Ayyash, Mark. Guest Writer: The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign and public discourse, featured in Middle East Monitor on May 14, 2019.
Haney, Tim. Feature article on June 21, 2018, Calgary Herald, "Corbella: Disaster chose Prof. Haney, not the other way around."
Publication in Asian Perspectives 2018, Volume 57(1)
Authors: Samanti Kulatilake, Roshan D. Peiris, H. Nimal Perera
Title: "Out of Context, in Association: Human Remains Salvaged from the Mini-athiliya Shell Midden, Sri Lanka"
- The Sri Lanka Field School 2018 group will meet Samanti's co-authors and hear guest lectures from them while in the field. The group will also visit several notable sites and see associated skeletal and archaeological findings.
Milnes, Travis and Timothy J. Haney. 2017. "'There's Always Winners and Losers': Traditional Masculinity, Resource Dependence, and Post-Disaster Environmental Complacency."
Shankar, Irene. Media Release on May 31, 2016, Academica Group, "New MRU study reveals four major obstacles for addressing sexual assault on campus."
Ayyash, Mark. Feature article on March 29, 2016, Calgary Metro, "TRC commissioners to accept the 2016 Calgary Peace Prize Award."
McDonald-Harker, Caroline. Feature article on February 14, 2016, CBC News, "Calgary's downturn: a time to teach our children some valuable lessons."
Led by Dr. Samanti Kulatilake, plans are well underway for the inaugural anthropology field school going to Sri Lanka in spring 2016.
Dr. Timothy Haney received a Humanitarian Award at the International Vigor Awards on October 17, 2015. This is an annual celebration that honours and acknowledges individuals who have made an impact in the world by improving, encouraging, and empowering other people's lives in society. Dr. Haney was recognized for the humanitarian contributions that he has made through his disaster research, teaching, scholarship, and advocacy efforts. Dr. Caroline McDonald-Harker was invited to present this award to him at the awards ceremony. Congratulations Dr. Haney on this outstanding honour!
Schneider, M.A.* & Gilmour, R.J. (Early View). Exploring radiogrammetry beyond the second metacarpal: Using the third, fourth, and fifth metacarpals to quantify cortical bone. American Journal of Human Biology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajhb.23831
Mulholland Mary-Lee, (2020). Resilience (President’s Welcome). Culture, 14(2):
Mulholland Mary-Lee, (2020). Honor and Shame: Plagiarism and Governing Student Morality. Journal of College and Character, 21 (2): 104-115. https://doi.org/10.1080/2194587X.2020.1741394
Haney, Timothy J. and Daran Gray-Scholz (Forthcoming). "Flooding and the New Normal: What is the Role of Gender in Experiences of Post-Disaster Ontological Security." Disasters.
Gray-Scholz, Daran, Timothy J. Haney and Pam MacQuarrie (2019). “Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Geographic and Social Predictors of Flood Risk Awareness.” Risk Analysis 39(11): 2543-2558.
Sawa, R, Winchester, I, Doetzel, N, Meynell, H. (2018). "Spirituality and Healing: Results of a ten year study of spiritual healers." Med Clin Press. 2018;2(1): 71-82. doi: 10.28964/MedClin-Press-2-113.
Haney, Timothy J. (2019). "Move Out or Dig In? Risk Awareness and Mobility Plans in a Disaster-Affected Community." Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management.
Haney, Timothy J. and William E. Lovekamp (2018). "On the Margins, No More: Teaching and Learning as a Core Concern of Disaster Scholarship." International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters.
Haney, Timothy J. (2018). "Paradise Found? The Emergence of Social Capital, Place Attachment, and Civic Engagement After Disaster." International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 36(2): 97-119.
Doetzel, N.A.(2018). Cultivating Spiritual Intelligence: Honoring Heart Wisdom and First Nations Indigenous Ways of Knowing. Interchange. (49) 1-6.
Glanzman, W. D. 2018. The steatite cooking bowl of the 1st millennium BC and early 1st millennium AD in South Arabia: archaeological views and cultural dynamics. In Carl S. Phillips and St John Simpson, eds., Softstone: Approaches to the study of chlorite and calcite vessels in the Middle East and Central Asia from prehistory to the present, pp. 124-136 (British Foundation for the Study of Arabia Monographs No. 20, series editors D. Kennet & St J. Simpson). Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing Ltd.
Mulholland Mary-Lee, (2017). Welcoming the Stranger in Alberta: Newcomers, Secularism and Religiously Affiliated Settlement Agencies. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 49 (1): 19-42. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/658501
McCafferty, Geoffrey; Carrie Dennett; William Glanzman; y Larry Steinbrenner. 2017. Tecnicas para el análisis cerámico: Ejemplos de Nicaragua (Septiembre 2012). Pp. 253-260 in Arqueología de Nicaragua: Memorias Mi Museo y Vos. Nora Zambrana Lacayo, ed. Granada, Nicaragua: Museo de Arqueología Precolumbia, Mi Museo.
