Mount Royal Faculty Association
Feb. 28: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The negotiating teams met on Monday, Feb. 24, 2025 and the following issues were addressed:
- The Association responded verbally to the Board’s proposals regarding Vice-Deans and performance review of Employees with academic rank. No new language was proposed.
- The Association responded to the Board’s proposal regarding Indigenization and decolonization, agreeing to the language in principle.
- The Board tabled language adjustments to the packaged proposals shared in the last meeting.
- The Board outlined a potential pathway to settlement, including resolution of economic issues. The Association will review the package of proposals and proposed pathway and return with their response in the next meeting.
The parties agreed to meet next on March 18, 2025. The Board has offered to meet sooner if the parties can find mutually agreeable times.
Jan. 24: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The negotiating teams met on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025 and the following issues were addressed:
Indigenization & decolonization (Articles 4, 13, 29; two MOUs)
- Building on the work of the subcommittee, the Board shared a comprehensive language proposal with the Association addressing matters of Indigenization and decolonization in the Collective Agreement.
- The Association asked a number of questions and made a number of suggestions by way of response.
- The Board will respond to the Association’s proposed revisions at the next meeting.
Performance review of Employees with academic rank (Article 12)
- The Board tabled a language proposal, revised in response to the Association’s proposal from Nov. 15.
- The Board proposed removal of Appendix B, restated the interest in a two-year evaluation timeframe, and a transition MOU that would see the university move away from Faculty-180.
- The Association asked a number of clarifying questions.
Green Sheet: Compensation for Mandatory Training (Article 13)
- The parties signed a green sheet, adding language to the Collective Agreement that would see Contract Employees required to complete institutional training receive a one-time $200 payment upon first hire.
Response to Board Package: Reassigned time (List A, research, tenurable period); Article 28; MOUs: Phasing in of Senior Lecturers and Vice Deans; Grievances; Promotion
- The parties discussed how to best proceed with the exchange of articles within the package going forward.
- The Association indicated the Board’s language on promotion timelines and senior lecturers and fixed terms was acceptable.
- The Association suggested revisions to the Board’s language on grievances, reassigned time (for research, and during the tenurable period), and teaching evaluations.
- The Association asked questions about the Board’s language for the conversion of List A/Coordination amounts into SICH.
- The Association did not respond to the Vice Dean MOU at this time.
The negotiating parties have agreed to meet next on Feb. 24, 2025.
Nov. 18: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The negotiating teams met on Friday, Nov. 15, 2024 and the following issues were addressed:
Indigenization and decolonization (Articles 1, 4, 13 and 29)
- The subcommittee formed to discuss the Association’s proposals regarding Indigenization and decolonization provided a report of their work to the bargaining teams. The Board will take the draft language discussed by the subcommittee and prepare a proposal for the next meeting.
Compensation for mandatory training (Article 13)
- The Association indicated agreement with the language last proposed by the Board and the parties anticipate signing a green sheet at the next meeting.
Performance review of Employees with academic rank (Article 12)
- The Association shared proposed language responding to the Board’s language from Sept. 24. Significant changes were made, including an MOU addressing a transition process. The Board will consider the revised proposal and respond at the next meeting.
Package proposals
The Board tabled an extensive package of language proposals related to a number of outstanding interests of the Association and the Board with the intention of creating space for mutual gains. The package was composed of the following:
- List A and reassigned time for co-ordination, advising, etc. (Article 14.9)
- The Board tabled language expressing the amounts in Articles and as their equivalent SICH, rather than in dollars. This would mean these reassigned time amounts would become indexed to hourly contract rates in Article 13.3.
- Reassigned time for research and scholarship (Article 14.8)
- The Board tabled language that would formalize support for Full-time Employees who are principal investigators on external grants. The proposal included the possibility of multi-year reductions in instructional workload.
- Reassigned time for tenurable Employees (Article 14.9)
- The Board tabled language that would formalize reassigned time for tenurable Employees, providing the opportunity for 48 SICH of reassigned time in the first year of appointment, with the possibility of an additional 48 SICH reassigned time during the remainder of the tenurable period.
- Senior Lecturer transition process (MOU, Articles 4 and 6)
- The Board tabled updated language that would mean first consideration for appointment to Senior Lecturer roles would be to internal applicants on a permanent, ongoing basis, agreeing with the Association’s proposal tabled on April 2. Based on the MOU in the current collective agreement, the filling of Senior Lecturer positions defaults to open competition effective Aug. 25, 2025 and Fixed Term contracts expire no later than Aug. 14, 2025.
- Tenure, promotion and related processes (Articles 10 and 11)
- In response to feedback from the Association, the Board withdrew its most substantive interests, tabling updated language that focuses on timelines for promotion and appeals processes, as well as streamlining the process for approving credit towards the probationary period post-hire.
- Grievance procedure (Article 20)
- In response to feedback from the Association, the Board tabled updated language related to its interests in clarifying process requirements for Step 1 grievances. The Board also introduced proposed language allowing for the Association to submit a grievance at Step 1 on behalf of an individual grievor or grievors.
- Evaluation of teaching (Article 28)
- The Board tabled proposed language in response to the Association’s language from Sept. 10. As part of the Board’s proposal, SPoT surveys would still be administered in all courses and sections, but the number of SPoT surveys required for the Employee’s personnel file would remain unchanged.
- Vice Deans (MOU, Article 1)
- The Board tabled proposed language that would include the role of Vice Dean under the definition of Academic Leader, with deletion of the MOU regarding the creation of a Vice Dean position.
The Board highlighted the importance of reciprocity in interest-focused negotiations, noting that both parties need to achieve positive outcomes from collective bargaining.
The Board further indicated that this was a package of proposals that it was willing to sign-off in its entirety, but also invited the Association to find win-win opportunities through language trades or identifying smaller collections of proposals from within the broader package.
The Association indicated interest in continuing discussions regarding the package options.
The negotiating teams have agreed to meet again in mid-December or early January.
Oct. 11: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The negotiating teams met on Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024 and reviewed the current list of collective bargaining interests. Both parties provided an overview and identified areas for further discussion and negotiation.
It was agreed that a sub-committee would be formed to discuss the Association’s proposals regarding indigenization and decolonization.
The Association formally removed the following interests/proposals from the table:
- Appointment Type Ratio (Full-time/Contract Ratio)
- Discipline Process
- Class Sizes
- Financial Emergency
The parties agreed to meet again in the second week of November to report back on the work of the sub-committee and exchange further language proposals.
Sept. 27: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
This week, the negotiating teams met on Tuesday, Sept. 24 and the following issues were addressed:
Proposal costing
- With guests from Finance, the Board walked through a slide presentation that had been shared with the Association on Friday of last week, costing out all of the Association’s various proposals that are currently tabled.
- The total cost estimate for all of the Association’s proposals would be $111.7 million annually, if implemented fully.
