Every student in the Bachelor of Arts program must eventually declare a Major. A Major is a particular subject the student decides to specialize in. Typically, half of the courses you will take in completing your degree will be in your major. Completing a Major demonstrates you have considerable depth and breadth of knowledge in your area. Humanities offers the following Majors:
Bachelor of Arts - History
The study of history at Mount Royal University provides you with a broad base of knowledge in Canadian, European and American history. It also develops an understanding of the methods of historical research and analysis and historical reasoning that distinguish history as a branch of knowledge in the humanities and social sciences.
Mount Royal history students have exciting opportunities for hands-on experience, including:
- innovative assignments that take you out of the classroom
- field courses that incorporate travel
- involvement with faculty research
- volunteer work with organizations such as Heritage Park
In addition to the intrinsic value of the historical study, it is also excellent preparation for graduate studies in history, as well as careers in areas such as teaching, law, archival studies, international affairs, journalism and public administration.
Find out more about the Bachelor of Arts - Major in History curriculum and courses.
Bachelor of Arts - History (Honours)
If you're interested in graduate studies or would like to engage in a serious intellectual exercise, you should consider a Bachelor of Arts - History with Honours. It's an opportunity for you to select a topic, engage in the systematic study under the supervision of a faculty supervisor and produce a scholarly finished project. Please note, the History Honours Program is not for everyone - you will have greater success if you have strong time-management skills, self-discipline and works well independently.
- Applications for admissions to the History Honours Program are accepted from March 1 to May 1 of each year. You must complete 20 courses by May 1 to apply.
- Completed forms must be submitted by May 1 to the Chair of the Humanities Department in EA3147.
- You will be notified by June 15 if you have been accepted to the program
- You have until June 30 to notify the History Advisor if you accept the offer to join the History Honours.
Students may apply to the History Honours Program after completing 20 courses. Your application must include the following items:
- The Mount Royal University Honours application form obtainable from the History major advisor.
- The History Honours application form obtainable from the History major advisor.
- An unofficial transcript of all college/university courses including courses completed at other post-secondary institutions.
Applications are due by May 1 - no exceptions. Application materials must be submitted to the Chair of the Department of Humanities located in EA 3147. You will be notified by June 15 if you have been accepted to the program and you will have until June 30 to notify the Associate Dean of Arts if you accept the offer to join the Honours Program in History.
Joe Anderson
Are you interested in many time periods in American and U.S. history, as well as numerous areas of historical inquiry (environment, technology, social, agricultural/rural, public history)? Joe Anderson's publications include studies of post-World War II farming in the American Midwest, the American Civil War home front, technology, food production and consumption, and the relationship between universities and the public. Should you work with Joe, you will begin your projects the summer before you enroll in HIST 5110.
You are expected to select your own Honours topic, however, here are some possible areas of study:
- Changes in land use and farming techniques
- Extraction, processing, and consumption of natural resources
- The American Civil War and Reconstruction
- Depictions of race and gender in popular media
- Conceptions of health, nutrition, and diet
- The Cold War and the American home front
- Historic sites, museums, and historic preservation
Dave Clemis
David Clemis is a historian of early modern Europe (1500-1800) with particular interests in the social, cultural and political histories of Britain and France. His current research focuses on medical, legal and moralistic perspectives on addiction and intoxication in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. David's other areas of scholarly expertise are in the history of early modern Britain and France are the history of cities; the history of crime and morality; political history and theory; the history of ideas about the self, the body, and personal identity; and history of emotions (the social, cultural and institutional contexts of the expression of emotions and human behaviour).
Examples of subjects you might investigate include:
- The impact of the slave trade on eighteenth-century Bristol
- The insanity defence in eighteenth-century criminal trials
- The drinking culture of the British Army, 1650 to 1783
- The punishment of crime in France, 1760 to 1814
- The idea of 'childhood' in the Enlightenment
- 'The Psychology of the Crowd' in eighteenth-century London
- The justifications of war in the age of the Enlightenment
Emily Hutchinson
Emily Hutchison specializes in the political culture of late medieval Europe, in particular, the political interactions and cultural dynamics of the early fifteenth-century French civil war. One dimension of her doctoral and published work has centred on the use of propaganda during the French civil war, including the integration of political thought with broader, more populist rhetorical themes, and the use of non-textual forms of propaganda and communication. The second dimension has centred on factionalism and identity during this same conflict. The monograph she is working on at present examines the wider patterns of factionalism and violence across the French realm among nobles and non-nobles alike and the political engagement of the Third Estate (the non-nobles). Finally, her more recent work has focused on the cultural norms shaping acts of violence during war, such as honour and shame, reputation, and vengeance. Her teaching expertise ranges from Ancient Greece and Rome to fifteenth-century Europe.
However, Emily is primarily interested in supervising Honours theses relating to medieval Europe, and particularly topics connected to the list below:
- War and society
- Medieval communication
- Violence
- Social tensions, rebellions and riots
- Political culture, including political thought and power politics
- Chivalric culture
- Gender and sexuality
Scott Murray
Scott Murray specializes in the history of modern Europe, with a focus on Britain and Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries. He teaches courses on various topics in modern European political and intellectual history, the Industrial Revolution, representations of the Holocaust, and the Historian's Craft. His research interests include 19th-century British political, diplomatic, commercial and intellectual history; European liberal nationalism and internationalism; and genocide and Holocaust studies. Scott is interested in supervising honours theses on appropriate topics in the political, diplomatic and intellectual history of Britain and Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Carmen Nielson
Carmen Nielson's areas of specialization are gender and politics in nineteenth-century Canada. She is able to supervise honours theses on any aspect of gender, sexuality, or body history, social history, visual culture, or political history in Canada in the period 1780-1900.
Kirk Niergarth
Kirk Niergarth 's research focuses on the relationship between culture and politics in Canada between 1920 and 1945. Most of his work concentrates on the visual culture of the Depression era, but he has also published work on Canadian immigration policy in the early 20th century and on the development of political policing in post-Confederation Canada. He has taught courses focusing on Canada in the Cold War era, Canada in the 1960s, and the history of Canadian workers. He is interested in supervising honours theses on a wide variety of topics in 20th century Canadian history, particularly topics in political, cultural, labour, or intellectual history.
Just a few possible topics:
- Pulp fiction in Maclean's magazine, 1919-1939
- Cultural politics and the politics of culture in Western Canada during the 1930s
- Anti-semitism in Alberta: 1919 -1947
- Calgary and the On-to-Ottawa Trek, 1935
- Canadian Intellectuals and the 1930s: The cases of Northrop Frye, Marshall McLuhan, George Grant and Harold Innis
- 'Thanks to my wife': Academic wives and cultural production in Depression-era Canada
- Canadian Documentary Film and the Second World War
You must meet the general graduation requirements for the Bachelor of Arts - History with Honours, as indicated in the Mount Royal University calendar. In addition, as a History Honours student, you must meet the specific History course requirements outlined in the Academic Calendar.
A Minor represents some degree of specialization in a particular subject matter, but lower than that of a Major. Students complete Minors for a number of reasons, including a passion for the subject matter or that it complements their Major. Unlike Majors, students are not required to complete a Minor in order to graduate. Completion of a Minor appears on your graduation transcript and demonstrates a level of expertise.
Unlike courses used to complete a Major, courses used to complete a Minor may also be used to satisfy General Education requirements - students can double dip!