Glanzman, William. 2017. Mediterranean Archaeology and Epigraphy, vol.17, NO. 4 (Special Issue), which can be accessed online at http://www.maajournal.com/Issues2017d.php
Haney, Timothy J. and Caroline McDonald-Harker. 2017. "The River is Not the Same Anymore: Environmental Risk and Uncertainty in the Aftermath of the High River, Alberta Flood," Social Currents 4(6): 594-612.
Milnes, Travis and Timothy J. Haney. 2017. "'There's Always Winners and Losers': Traditional Masculinity, Resource Dependence, and Post-Disaster Environmental Complacency." Environmental Sociology.
Mulholland Mary-Lee, (2016) Do These HIPS Lie?: Neoliberalism, Academic Plans and the Budget Crisis at Mount Royal University. Culture,10(1): https://cascacultureblog.wordpress.com/2016/05/04/these-hips-do-lie-neoliberal-rhetoric-rankings-and-the-budget-crisis-at-mount-royal-university/
Buchanan, Tom, Adian McFarlane, and Anupam Das. 2016. "A Counterfactual Analysis of the Gender Gap in Parenting Time: Explained and Unexplained Variances at Different Stages of Parenting." Journal of Comparative Family Studies.
McDonald-Harker, Caroline. 2016. Author of recently released book "Mothering In Marginalized Contexts: Narratives of Women Who Mother In and Through Domestic Violence" (294 pages), published with Demeter Press.
Crane-Kramer, Gillian and Roman Gastrell Harrison. 2015. Introduction to Human Evolution: A Biocultural Approach. First edition. Cognella Academic Publishing, San Diego.
Carmichael, Patrick. 2015. "Proto-Nasca Art and Antaras", Ñawpa Pacha: Journal of Andean Archaeology, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 117-172.
Shankar, Irene. Risky Bodies: Allocation of Risk and Responsibility within Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies (Accepted).
Buchanan, Tom. 2015. Cited in this web article:
Haney, Timothy J. 2015. "Factory to Faculty: Socioeconomic Difference and the Educational Experiences of University Professors." Canadian Review of Sociology 52(2): 160-686.
Buchanan, Tom. 2015. Cited in this web article: http://www.attn.com/stories/1958/why-helicopter-parenting-backfires-so-much?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=internal
Buchanan, Tom. 2015. "Race differences in acceptance of cremation: Religion, Durkheim, and death in the African American community", Social Compass, 62(1), 22-42.
McDonald-Harker, Caroline. 2015. "Mothering in the Context of Domestic Abuse and Encounters with Child Protection Services: From Victimized to 'Criminalized' Mothers" In Joanne C. Minaker and Bryan Hogeveen (Eds.), Criminalized Mothers, Criminalized Mothering, pp.323-354. Ontario: Demeter Press.
Haney, Timothy J. 2015. "Learning from Disaster: Post-Katrina New Orleans as a Sociological Classroom" in Jeannie Haubert (Ed.) Rethinking Disaster Recovery: A Hurricane Katrina Retrospective, pp.185-204. Maryland: Lexington Books.
Carmichael, Patrick, Brenda V. Kennedy, and Lauren Cadwallader. 2014. "Coastal but not Littoral: Marine Resources in Nasca Diet". Ñawpa Pacha, Journal of Andean Archaeology, Volume 34, Number 1, pp. 3-26.
Kulatilake, Samanti, Nimal Perera, Siran Deraniyagal, and Jude Perera. 2014. The Discovery and Excavation of a Human Burial from the Mini-athiliya Shell Midden in Southern Sri Lanka. Ancient Asia: Journal of the Society of South Asian Archaeology, 5(3),
Shankar, Irene. 2014. "The Making of a Medical Disorder: Tracing the Emergence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Alberta" Social Work in Public Health journal, 30 (1), 38-50.
Buchanan, Tom. 2014. "The Influence of Gender Role Attitudes on Perceptions of Women's Work Performance and the Importance of Fair Pay", Sociological Spectrum, 34 (3), 203-221.
Swenson, Donald. 2014. "The Subjective Secularization of Great Britain, 1991-2007" Implicit Religion, 17(2), 139-165
Mulholland Mary-Lee, (2013). A Beautiful Thing: Mariachi and Femininity in Jalisco, Mexico. Anthropologica, 55(2), 359-372. https://www.jstor.org/stable/24467342
Carmichael, Patrick. 2013. "Regionalism in Nasca Style History", Andean Past 11 (2013): 215-231.
Stephen Deng, a Sociology Alumnus has been featured in the Calgary Herald on May 18, 2015, for his contributions to helping the Calgary, Alberta police bridge a cultural gap.
Melanie Gracy, a 2013 Sociology Alumni, has been selected to be an intern at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City beginning in July 2015. This internship at the UN headquarters is among the most competitive and prestigious positions available for a graduate student. Melanie is pursuing her Master's Degree in Sustainable Natural Resource Management at the UN's University for Peace in Costa Rica, which she plans to finish toward the end of this year