- Mount Royal’s total operating expenses for fiscal year 2024/25 are budgeted at $269.0 million and the two largest revenue lines, government of Alberta grants and tuition, are budgeted at $103.5 million and $114.2 million respectively for 2024/25. Mount Royal’s board-approved budget is posted in greater detail on MyMRU.
- The purpose of costing the Association’s proposals was to provide information and a foundation for further discussion of economic issues.
Evaluation of teaching (Article 28)
- The Board indicated they were not in agreement with aspects of the Association’s response (from Sept. 10) to the Board’s original proposal (from April 16) regarding evaluation of teaching. The Board’s proposal is intended to ensure that no teaching evaluation relies primarily on student or peer evaluations and to give students a consistent opportunity to provide feedback through SPoTs (as highlighted in our move to CAQC Audit Status).
Protection from outsourcing and erosion of duties (Article 2)
- The Board indicated it is willing to stand by its proposed language from April 9, creating a process and adding limitations to the amount of SICH that managerial employees excluded from the MRFA Collective Agreement can teach at Mount Royal.
Appointment conversion: green sheet (Article 4.10)
- The parties signed a green sheet to include language in the Agreement amending Article 4.10 to quantify the SICH requirement to be considered for a Continuing Appointment, notify eligible Employees, provide timelines for applying and some housekeeping.
Performance review of Employees with academic rank (Article 12)
- The Board shared proposed language responding to the Association’s response (from May 21) to the Board’s proposal (from April 16).
- The Board’s response accepts many of the changes proposed by the Association. The Board proposed a biennial process and clarifies that the evaluation is of the Employee (not the Report), that the system (presently Faculty-180) is replaced by a “standardized template” (agreed to by the Board and the Association) and amends timelines.
Review of items remaining
- The parties agreed to work together to compile a list of all outstanding proposals, prioritize them and look for where there are potential areas of further exploration or agreement.
Sept. 14: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
This week, the negotiating teams met on Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024 and the following issues were addressed:
Appointment conversion (Article 4.10)
- The parties continued discussion on process changes for Continuing Appointments. The Board tabled language, responding to the Association’s language from May 21, 2024, clarifying the criteria for notification and appointment for these roles.
- The Association will take away the language and respond.
Discipline process (Article 25)
- The Board responded to language tabled by the Association on May 28, 2024, clarifying roles and responsibilities in the discipline process.
- The Association will take away the language and respond.
Tenure and promotion processes (Articles 9, 10 and 11)
- Following the discussion on May 13, 2024, the Board tabled initial language building on its earlier, high-level document. The proposed language would reconfigure the tenure process to include a Faculty Tenure Committee making a recommendation to the Provost, who grants tenure. As a result, the University Tenure and Promotion Committee would be reconfigured to focus only on promotion. Further changes are intended to simplify the granting of credit to the probationary period and to expand timelines for external reviewers for promotion.
- The Association had a number of questions relating to the proposal, as well as considerations of transition.
- The Association will take away the language and respond.
Approach to presenting proposal costing
- The Board indicated to the Association that it has done initial work costing out the Association’s proposals, and the parties discussed how best to share this information.
- The Association tabled language responding to the Board’s language tabled on April 16, 2024.
- The Board asked a number of questions of clarification, and will take away the language and respond.
Protection from outsourcing and erosion of duties (Article 2.1)
- The Association tabled additional language, continuing the discussion from April 30, 2024. The additional language would cap total teaching by all management employees at 96 SICH per Academic Year.
- The Board noted, as data provided to the Association showed, almost no teaching by individuals in this category is taking place, so the rationale for changing the current language is unclear. The Board will take away the language and respond.
Preference to internal candidates for hiring (#16)
- The Association restated its desire, as first stated on April 24, 2024, to insert language into the Agreement that 10% of all new full-time faculty positions be posted internally first.
- The Association still has not tabled specific language.
- The Board noted that data in the Report from the Joint Taskforce on Faculty Workload & Appointments (Appendix F) shows that over the past 27 years (1997 to 2023) an average of 41% of new full-time Employees have previous Contract employment at MRU, and therefore remains unconvinced that added language would be beneficial.
Fall bargaining meetings, informal mediation
- The parties discussed next steps for the remainder of the Fall semester. At present, bargaining continues to be productive and meetings have been scheduled through the remainder of the semester.
Sept. 6: MRFA bargaining update
On Tuesday, Sept. 10, the Mount Royal University Board of Governors (the Board) and the Mount Royal Faculty Association (MRFA) return to the bargaining table. The Board Negotiating Committee bargains on behalf of the Board of Governors. The Board Committee with the MRFA consists of:
- Evan Cortens, dean, Faculty of Continuing Education
- Shelley Rathie, interim associate vice-president, Faculty Relations
- Bonnie Thompson, director, Human Resources, Employee and Labour Relations
- Kelly Williams-Whitt, dean, Faculty of Business, Communication Studies and Aviation
- Jonathan Withey, dean, Faculty of Science and Technology
Although the current collective agreement has an end date of June 30, 2024, the employment terms and conditions of the July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2024 agreement bridge, per the provisions of the Alberta Labour Relations Code, and therefore continue to apply.
The Board and MRFA negotiating committees bargained from February through May 2024. Biweekly meetings resume in Fall 2024.
For those new to MRU, some additional information that may be helpful to understand the bargaining landscape in Alberta, and MRU in particular, can be found on the frequently asked questions page of the MRU Collective Bargaining website.
We look forward to continued discussions with the MRFA.
May 31: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The Board and the MRFA negotiating teams meet regularly. This week, the negotiating teams met on Tuesday, May 28. The following issues were addressed:
The parties signed the following Green Sheets:
- Resources for Employees (Article 22.6, MRFA Interest): Language will be added to the Agreement to broaden the existing language in Article 22.6 to apply to all Faculty and to more clearly delineate access to resources.
- Service Opportunities for Article 6 Employees (Article 6, Board Interest): Language will be added to expand the service opportunity (but not the obligation) for Senior Lecturers and Laboratory Instructors.
- Removal of L1 category (Article 6, Board Interest): The category of “Laboratory Instructor L1” will be removed from the Agreement, as there are no incumbents in this category and the position has been underutilized.
Report on the introduction of the Vice-Dean role
- The Board shared with the Association the report (previously shared with the Provost and MRFA President earlier in May) on the Creation of the Vice-Dean position, as required by the MOU establishing this new role.
Calculation methodologies: COLA compensation and benefits, LSI for contract faculty, pro rata grid (Article 13, MRFA)
- The Association shared with the Board more detailed explanations and formulas, in writing, for its proposals regarding full-time and contract faculty compensation, which were shared verbally on April 2 and 16. This included proposals for:
- a two-year agreement.
- a pro rata contract grid that would link Contract Employee compensation to the Full-time Employee grid.
- Increases to Full-time compensation based on cost of living calculated back to 2018, but excluding the impact of regular grid step increments, and proposing permanent language in the Agreement tying compensation increases to inflation.
