Multiple rainbow lines overlapping, weaving through, around and under each other on a lavender background.

MRU EDIA events

Days and months
of significance


The purpose of this annual calendar is to highlight important dates in Canada and around the world. It helps raise awareness and enhance understanding of various events, activities and communities and commemorates international days and weeks currently observed by the United Nations.

This calendar includes significant events, celebrations, public holidays and other important dates to be considered when planning university activities. It will assist the Mount Royal University (MRU) community to anticipate when students or employees might choose to seek accommodations, especially for religious observances.

This is a living calendar. If you have any feedback, additions, updates or corrections please email:

Note: We are also working on a religious observances calendar which will focus on religious accommodation.


Other useful calendars


A divider made of a pastel and many intersecting colourful lines


Dates of significance (2024/25)


January  |  February  |  March  |  April  |  May  |  June

July  |  August  |  September  |  October  |  November  |  December