The Education Undergraduate Society Executives is a group of elected second-year teacher candidates in the Bachelor of Education - Elementary program. 

List of 2023 - 2024 Executives 
President  Reggie San Jose 
Vice-President Internal Maddie Montgomery 
Vice-President External Riley Lane 
Treasurer Anna Kim 
Secretary  Elina Mogan 
Chair, Professional Development Brittany Andres
Chair, Events  Mary Marcos
Social Media Manager Jessica Cuillerier
Chair, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Malaika Kibonge 

The EUS connect with various community organizations to offer diverse learning opportunities in-person and online. Their initiatives include social events for teacher candidates like Valentine Card Making, a Black Excellence Celebration and karaoke nights. As well as, professional development events like Pain Points of Teaching where students learn about managing the classroom environment. 

In addition to the executives, the EUS classroom representatives are key communicators for these initiatives. The classroom rep offers an announcement at the beginning of each class. This includes reminders of various events that are coming up and important deadlines. The EUS also uses email, D2L and social media to share opportunities and information with students. 

The society's efforts support students in the BEd program and contributes to a well-rounded learning experience. 

Instagram: @mru_eus