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    RSD 2025, March 31 - April 4

Info for faculty

Our faculty are important partners in Research and Scholarship Days helping to showcasie the breadth of research at Mount Royal. We invite you to join us in celebrating research at Mount Royal by attending one of the events scheduled between March 31 and April 4. Check the event calendar for the full listing of events. You can also get involved through the opportunities below. 


Encourage your students to participate

We invite faculty to integrate Research and Scholarship Days into their winter courses.

Along with department and faculty-specific events, student posters will be featured on Main Street as a part of Research and Scholarship Days. The RSD poster event will be held on April 1 and 2, 2025. Attend this in-person event to review student research, ask questions and provide feedback.

The abstract submission deadline for students participating in the poster event is March 4, 2025

We hope that you will encourage your students to take part in these activities either as individuals or as a class. If you would like to have your entire class participate, please let us know at researchdays@mtroyal.ca.


Volunteer as an adjudicator

If you'd like to be more involved with Research and Scholarship Days, volunteer as an adjudicator! Adjudicators will review and evaluate featured student research at the Main Street Poster Presentations. The Poster Event will take place on Tuesday, April 1 and Wednesday, April 2. There will be four, one-hour time slots from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Volunteers can expect to adjudicate three posters. 

Sing up through this form if you wish to participate as a adjudicator. Research and Scholarship Days can't happen without the support of volunteers, so please consider signing up. You will receive a follow-up email closer to the date of the event giving you further instructions. 


Evaluation Criteria 

The following criteria is used by the adjudicator to review poster presentations at the RSD Poster Event. There are four criteria points students are judged on. They encompass all parts of presenting research, including impact, clarity, creativity and rigor. While a student researcher should have rigorous and impactful research, the process of presenting and communicating that work is important as well. Therefore, a student should be able to present the ideas discussed in their research project to the general public and faculty unfamiliar with the student's area of research. 

Poster Presentation Criteria 

  • How well does the student talk about their project and present it to a general audience? /5
  • How well do the poster visuals support the research? /5
  • Is the research comprehensive and convincingly argued? /5
  • Does the student convey the importance of the project and show its impact? /5 

Each of these points is valued at and scored out of five. Students should be able to blend research skills with knowledge dissemination.