Degrees in Economics, Justice, and Policy Studies

Bachelor of Arts — Policy StudiesThe only undergraduate program of its type in Canada, Policy Studies provides you with expertise in political science, public policy and economics. Enjoy paid internships in the private, public or nonprofit sectors. Interact with the Institute for Public Administration in Canada, the Economics Society of Calgary and the Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration

Graduates of this program are in high demand. They enjoy an exceptional job placement rate and rewarding careers in areas such as economic and policy analysis, public relations, financial planning, project management and information management.

You can cover areas such as consumerism; public finance; international trade, investment and development; gender economics; econometrics; diplomacy; international relations; federalism; interest group behaviour; women and politics; professional practice, public administration, law and politics; and politics and the media.

Experiential learning innovation also characterizes this degree. Working as delegations, you'll participate in a weekend-long Model United Nations. Also, with assistance of lawyers from Bennett Jones, you will prepare an appeal of a Supreme Court of Canada decision and present at a Moot Court held at the Court of Queen's Branch.



Bachelor of Arts — Criminal Justice The Criminal Justice program focuses on the complexities of criminological theory and methods, criminal justice institutions and practices, victimology and victims' services, and crime prevention strategies. It also offers a background in graduate school or law school, as criminal justice practitioners, as social workers, as well as many other rewarding career paths.

Graduates are in high demand by a wide range of employers within the justice system and beyond. Career opportunities remain strong in traditional criminal justice agency roles such as police officer, crime analyst, community outreach worker, probation officer and parole officer.

Study in Alberta's only four-year Bachelor of Arts — Criminal Justice program and expand your understanding of law enforcement, community outreach and victim services. Through theory and hands-on learning such as court visits, mock trials and field study trips to Nunavut or Europe, you'll gain a strong foundation for the workplace or graduate studies.