Becoming a resident
Becoming a member of MRU's Residence community requires the following steps:
- Choose how long you wish to live in Residence and your preferred room type.
- Understand your responsibilities as a Mount Royal resident by reading:
- The Accommodation Agreement (this is included in the application)
- The Residence Handbook and Conduct Guide
- The ResNET Acceptable Use Poslicy
- Submit your application and $60 non-refundable application fee.
- Pay your $400 confirmation deposit to confirm your place once you have received your initial housing offer (an email will be sent to you with details).
- Pay your housing fees by the required date.
- Follow move-in procedures.
All correspondence will be sent to the email address listed on your application. Ensure that our email address - - is added to your contacts or safe list to prevent our correspondence from being automatically deposited in a junk mail folder and deleted.
Eligible students
Admission to Residence is conditional upon your registration as a student at Mount Royal University, however we strongly encourage all potential students to apply for Residence prior to receiving your acceptance to the University as housing is limited. Please note that your application fee ($60) is non-refundable, however your Confirmation Deposit will be refunded if you are not accepted to the University AND you cancel your application prior to the Move In date.
Admission preference will be done in the following sequence:
- Students with accessibility requirements
- Priority housing groups
- Mount Royal students (full time)
- Mount Royal students (part time)
Mount Royal Residence Services provides single student housing. Family housing is not available except under the Indigenous Housing Program.
Duration of stay in Residence
Students may apply to stay in residence for the following:
- Academic Year (Fall and Winter term)
- Winter term
- Spring and Summer term (learn more)
- Spring term (learn more)
- Summer term (learn more)
Applying for Academic Year
Students will be assigned to a room for both terms and the contract will reflect this. Students are guaranteed their space for the second term and will not need to reapply, pay an application fee or move.
However, you will be signing a contract for both terms which means that a cancellation of any portion of your stay in Residence - including the entire Winter term - is subject to cancellation fees after June 30. See withdrawing from Residence below for more information.
Application Process
Residence Services will send you emails throughout your application process so we ask that you monitor this closely. If you have any questions, we encourage you to reach out to us at
- Application Initiated: You have started and/or completed the first portion of the application in the Residence Portal and just have to pay your $60 non-refundable application fee for your application to be considered.
- Application Fee Received: Residence Services has received your application fee and will send you an email with the next steps of your application.
- Offer Made: Residence Services has extended you a housing offer.
- Offer Accepted, Declined, or Deferred: You have chosen to respond to your housing offer. If you accept, you continue on through the application process. If you decline, your application is cancelled and you are no longer considered for housing for that term. If you defer, Residence Services will contact you to discuss what steps you would like to take with your application.
- Application Complete: You have accepted your housing offer and have completed the remainder of your application in the Residence Portal. You just have to pay your $400 confirmation deposit in order for your acceptance to be complete.
- Confirmation Deposit Received: Residence Services has received your confirmation deposit and your application is now considered complete! More information regarding roommate selection, specific unit placement, and move in day details will be sent via email at a later date.
Residence Application Portal
Go to the Residence Application Portal to begin your application!