elementary (including MHC collaborative BEd) | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Midwifery | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Science - Geology | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan



Bachelor of Arts - English | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Arts - Policy Studies | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Arts - Sociology | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting (and Advanced Acct Certificate) | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Business Administration - Marketing (and Advanced Mktg Certificate)| Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Communication - Information Design | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan


Bachelor of Communication - Broadcast Media Studies | Executive SummaryAdvancement Plan

Bachelor of Science - General Science | Executive SummaryAdvancement Plan


Bachelor of Interior Design | Executive Summary & Advancement Plan

Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science | Executive SummaryAdvancement Plan