
Mount Royal Faculty Association

Sept. 14: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
This week, the negotiating teams met on Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024 and the following issues were addressed:

Appointment conversion (Article 4.10)

  • The parties continued discussion on process changes for Continuing Appointments. The Board tabled language, responding to the Association’s language from May 21, 2024, clarifying the criteria for notification and appointment for these roles.
  • The Association will take away the language and respond.

Discipline process (Article 25)

  • The Board responded to language tabled by the Association on May 28, 2024, clarifying roles and responsibilities in the discipline process.
  • The Association will take away the language and respond.

Tenure and promotion processes (Articles 9, 10 and 11)

  • Following the discussion on May 13, 2024, the Board tabled initial language building on its earlier, high-level document. The proposed language would reconfigure the tenure process to include a Faculty Tenure Committee making a recommendation to the Provost, who grants tenure. As a result, the University Tenure and Promotion Committee would be reconfigured to focus only on promotion. Further changes are intended to simplify the granting of credit to the probationary period and to expand timelines for external reviewers for promotion.
  • The Association had a number of questions relating to the proposal, as well as considerations of transition.
  • The Association will take away the language and respond.

Approach to presenting proposal costing

  • The Board indicated to the Association that it has done initial work costing out the Association’s proposals, and the parties discussed how best to share this information.
Evaluation of teaching (Article 28)
  • The Association tabled language responding to the Board’s language tabled on April 16, 2024.
  • The Board asked a number of questions of clarification, and will take away the language and respond.

Protection from outsourcing and erosion of duties (Article 2.1)

  • The Association tabled additional language, continuing the discussion from April 30, 2024. The additional language would cap total teaching by all management employees at 96 SICH per Academic Year.
  • The Board noted, as data provided to the Association showed, almost no teaching by individuals in this category is taking place, so the rationale for changing the current language is unclear. The Board will take away the language and respond.

Preference to internal candidates for hiring (#16)

  • The Association restated its desire, as first stated on April 24, 2024, to insert language into the Agreement that 10% of all new full-time faculty positions be posted internally first.
  • The Association still has not tabled specific language.
  • The Board noted that data in the Report from the Joint Taskforce on Faculty Workload & Appointments (Appendix F) shows that over the past 27 years (1997 to 2023) an average of 41% of new full-time Employees have previous Contract employment at MRU, and therefore remains unconvinced that added language would be beneficial.

Fall bargaining meetings, informal mediation

  • The parties discussed next steps for the remainder of the Fall semester. At present, bargaining continues to be productive and meetings have been scheduled through the remainder of the semester.

Sept. 6: MRFA bargaining update
On Tuesday, Sept. 10, the Mount Royal University Board of Governors (the Board) and the Mount Royal Faculty Association (MRFA) return to the bargaining table. The Board Negotiating Committee bargains on behalf of the Board of Governors. The Board Committee with the MRFA consists of:

  • Evan Cortens, Dean, Faculty of Continuing Education
  • Shelley Rathie, Interim Associate Vice-President, Faculty Relations
  • Bonnie Thompson, Director, Human Resources, Employee and Labour Relations
  • Kelly Williams-Whitt, Dean, Faculty of Business, Communication Studies and Aviation
  • Jonathan Withey, Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology

Although the current collective agreement has an end date of June 30, 2024, the employment terms and conditions of the July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2024 agreement bridge, per the provisions of the Alberta Labour Relations Code, and therefore continue to apply.

The Board and MRFA negotiating committees bargained from February through May 2024. Biweekly meetings resume in Fall 2024. 

For those new to MRU, some additional information that may be helpful to understand the bargaining landscape in Alberta, and MRU in particular, can be found on the frequently asked questions page of the MRU Collective Bargaining website.

We look forward to continued discussions with the MRFA. 


Mount Royal Staff Association