David Clemis, PhD
Associate Professor
Office: EA3191
Phone: 403.440.5995
Email: dclemis@mtroyal.ca
pronouns: he/him
PhD - University of Leicester (UK) ((History)
MA - University of Toronto (History)
BA (Hons.) - Queens University at Kingston, Ontario (Philosophy)
Teaching Fields
Social, cultural, political history of Britain, 1600-1815; Early Modern Europe, 1450-1815.
Current Research Interests
- Social and cultural history of alcohol use in England, 1500-1830.
- The history of understandings of moral agency, cognition, and identity in early modern Britain.
- Humanities curriculum and pedagogy.
Recent Publications
2021 “Conceiving Addiction: Historical Constructions of Chronic Intoxicant Use.” In The Routledge Handbook on Intoxication, edited by Tamar Antin, Vibeke Frank, and Geoffrey Hunt. London: Routledge, 2021 (forthcoming).
2021 “‘Great Annoyance to Their Mindes’: the Humours, Intoxication, and Addiction in English Medical and Moral Discourses, 1550-1730.” In Humorality in Early Modern Art, Material Culture, and Performance, edited by Kaara L. Peterson and Amy Kenny. Palgrave/Macmillan, 2021 (forthcoming).
2015 “The History and Culture of Alcohol and Drinking: 18th Century,” “The Gin Epidemic” and "The History of Addiction and Alcoholism” in Scott C. Martin, ed., Alcohol: Social, Cultural, and Historical Perspectives (Thousand Oaks, CA.: SAGE, 2015).
2015 Susanne Schmid and Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp. "Drink in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries" (2014) [review] Social History of Drugs and Alcohol (In Press).
2013 “Medical Expertise and the Understandings of Intoxication In Britain, 1660 to 1830.” In Intoxication and Society: Problematic Pleasures, edited by P. Withington and Jonathan Herring (London: Palgrave, 2013)
See: David Clemis - Early Modern Social and Cultural Epistemologies - Teaching & Research