
Every student in the Bachelor of Arts program must eventually declare a Major. A Major is a particular subject the student decides to specialize in. Typically, half of the courses you will take in completing your degree will be in your major. Completing a Major demonstrates you have considerable depth and breadth of knowledge in your area. Humanities offers the following Majors:

Bachelor of Arts - History

The study of history at Mount Royal University provides you with a broad base of knowledge in Canadian, European and American history. It also develops an understanding of the methods of historical research and analysis and historical reasoning that distinguish history as a branch of knowledge in the humanities and social sciences.
Mount Royal history students have exciting opportunities for hands-on experience, including:

  • innovative assignments that take you out of the classroom
  • field courses that incorporate travel
  • involvement with faculty research
  • volunteer work with organizations such as Heritage Park

In addition to the intrinsic value of the historical study, it is also excellent preparation for graduate studies in history, as well as careers in areas such as teaching, law, archival studies, international affairs, journalism and public administration.

Find out more about the Bachelor of Arts - Major in History curriculum and courses.


Bachelor of Arts - History (Honours)

If you're interested in graduate studies or would like to engage in a serious intellectual exercise, you should consider a Bachelor of Arts - History with Honours. It's an opportunity for you to select a topic, engage in the systematic study under the supervision of a faculty supervisor and produce a scholarly finished project. Please note, the History Honours Program is not for everyone - you will have greater success if you have strong time-management skills, self-discipline and works well independently.


A Minor represents some degree of specialization in a particular subject matter, but lower than that of a Major. Students complete Minors for a number of reasons, including a passion for the subject matter or that it complements their Major. Unlike Majors, students are not required to complete a Minor in order to graduate. Completion of a Minor appears on your graduation transcript and demonstrates a level of expertise.

Unlike courses used to complete a Major, courses used to complete a Minor may also be used to satisfy General Education requirements - students can double dip!