- Long Service Increments for Contract Employees on a per-course basis for individuals who have taught at least 20 or 25 years.
- Increases to HSA/PSA for medical and paramedical costs.
- Increase the amount available to fund scholarships for dependents.
- Increases to FDC funds in line with inflation and the increasing number of Faculty members.
- Increases to Professional Development funding (Articles 18.6 and 18.7).
- Increases to List A and Coordination and Advising funds.
- The Board thanked the Association for providing this detail and rationale, which will allow the Board to calculate the cost implications of these proposals to bring back to the table in the fall.
Specific funding and collaborative leadership (Articles 1 and 29) (MRFA)
- The Association tabled revisions to its language first tabled on May 7 that would create a definition for Indigenous Employee; ensure representation of Indigenous lived experience and community connection on selection committees for Full-Time Indigenous Employees; clarify the existing language in Article 13 including Indigenous Knowledges within the framework of credential recognition; and create a new funding for Indigenization initiatives.
- The Board will take away the language and respond.
Discipline process (Article 25) (MRFA)
- The Association tabled language amending Article 25 to clarify processes and align the language with a recent grievance settlement.
- The Board will take away the language and respond.
Fall 2024 discussion
The parties took stock of where negotiations stand and agreed to continue meeting fortnightly in the fall.
May 24: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The Board and the MRFA negotiating teams meet regularly. This week, the negotiating teams met on Tuesday, May 21. The following issues were addressed:
Green Sheet for Resources for Employees (Article 22.6)
- The Board proposed amendments to the rationale for the green sheet to make it consistent with the language to be added to the Agreement.
Service opportunities for Article 6 employees and Removal of L1 category (Board) (Article 6)
- The parties have agreed to draft a Green Sheet on the changes proposed by the Board to expand the service opportunity (but not the obligation) for Senior Lecturers and Laboratory Instructors and to remove the category of “Laboratory Instructor L1” from the Agreement, as there are no incumbents in this category and the position has been underutilized.
New lab instructor categories (MRFA) (Article 6)
- After consideration, the Association is no longer pursuing a proposal to create a “Laboratory Coordinator” and will continue the discussion focused on Laboratory Instructor workload.
Compensation for mandatory training (MRFA) (Article 13)
- The Board has updated its proposed language in response to feedback from the Association to clarify when Contract Employees would be required to take, and be compensated for, mandatory training.
- The Association will consider the revised proposal and respond.
Appointment conversion (MRFA) (Article 4)
- The Association proposed new language to be added to Article 4.10 to alter eligibility for continuing appointments, require notification when individuals become eligible and create timelines for application.
- The Board asked a number of clarifying questions and will review and respond.
MOU re. the application of the Agreement to ADC Employees and Clarifying Promotion Committees for the ADC and GNED (Board)
- The MOU signed by the Board and the Association on June 5, 2023 commits the parties to “integrating [the] terms into the collective agreement in the next round of bargaining.”
- The Board proposed amendments to the Agreement and the MOU to more clearly articulate the agreed-upon structure, following through on the commitment in the MOU.
- The Association will review and respond.
Performance review of Employees with academic rank (Board) (Article 12)
- The Association tabled language responding to the Board’s proposed changes to the Article 12 performance review process. The Board will review and respond.
Sabbatical eligibility for all full-time Employees; Scholarship & research; Reduction in teaching workload for full-time faculty; Workload reduction in first year of full-time appointment (MRFA interests)
- The Board noted the interconnectedness of these proposals with many of the Association’s other proposals, and, as a result, noted an inability to fully understand the broad implications.
- Noting that many of the arguments for these proposals were derived from the Association’s perspectives in the Report of the Workload Taskforce, the Board noted that its perspectives had not changed.
- The Board continues to believe that the Agreement was not the appropriate place to speak to processes that exist entirely outside the Agreement, such as research and scholarship funding.
- The Board committed to consider these proposals more fully over the summer hiatus in bargaining.
Emergency provision (MRFA) (Article 22)
- The Association proposed language to provide reimbursement, compensation and/or support for Employees in the event that “emergency relocation” requires “online remote teaching.”
- The Board noted that the possible range of emergency scenarios and, as a result, the possible range of institutional responses was so broad as to be nearly impossible to fully capture in contractual language.
Appointment type ratio (MRFA)
- The Association provided some initial thoughts on including language in the Agreement that would define a ratio between FLE and full-time faculty FTE, and then furthermore contemplate an “ideal” ratio.
- The Board noted that the calculation of FLE to FTE was fairly straightforward, and possible with already available public data. The Board noted the complexity involved in identifying an “ideal” ratio and did not agree it was necessary to include such a ratio in the Agreement.
The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 28.
May 16: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The Board and the MRFA negotiating teams meet regularly. This week, the negotiating teams met on Monday, May 13, 2024 and the following issues were addressed:
Green Sheet for Resources for Employees (Article 22.6)
- The parties are in agreement on the language; the Board will propose amendments to the rationale for the green sheet, consistent with the language.
Contract Employees' Access to Pension and Other Benefits (MRFA) (Article 16)
- The Association proposed a significant expansion of the benefits in Article 16 (i.e., LAPP, HSA/PSA, life insurance/AD&D and retiree benefits) to include Contract Employees. The Association also proposed reducing the amount of SICH and number of semesters necessary in order for Contract Employees to qualify for benefits. No language was tabled.
- The Board asked a number of questions of clarification, highlighted the need for specific details to understand any implications of such changes, and indicated that it would clarify any limitations that may be imposed by the external providers (e.g., LAPP, SunLife).
Compensation for Mandatory Training (MRFA) (Articles 14 & 18)
- The Board responded to the Association’s proposal to institute a per-training payment for Contract Employees for completing mandatory training. The Board proposed language that would create a contractual obligation in the Agreement of a one-time payment at the time of initial sessional appointment, for all required institutional-level training. This would create a consistent practice that would manage some of the logistical challenges inherent with this payment.
- The Board will clarify some of the logistical details of implementing it for initial sessional appointments and prepare revisions to the language.
Class Sizes (MRFA) (Article 6)
- The Board indicated that it did not have a shared interest in the Association’s proposal to add limits to the number of course registrations to apply to Laboratory Instructors and Senior Lecturers.
Tenure and Promotion Processes (Board) (Articles 9, 10 and 11)
- The Association had a number of questions about the Board’s discussion document outlining possible approaches to streamline existing tenure, promotion and credit toward the probationary period processes, especially concerning the structure and membership of the various committees.
- The Board will take this feedback and use it to draft proposed language.
Pathways to Appointment Conversion (MRFA) (Article 4)
- The Association proposed that when sessional employees become eligible for continuing appointments, they automatically be offered continuing appointments. No language was tabled. The Board noted several logistical challenges and unintended consequences, particularly as they relate to SICH thresholds, intersections with seniority and decision making processes. The Association will respond.
