Gabrielle Lindstrom, PhD
Assistant Professor
Office: EA3133
Phone: 403.440.6536
Email: glindstrom@mtroyal.ca
PhD - University of Calgary (2018) - Educational Research, Adult Learning Specialization
MA - University of Lethbridge (2011) - Native American Studies
BA - University of Lethbridge - (2007) - English
Dr. Gabrielle E. Lindstrom, Tsa'piinak,i is a member of the Kainai Nation, Blackfoot Confederacy. An Assistant Professor in Indigenous Studies with Mount Royal University, her teaching background includes instructing on topics around First Nation, Métis, and Inuit history and current issues, Indigenous Studies (Canadian and International perspectives), Indigenous cross-cultural approaches, and Indigenous research methods and ethics. Her dissertation research focused on the interplay between trauma and resilience in the postsecondary experiences of Indigenous adult learners. Other research interests include meaningful assessment in higher education, Indigenous homelessness, intercultural parallels in teaching and learning research, Indigenous lived experience of resilience, Indigenous community-based research, parenting assessment tools reform in child welfare, anti-colonial theory, and anti-racist pedagogy.