Animal Care Committee (ACC)
Important Animal Care Committee protocol submission deadline
The deadline for submitting Animal Care Committee (ACC) applications for research or teaching activities involving animals that require ethics clearance prior to June 15, 2025 is Friday, March 15, 2025.
Please contact Jon Mee or Priscilla Wamucii prior to submitting your ACC application:
Jon Mee
Chair, Animal Care Committee
Priscilla Wamucii
Research Compliance Officer
The Animal Care Committee (ACC) reflects Mount Royal University's commitment to high standards for animal ethics and care and adheres to the principle that in order for animal-based research or teaching activities to be justified, they must have a reasonable expectation of providing a benefit to the health and welfare of people or of animals, or of advancing basic knowledge. The ACC reviews research involving animals in compliance with the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) guidelines and policies.
Name | Department | |
Jonathan Mee (Chair) | Biology | |
Melissa Deane | Director, Office of Research, Scholarship and Community Engagement | |
Karen Atkinson-Leadbeater | Psychology | |
Anisa Tilston | SAMRU | |
Meg Congram | Biology | |
Stuart Elle | Risk Management Services | |
Carrie Fischer |
Community Member, Consulting Veterinarian |
Jared Fletcher |
Health and Physical Education | |
Aly Khan Kassam |
Community Member |
Samir Lalani |
Community Member |
Heather Nelson | General Education | |
Priscilla Wamucii | Office of Research, Scholarship and Community Engagement | |
Application Process
- Login to ROMEO.
- To create a new account,check the ROMEO user guide for further instructions.
- Complete an ACC Application in ROMEO and submit.
- Use the Attachment tab to upload study licenses and other materials associated with the application.
- The initial screening process will take approximately 2-3 business days (e.g., Is the application complete? Does it require an Interim Review or a Committee Review?).
- If the received application is incomplete, you will receive an email from the Compliance Officer asking for confirmation.
- Once the screening is complete and the Compliance Officer's concerns have been addressed, the application will undergo a three-step process:
- The AVP-RSCE will be notified of complete files requiring review for scientific or pedagogic review.
- A Primary Reviewer will be determined to oversee the application review.
- The application will be sent to Committee members for review two weeks before the meeting.
- Note: The Committee will spend up to two weeks reviewing your application.
- Your reviewer's feedback will be uploaded on your application's Attachment section 48 hours before the meeting. The Committee Review is finalized after the meeting.
- You will be notified that the Review is available in ROMEO.
- Review the Report and make necessary changes to your ACC application in ROMEO and re-submit.
- Use the Log tab to view the changes made.
- Your Primary Reviewer will be granted access to the revised application and will review them again.
- If any requested changes were missed, the Primary Reviewer will use the Comments section to highlight revisions that have not been addressed.
- When the Primary Reviewer is satisfied and the application meets CCAC's requirements, the Reviewer will recommend approval on the Comments section.
- The ACC chair will review the Primary Reviewer comments and provide final approval for the application.
- You will receive a clearance letter through ROMEO. The project may be started once the letter is received.
- Renewal (Progress) and Completion form templates are available in ROMEO. You will be prompted when it is time to submit these forms.
- Modification requests may be submitted via ROMEO.
- Minor modifications will be reviewed by the Chair and the Compliance Officer.
- Major modifications will be reviewed by the Committee.
Notes to Remember
- ROMEO has a 10MB limit. Large PDF files (supporting materials) might need to be split into several smaller documents before they are uploaded.
- Always use the Home button rather than the Back button to not lose any progress.
- Print function is not a priority as it is a online system.
Appeal Process
The Canadian Council on Animal Care guidelines mandates training for all personnel involved in the use of animals in research, teaching and training. Mount Royal University's training for animal care users is facilitated through Blackboard.
If you have any questions or require more information, please contact the ACC Chair, Jonathan Mee, at, or contact the Research Compliance Officer, Priscilla Wamucii, at