- The Association proposed a process whereby a Senior Lecturer could apply for conversion into a TS position. The Board noted that Senior Lecturers are already eligible to apply for TS positions that are posted, and asked a number of questions seeking to better understand why there would be this kind of linkage between two different employment categories, noting the discussion on this issue in the Report of the Workload Taskforce.
Service opportunities for Article 6 Employees (Board)
- The Board tabled language that would expand the opportunity (but not the obligation) for Senior Lecturers and Laboratory Instructors, addressing feedback that arose in the Report of the Workload Taskforce. The proposal creates the possibility for individuals in these roles to participate in the sessional reappointment process, senior lecturer appointment, probationary evaluation and peer evaluation.
- The Association indicated they would consider the proposal and respond.
Laboratory Instructor L1 category (Board) (Article 6)
- The Board tabled language that would remove the category of “Laboratory Instructor L1” from the Agreement, as there are no incumbents in this category and the position has been underutilized. As a result, all “Laboratory Instructor L2” positions would simply become “Laboratory Instructor” positions.
- The Association indicated they would consider the proposal and respond.
New lab instructor categories (MRFA) (Article 6)
- The Association proposed the creation of a new appointment category entitled “Laboratory Coordinator”. No language was tabled.
- The Board noted that if a new position were to be created, it would be taking away work from the current positions, which would have implications for current incumbents. The Board also noted cross impacts with the Association’s proposal for a reduction in teaching workload for full-time faculty.
- The Association indicated they would consider this feedback and respond.
The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21.
May 10: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The Board and the MRFA negotiating teams meet regularly from noon to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays. At the May 7, 2024 meeting, the following issues were discussed:
Green sheet for Access to Information & Equity (Articles 2.2, 14.9, and 18.1)
- The parties signed green sheets to include language in the Agreement enshrining the existing practice for Employee data provided to the Association, as well as add new language around reporting to the Association on List A, Coordination and Advising and Professional Development funds.
Specific Funding and Collaborative Leadership (MRFA) (Articles 1 and 29)
- The Association tabled proposed language that would add a definition for a Designated Indigenous Employee to Article 1.
- The Association tabled proposed language that would: acknowledge the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission; create a Joint Committee for Indigenization & Decolonization; add language around targeted hiring of Indigenous Employees; and create an Indigenization Access Fund.
- The Board expressed support for the goal of Indigenization and Decolonization at Mount Royal and asked a number of questions to better understand the proposals and how the language would be operationalized.
- The Association indicated that they will revise their proposal in response to the Board’s feedback.
Tenure and Promotion Processes (Board) (Articles 9, 10 and 11)
- The Board provided a discussion document outlining possible approaches to streamline existing tenure, promotion and credit toward the probationary period processes. The proposal seeks to situate decisions in these processes at the most effective level as well as to reduce service burden. Potential solutions to the current challenges with timelines and obtaining sufficient high quality external reviews were also explored.
- The Association asked a number of questions in order to fully understand the proposal, and indicated they would consider and respond.
Sabbatical Eligibility for All Full-time Employees (MRFA) (Article 17.5)
- The Association proposed extending eligibility for sabbaticals to Senior Lecturers and Laboratory Instructors. Language was tabled to amend Article 17.5 to effect such changes, including an increase to the quota of available sabbaticals.
- The Board asked some questions of clarification, particularly around the costing of the proposal, and indicated they would respond.
Laboratory Instructors & Senior Lecturers (Board) (Article 6)
- The Board proposed the removal of the L1 Laboratory Instructor, as there are no incumbents in this role, and it has proven unnecessary. This would make the L2 Laboratory Instructor the default and obviate the need for “levels”.
- The Board proposed broadening some of the language in the Agreement to create additional opportunities (not requirements) for participation and service across the University.
- The Association indicated it also had some interests related to the Laboratory Instructor category, which it will bring forward at a later date.
- The Board will draft language on this proposal and share it with the Association.
Scholarship & Research (MRFA) (New Article)
- The Association proposed the inclusion of language that would effectively replicate existing research supports overseen by ORSCE. They requested that the collective agreement guarantee 48 SICH annually of reassigned time for holders of external grants of $10,000 or more; create a separate pool of funds for internal research funding for all Employees (regardless of professional responsibilities); provide for a $10,000 startup grant for all newly hired TSS Employees; and provide for reassigned time for the HREB and ACC chairs as well as training for HREB members.
- The Board expressed concern about whether the Agreement was the appropriate place to speak to processes that exist entirely outside the Agreement.
The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 13.
May 3: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The Board and the MRFA negotiating teams meet regularly from noon to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays. At the April 30, 2024 meeting, the following issues were discussed:
Access to Information & Equity (MRFA) (Articles 2.2, 14.9, 18.1)
- The parties are nearing agreement on proposed language to clarify existing data reporting requirements and to broaden reporting requirements to encompass current reporting practices. The Board will draft a green sheet on this language.
Resources for Employees (MRFA) (Article 22.6)
- The parties are nearing agreement on proposed language to broaden the existing language in Article 22.6 to apply to all Employees and to more clearly delineate access to resources. The Association will draft a green sheet on this language.
Protection from Outsourcing and Erosion of Duties (MRFA) (Article 2.1)
- Discussion continued on the Association’s interest to limit teaching by MRU employees excluded from the Agreement on the basis of holding management positions (e.g., Dean). The Board noted again that, as data provided to the Association showed, almost no teaching by individuals in this category is taking place, and this suggests there is no issue with the current language in the Agreement.
- The Association indicated that they preferred additional language in the Agreement over status quo, and they will take this away for further consideration.
Compensation for Mandatory Training(s) (MRFA) (Articles 14 & 18)
- The Association tabled language outlining a per-training payment for Contract Employees for completing mandatory training. The Board acknowledged that the University has already engaged in a practice of compensation for these trainings and was willing to continue the discussion, but wanted to ensure any system was logistically manageable and fair. The Board will respond to the Association’s proposal.
- The Association also tabled language that would create a framework for “External Professional Activities” to be incorporated into the workload of full-time faculty members. The Board observed the potential for such language to result in an individual being paid twice for the same work, noting that previous attempts to address this issue, including a pilot program created through an MOU, created a prorated appointment which had almost no uptake.
Reduction in Teaching Workload for Full-time Faculty (MRFA) (Article 14)
- The Association reaffirmed their interest in a 48 SICH reduction to the instructional workload of all full-time faculty members. No language was tabled. The Board asked a number of questions in order to better understand the underlying assumptions, in order to understand the magnitude of the potential cost implications.
- The Board reiterated their view, as expressed in the Report of the Workload Taskforce, that workload issues are “non-generalizable” and are best addressed through existing mechanisms in the Agreement. The Board shared with the Association a discussion document that explained how the Agreement could be modified to more fully leverage the ranges rather than the norms for instructional workload, with the Department Average as a mechanism to ensure aggregate consistency. The Board believes this approach is a more effective way to encourage equity across faculty members.
Workload Reduction in First Year of Full-time Appointment (MRFA) (Article 14.9)
- The Association tabled language which would require a 48 SICH reduction in instructional workload for all newly hired full-time and limited-term employees, normally taken in the first and fourth years.
- The Board noted that there was not a convincing case that such instructional workload reductions were a “generalizable” need, and suggested that the aforementioned flexibility in workload ranges would be a better solution.
- The Board agreed to consider the proposal and provide a response.
Class Sizes (MRFA) (Article 6)
- The Association tabled language that would extend limits to the number of course registrations, which currently exist only for TS Employees (Article 14.4.2) and TSS Employees (Article 14.5.2) to Laboratory Instructors and Senior Lecturers (Article 6).
- The Board noted that, by and large, these limits are rarely reached, and that section size limits are not managed on the basis of employment category, and as such questioned the need for language when there is no apparent issue.
- The Board agreed to consider the proposal and provide a response.
The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 7.
April 27: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
While the Board and the MRFA negotiating teams normally meet from noon to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays, this week they met on Wednesday, April 24. The following issues were discussed:
CAQC: Report of the Audit Team, Confirmation of Audit Status (Article 28) (Board Interest)
- The Board shared the Report of the Audit Team and the letter from Campus Alberta Quality Council (CAQC) granting Mount Royal University’s QA Audit and Delegated New Program Approval Status (DNPAS), which provides the University increased autonomy over our quality assurance and curriculum processes. The Board highlighted that the only concern raised by CAQC was that the current Collective Agreement language limits the number of opportunities that students have to provide feedback about all of the courses that they take.
Court Proceedings and Political Participation (Article 17) (MRFA Interest)
- The parties signed green sheets on language for leave for Court Proceedings and Political Participation.
Vacation and Holidays (Article 15) (MRFA Interest)
- The MRFA tabled language adding the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to the list of holidays in the Agreement. The Board noted that this falls outside of their bargaining mandate and would have cross-institutional impacts.
MOU on Vice-Deans (Board Interest)
- The Board articulated its view that minimal changes were necessary to fulfill the requirements of the current MOU and include Vice-Deans in the Agreement. This interest intersects with previous discussions around potential changes to performance review for full-time employees.
Compensation for Mandatory Training (MRFA Interest)
- The MRFA signalled a desire to include language in the Agreement that would compensate contract faculty for participating in mandatory training. The Board had a number of philosophical and logistical questions. The MRFA plans to draft language and return to the table.
Specific Funding (MRFA Interest)
- The MRFA proposed that a fund for reassigned time for Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) faculty members and additional funding for Indigenization and decolonization projects be included in the Agreement. The Board agreed with the importance of supporting Indigenization and decolonization at Mount Royal, in alignment with our strategic goals, but questioned whether the Agreement was the most appropriate avenue for achieving this goal. The MRFA will draft language to bring to the table.
Preference to Internal Candidates for Hiring Processes (MRFA Interest)
- The MRFA proposed that 10% of all new full-time faculty positions be posted internally first. The Board raised a number of questions about how this might be planned or measured, and the impacts of this type of proposal. The MRFA did not table specific language, but will bring language to a future meeting.
Reduction in Teaching Workload for Full-time Faculty (MRFA Interest)
- Noting various pressures, and referencing the Report of the Workload Taskforce, the Association proposed an across-the-board workload reduction of 48 SICH per year (or its equivalent) for all full-time faculty. The Board provided a rough estimate of the significant cost of this type of proposal and asked a number of questions, seeking to understand the details of the proposal. The Board suggested that there might be other effective ways to address the workload pressures raised by the Association. The MRFA did not table language, but will take the feedback from the Board into consideration in drafting language to be tabled at a future meeting.
The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 30.
April 19: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The Board and the MRFA negotiating teams meet regularly from noon to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays. At the April 16, 2024 meeting, the following issues were discussed:
Protection from Outsourcing and Erosion of Duties (Article 2.1, 14.9 and 18.1) (MRFA Interest)
- The MRFA tabled language in response to the proposal from the Board provided on April 9. The parties are nearing agreement on this issue and the Board will provide a response at the next meeting.
Access to Information and Equity (Article 2, Article 14.9 and Article 18.1) (MRFA Interest)
- The MRFA accepted the Board’s April 9th proposal for Article 18.1
- The MRFA presented a counter proposal for Article 2 that mirrors current practice for providing information to the MRFA. The parties are nearing agreement and it is anticipated a green sheet will be presented at the next meeting.
- The MRFA presented a minor adjustment to the Board’s proposal for Article 14.9. The Board provided context that the addition of is not appropriate in this context because the processes to apply for reassigned time in are not required for Article
Information requests by the MRFA to support bargaining:
- The Board provided a response to the data requested by the MRFA for bargaining. The data is being provided in a good faith effort to meet the requests of the MRFA, while ensuring the Board remains in compliance with FOIP legislation and requirements respecting the privacy of employee personal information. The data provided is only for the purposes of bargaining and must be destroyed once bargaining is concluded.
Resources for Employees (Article 22) (MRFA Interest)
- The MRFA presented a response that largely accepts the language tabled by the Board on April 9th. The parties are near agreement on this issue.
Attendance at Court Proceedings (Article 17) (MRFA Interest)
- The parties have agreed on this language.
Political Participation Leave (Article 17) (MRFA Interest)
- The parties have agreed on this language.
Long Service Increments (Article 13.8) (MRFA Interest)
- The MRFA shared context and an overview of an approach to recognizing long service for contract faculty members. No language was provided. The Board expressed concerns about the appropriateness of the proposal and its feasibility from an administrative perspective.
Collaborative Leadership (Article 29) (MRFA Interest)
- The MRFA shared perspectives on Indigenization and decolonization efforts at the University. The conversation explored the broader context of the University and whether the collective agreement, which addresses terms and conditions of employment for a single group of employees, was the appropriate venue for this important, but much broader issue.
Performance Review of Employees with Academic Rank (Articles 12 and 14.8) (Board Interest)
- The Board tabled language reflecting prior discussions about changes to the current performance review process for tenured and permanent employees. Key changes proposed include:
- Moving from annual reports to biennial reports.
- Simplification of the mechanism for collecting reports and CVs.
- Elimination of the requirement for regular scholarship plans after tenure (except where the faculty member is requesting a change to a TSS work pattern, or where it is part of a performance plan).
- A proposed process for the review that would allow an opportunity for faculty members to respond to all feedback.
Evaluation of Teaching (Article 28) (Board Interest)
- The Board tabled language intended to ensure that no teaching evaluation relies primarily on student or peer evaluations.
- The proposed language also highlighted the need to ensure that students have a consistent opportunity to provide feedback through SPoTs. This is a critical requirement that was highlighted as part of receiving our current CAQC Audit Status. Audit Status is a significant achievement for the University that recognizes the strength of our quality assurance systems and reduces reporting and provincial oversight of program and curriculum approvals.
MOU Regarding the Creation of a Vice-Dean Position (Board Interest)
- The Board briefly reviewed the requirements of the MOU, highlighting that the process proposed in the MOU is largely completed. The changes to Article 12 proposed by the Board include language that resolves any questions about the role of Vice-Deans in performance review.
The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 23.
April 12: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The Board and the MRFA negotiating teams meet regularly from noon to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays. At the Tuesday, April 9, 2024 meeting, discussion continued on the following issues:
Protection from Outsourcing and Erosion of Duties (Article 2.1, 14.9 and 18.1) (MRFA Interest)
- The Board tabled language creating a process and adding limitations to the amount of SICH that managerial employees excluded from the MRFA Collective Agreement can teach at Mount Royal.
Access to Information (Article 2..2.5) (MRFA Interest)
- The Board tabled language in response to the MRFA’s proposed language adding a contractual requirement for member information that is already being provided, and adding several additional fields. The Board position is intended to balance the legitimate information requirements of the MRFA with the legal obligation to protect the privacy of University employees, as well as the feasibility of providing accurate data.
Resources for Employees (Article 22.6) (MRFA Interest)
- The Board tabled language clarifying resources provided to full-time and contract employees, in response to the MRFA’s initial proposal.
Vacation and Holidays (Article 15.6) (MRFA Interest)
- The MRFA tabled language proposing additional vacation that was borrowed from the MRSA collective agreement. The Board expressed concern about the broader implications of the proposed changes. The proposal also included a request that the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation be recognized as a University holiday. Following feedback from the Board, the MRFA will revise their proposed language.
Attendance at Court Proceedings (Article 17) (MRFA Interest)
- The MRFA tabled language with minor adjustments to the previously exchanged proposals. The parties are nearing agreement on this issue.
Political Participation (Article 15) (MRFA Interest)
- The MRFA tabled minor adjustments to previously proposed language. The parties are nearing agreement on this issue.
Performance Review of Employees with Academic Rank (Article 12) (Board Interest)
- A productive discussion of the document provided by the Board on April 2 continued. The Board will prepare language to be tabled on April 23.
The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 16.
April 5: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The Board and the MRFA negotiating teams meet regularly from noon to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays. At the April 2, 2024 meeting, the parties reached agreement on the definition of immediate family in the context of bereavement leave and began discussions regarding performance review for tenured and permanent faculty, as well as economic issues.
Green Sheet signed:
Definition of Immediate Family (Article 1.26 and 17.3.1) (MRFA Interest)
- The changes delete the definition in Article 1.26 and integrate it into Article 17.3.1. The definition aligns with the current federal standard, and recognizes diverse family structures. The new definition states that a family member is defined as “immediate family as well as other relatives and individuals considered to be like family, whether or not related by marriage, common-law partnership or any legal parent-child relationship.”
Ongoing discussions:
Performance Review of Employees with Academic Rank (Article 12) (Board Interest)
- The Board provided a discussion primer intended to increase the effectiveness of the performance review process. The Board’s interests in the discussion document included identifying an alternative to the current Faculty-180 performance review software, reducing the frequency of reviews, limiting the requirement of scholarship plans to specific circumstances, and addressing challenges with current timelines.
Economic Benefits (New) (MRFA Interest)
- The MRFA presented information regarding inflationary pressures on faculty. The information was intended to support a request for cost of living increases in addition to the creation of a contract salary grid that would be pro-rated based on a relationship with full-time workload, anchored to the Assistant Professor grid. No language or specific formulas were tabled.
Senior Lecturers (MOU dated November 2021) (Both)
- The MRFA indicated that they were unwilling to move away from the proposal that Senior Lecturer positions must always be posted internally first. It is the Board’s position that internal-first posting provisions were agreed to during the transition period, while phasing out the Fixed-term employment category and phasing in the Senior Lecturer. Both parties reaffirmed their respective positions.
The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 9.
March 29: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The Board and the MRFA negotiating teams meet regularly from noon to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays. In the month since both sides have exchanged their Statements of Interests (exchanged on Feb. 27, 2024) the teams have had various discussions. Below is a recap of the status of all interests discussed, as at March 26, 2024:
Green Sheet signed:
Contract Employee cancellation payment (Article 13) (MRFA Interest)
- The change provides 1 additional Day in the cancellation notice period (from 9 Days to 10 Days) and provides a cancellation payment (10% of the value of the course) to the contract faculty member if they do not accept another offered course. (Current language only requires the course to be offered.)
Ongoing discussions:
Definition of Immediate Family (Article 17) (MRFA Interest)
- The parties reached agreement on March 26 to expand the definition of immediate family for the purposes of bereavement leave. Article 17.3.1, will define a family member as “immediate family as well as other relatives and individuals considered to be like family, whether or not related by marriage, common-law partnership, or any legal parent-child relationship.”
Court Proceedings (New) (MRFA Interest)
- The MRFA tabled language requesting that the University pay for court leave for faculty members who are called for jury duty or when subpoenaed by a court. The Board is amenable to this provision and expanded the language to include Legal Proceedings which allows for other leaves in addition to jury duty or subpoenaed attendance.
Political Participation (New) (MRFA Interest)
- The MRFA tabled language permitting faculty members an unpaid political leave in order to participate in public office, including campaigning. The Board is generally supportive of faculty members performing this civic duty and has responded with language that aims to balance these potentially indefinite leaves with the need to ensure appropriate disciplinary expertise and staffing in Academic Units.
Grievance Process (Article 20) (Board Interest)
- The Board tabled language to promote a more effective process for the early resolution of individual grievances. The Board provided language that would ensure basic information about the grievance was provided at Step 1. This included a brief statement about the situation giving rise to the grievance, the part of the collective agreement the grievor felt had been violated, and the requested resolution. This would allow the Dean to conduct a preliminary assessment so that the Step 1 grievance meeting could be more conducive to problem-solving. The MRFA rejected the proposal and did not provide alternative language. The proposal remains on the table.
Senior Lecturers (MOU dated November 2021) (Both)
- The Board remains committed to the language that was bargained in good faith in the current MOU. Recognizing there is a group of employees directly affected by the deadlines in the MOU, the Board tabled an extension to the transition period which ends Aug. 14, 2025. The MOU would now conclude when incumbents, as at March 31, 2024, no longer hold the Fixed-term role. The balance of the language of the existing MOU would remain unchanged and at the point in time when there are no more Fixed-term incumbents, Article 4.11 would be removed from the Collective Agreement.
Language on the following articles/interests was tabled and discussed:
- Resources for Employees (Article 18) (MRFA Interest)
- Protection from Outsourcing and Erosion of Duties (Article 17) (MRFA Interest)
- Access to information & Equity (Article 8) (MRFA Interest)
The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 2.
March 22: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The Board and the MRFA negotiating committees met on Tuesday, March 19. Language on the following articles/interests was tabled and discussed:
- MRFA interest: Attendance at court proceedings (proposed addition to Article 17)
- MRFA interest: Political participation (proposed addition to Article 17)
- MRFA interest: Definition of Immediate Family (Articles 1 & 17)
- Board interest: Grievance procedure (Article 20)
- Mutual interest: MOU re: Senior Lecturers
The parties reached agreement on:
- Contract Employee cancellation payment (Article 13)
The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26.
March 16: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The Board and the MRFA negotiating committees met on Tuesday, March 12. The Board tabled language in response to the following MRFA interests:
- Contract Employee cancellation payment
- Definition of immediate family
The parties continued discussion on:
- MOU re: The Creation and Phasing-in of Senior Lecturers
The parties also discussed the following new interests:
- Protection from outsourcing and erosion of duties
- Resources for Employees
- Grievance procedure
- Performance review of Employees with Academic Rank
Proposed language was exchanged on some of these interests which will be brought back to the table for further discussion.
The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 19.
March 8: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
The Board and the MRFA negotiating committees met on Tuesday, March 5 and discussed the following interests:
- Formatting of and tracking changes to the Collective Agreement
- Attendance at court proceedings for faculty members
- Political participation for faculty members
- Definition of immediate family in the Collective Agreement (Article 1.26)
- Contract Employee course cancellation payments (Article 13.3.6)
- MOU re: the Creation and Phasing-in of Senior Lecturers
Proposed language was exchanged on some of these interests, which will be brought back to the table for further discussion. The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for March 12, 2024.
March 1: Mount Royal Faculty Association bargaining update
Board and MRFA exchange statements of interest
The Board and the MRFA negotiating committees met on Feb. 27 to exchange their statements of interest. In an interest-focused, problem solving approach to bargaining, the parties begin by identifying interests rather than exchanging predetermined positions that leave little room for exploration and discussion of potential solutions.
The Board Negotiating Committee tabled the following interests:
- Current workload provisions (Articles 6 & 14) of the Collective Agreement in light of the Report of the Workload Taskforce.
- Ensuring that processes and workflows of the Collective Agreement function effectively and are clearly articulated, particularly with respect to:
- Tenure and Promotion (Articles 9-11),
- Performance Review of Employees with Academic Rank (Article 12),
- Grievance Procedure (Article 20), and
- Discipline (Article 25)
- Evaluating and clarifying current Collective Agreement provisions for
- Laboratory Instructors and Senior Lecturers (Article 6), and
- Fixed Term Appointments (Article 4 and MOU)
- Salary schedules (Article 13) and Collective Agreement term (Article 3) that are aligned with the mandate provided by the MRU Board of Governors Human Resources Committee
- Enhancing evaluation of teaching (Article 28) and affirming the importance of student feedback.
- Reviewing Memoranda of Understanding currently in the collective agreement for necessary amendments.
The Board Committee also tabled definitions (Article 1) and general housekeeping (e.g. editorial changes, formatting, etc.) to ensure these can be updated during bargaining.
The MRFA tabled a comprehensive package of 26 interests covering the following themes:
- Compensation and benefits
- Indigenization and decolonization
- Pathways
- Rights and privileges
- Scholarship and research
- Workload
The parties also agreed in principle on the language of the Essential Services Agreement.
The next bargaining meeting is scheduled for March 5, 2024.
Negotiations to begin between the Board and MRFA
The Mount Royal University Board of Governors (the Board) received a notice to commence collective bargaining from the Mount Royal Faculty Association (MRFA) on Jan. 31, 2024, initiating negotiations for a new collective agreement.
The Board Negotiating Committee bargains on behalf of the Board of Governors. The Board Committee with the MRFA comprises:
- Evan Cortens, Dean, Faculty of Continuing Education
- Shelley Rathie, Interim Associate Vice-President, Faculty Relations
- Bonnie Thompson, Director, Human Resources, Employee and Labour Relations
- Kelly Williams-Whitt, Dean, Faculty of Business and Communication Studies
- Jonathan Withey, Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology
The Board and MRFA negotiating committees have met to begin their preparations. These include establishing ground rules for how bargaining will take place, reviewing updates to an Essential Services Agreement and discussing information requests.
The committees will exchange their Statements of Interests on Feb. 27. These statements identify the parties’ key needs in this round of collective bargaining. Weekly negotiation meetings are scheduled every Tuesday from Feb. 27 through May 7, 2024.
The current collective agreement between the Board and the MRFA is for the period July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2024. Information on the bargaining process is available on this website. Updates will be provided regularly via these pages and in Our Community and the Provost’s Bulletin.
Mount Royal Staff Association
Feb. 4: MRSA bargaining update
On Jan. 27, Mount Royal University received the following documents that impact bargaining with the Mount Royal Staff Association:
- Under Section 16 of the Alberta Labour Relations Code, an Unfair Labour Practice complaint.
Further information and updates on bargaining will be posted when they become available.
Nov. 15: MRSA bargaining update
On Nov. 8, Mount Royal University filed the following documents with the Alberta Labour Relations Board:
- A response to the Oct. 11 Unfair Labour Practice complaint filed by MRSA under Section 16 of the Alberta Labour Relations Code.
- Mount Royal University contested the Oct. 11 application for the modification of the bargaining certificate under Section 45 of the Alberta Labour Relations Code.
- Mount Royal University, under Section 16 of the Alberta Labour Relations Code, filed an Unfair Labour Practice Complaint against MRSA.
Oct. 22: MRSA bargaining update
On Oct. 11, Mount Royal University received the following documents that impact bargaining with the Mount Royal Staff Association:
- Under Section 45 of the Alberta Labour Relations Code, an application for the modification of the bargaining certificate.
- Under Section 16 of the Alberta Labour Relations Code, an Unfair Labour Practice complaint.
As a result, the remainder of the October bargaining dates have been postponed. Further information and updates on bargaining will be posted when they become available.
Notice to Employer and Employees from the Alberta Labour Relations Board.
Oct. 10: MRSA bargaining update
Bargaining has been paused and the meetings on Oct. 10 and 11 will be rescheduled pending the MRSA taking steps to review their membership certificate definition. Any review may result in changes to the composition of the bargaining unit and this in turn may impact negotiations. The Board’s belief is that it is necessary for positive labour relations and good faith bargaining to pause until there is further clarity regarding the review.
Oct. 3: MRSA bargaining update
On Thursday, Oct. 10, the Mount Royal University Board of Governors (the Board) and the Mount Royal Staff Association (MRSA) will return to the bargaining table. The Board Negotiating Committee bargains on behalf of the Board of Governors. The Board Negotiating Committee with the MRSA consists of:
- Bjorn Billehaug, associate director, Recreation - Cougars Athletics and Recreation
- Alena Boczek, director, Student Success & Learning Services
- Meagan Bowler, dean, University Library
- Rebecca Fleming, Human Resources business partner - labour relations
- Shelley Jickling, senior consultant labour and employee relations, Human Resources
Although the current collective agreement has an end date of June 30, 2024, the employment terms and conditions of the July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2024 agreement bridge, per the provisions of the Alberta Labour Relations Code, and therefore continue to apply.
The Board and MRSA negotiating committees bargained from April through June 2024. Meeting dates are scheduled for Oct. 10, 11, 16, 17, 21 and 23. Additional dates are scheduled for Dec. 5 and 9.
For those new to MRU, some additional information that may be helpful to understand the bargaining landscape in Alberta, and MRU in particular, can be found on the frequently asked questions page of this website.
We look forward to continued discussions with the MRSA.
June 19: Mount Royal Staff Association bargaining update
The Mount Royal University Board of Governors Negotiating Committee and the Mount Royal Staff Association (MRSA) continued collective bargaining on June 5 and 6, 2024.
The parties agreed to minor changes for the following articles and they are now considered closed:
- Article 12: Probationary Periods
- Agreement between the parties regarding the definition of “Day"
- Article 13: Postings, Competitions, and Term Positions
- Clarifying language was added regarding the submission of applications electronically.
- Article 18: Health, Safety, and Wellness
- Language will be added to clarify how “Days” are defined for WCB
- Article 21: Attendance
- Housekeeping changes to enhance the flow of the Collective Agreement
- Article 34: Resignation
- MRU proposed language regarding deemed termination for unapproved absences greater than three (3) days in duration; MRSA accepted this proposal.
- Employee Definitions
- MRU provided proposed language regarding the definition of “day”. Discussions continued regarding employee groups and clarifying the inactive period for Continuing Term roles.
- Medical Leave
- The parties discussed how days are calculated for the purposes of short-term disability. MRU provided a proposal to clarify the types of documentation accepted by Employee Wellness for medical leaves.
- Hours of Work
- The parties discussed MRSA’s proposed changes to the scheduling change provisions; MRU provided a counter-proposal for consideration.
- Leaves from the University
- Both parties discussed provisions regarding the start date of maternity leave and overall housekeeping/organizational changes of the article to enhance readability.
- Benefits and Insurance
- The parties discussed MRSA’s request for improvements to benefits and proposed creation of a Joint Benefits Review Committee. MRU is considering this proposal.
- Technological Change
- The MRSA proposed language regarding retraining in the event of technological changes within individual roles. MRU is considering this proposal.
- Association Recognition and Membership, Time off for Association Officers and Members, Disciplinary Procedure, Grievance Procedure, Payment of Allowances, Vacation, and Management Initiated Appointments
- The parties discussed MRSA’s initial proposal to gain clarity; MRU will review internally and provide a counter-proposal at a future date.
May 23: Mount Royal Staff Association bargaining update
The Mount Royal University Board of Governors Negotiating Committee and the Mount Royal Staff Association (MRSA) continued collective bargaining on May 8 and 9, 2024.
The parties agreed to minor housekeeping changes for the following articles:
- Collective Bargaining
- Joint Labour Management Committee
- Non-Discrimination
- Probationary Employees
- Parking
- Personal Information Sharing
Discussions were ongoing regarding the following articles:
Employee Definitions
- The parties continued discussions on Employee groups with the aim of ensuring we have the proper mix of categories to meet the needs of the University, the Association and our Employees. Clarification regarding various other definitions, including the inactive period for Continuing Term roles, was also discussed.
Association Recognition and Membership
- The MRSA proposed language which would allow them to maintain their existing bulletin boards on campus. The MRSA also tabled language which would allow for their continued attendance at new employee orientation sessions.
Grievance Procedure
- The MRSA tabled language to include optional mediation as part of the grievance procedure.
Postings, Competitions, and Term Positions
- The MRSA proposed changing the criteria outlined in Article 13.6; this is not a shared interest.
Position Abolishment
- MRU tabled language which would allow for abolishment pay, in part or in its entirety, to be provided as working notice in lieu of abolishment pay. In addition to allowing for a smoother transition period for the department, working notice would also allow employees to remain on employer benefits while seeking out other employment opportunities internally or elsewhere. Other housekeeping items were discussed.
Salary Administration
- Salary grids were not discussed, however discussions were ongoing regarding MRSA’s proposed changes to long service increments (LSI), position reclassification, promotion and transfer rules. MRU does not have an interest in changing the position reclassification, promotion, or transfer rules, but will consider the changes to LSI.
- MRU proposed language regarding position abandonment for employees who are absent for three (3) consecutive days or more without prior approval. MRSA is considering this proposal.
The next bargaining meetings are scheduled for June 5 and 6.
April 10: Mount Royal Staff Association bargaining update
The Mount Royal University Board of Governors Negotiating Committee and the Mount Royal Staff Association (MRSA) commenced collective bargaining on April 3 and 4, 2024. Both parties exchanged their interests to be discussed during upcoming negotiations.
The Board of Governors Negotiating Committee tabled the following high-level interests:
- Ensure various forms of employment are captured to support the needs of the University including research aspects of MRU’s strategic plan.
- Implementation of updated job family classification and evaluation structure to simplify the existing process.
- Intent to ensure that the Collective Agreement term and total compensation changes are aligned with the mandate provided by the MRU Board of Governors Human Resources Committee.
The MRSA tabled a full package covering both interests and housekeeping items. The following interests are some of the ones discussed:
- Employee definitions
- Time off for Association business
- Potential impacts of technological changes on positions in the bargaining unit
- Compensation, benefits, vacation time and University holidays
- Hours of work including hybrid, flexible and modified work arrangements
- Position classification and updated job family implementation
- Education, Development and Training
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Feb. 28: Mount Royal Staff Association bargaining update
Negotiations to begin between the Board and MRSA
The Mount Royal University Board of Governors (the Board) received a notice to commence collective bargaining from the Mount Royal Staff Association (MRSA) on Feb. 12, 2024 in alignment with Article 4.2. The Board Negotiating Committee bargains on behalf of the Board of Governors. The Board Committee with the MRSA comprises:
- Michelle Adams, Human Resource Advisor; Board Committee’s observer
- Bjorn Billehaug, AD, Recreation - Cougars Athletics and Recreation
- Alena Boczek, Director, Student Success & Learning Services
- Meagan Bowler, Dean, University Library
- Rebecca Fleming, Human Resources Business Partner - Labour Relations
- Shelley Jickling, Senior Consultant Labour and Employee Relations
The Board and MRSA negotiating committees have met to begin their preparations. A joint training session was facilitated by an independent third-party facilitator and additional meetings have been held to establish ground rules for how bargaining will take place.
The committees are scheduled to begin exchanging Statements of Interests on April 3, 2024. These statements identify the parties’ key interests in this round of collective bargaining. Nine negotiations meetings have been scheduled to take place through to June 20, 2024.
The current collective agreement between the Board and the MRSA is for the period July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2024. Information on the bargaining process is available on this website. Updates will be provided regularly via these pages and in Our Community and the Provost’s Bulletin.