Alain Morin

BA (Hons) (Laval University)
MA (Laval University)
PhD (Laval University)
Office: EA3067
Phone: 403.440.7069
- PSYC 2283 Theories of Personality
- PSYC 4401 Social Cognition
- PSYC 4404 The Self
- Self-Awareness; Self-Recognition; Theory of Mind; Fame; Self-Awareness and Self-Destruction; Development of Self-Consciousness; Neurophilosophy / Mind-Brain Problem
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Letter to the Editor: Self-awareness in fish? Submitted.
Morin, A. The Self course: Lessons from students’ weekly questions. Submitted
Racy, F., & Morin, A. Relationships between self-talk, inner speech, mind wandering, mindfulness, self-concept clarity, and self-regulation in university students. Submitted.
Latinjak, A.T, Brinthaupt, T.M, Hardy, J., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Kendall, P.C., Morin, A., Neck, C., Oliver, E.J., Puchalska-Wasyl, M., Tovares, A.V., & Winsler, A. Self-talk: An interdisciplinary review and transdisciplinary model. In press.
Racy, F., Morin, A, & Hagerty, J. (2022). Validity and reliability of representative inner speech questionnaires. Psychological Reports.
Morin, A (2022). Inner speech does not represent an epiphenomenon: Commentary on Verhaeghen & Mirabito (2021). International Journal of Personality Psychology, 8, 1-4.
Morin, A. (2021). Self-reported inner speech illuminates frequency and content of self-as-subject and self-as-object experiences. Psychology of Consciousness, 9(1), 93-100.
Morin, A. (2021). Implications of mirror self-recognition for self-awareness. Psychology of Consciousness. Advance online publication.
Chella, A., Pipitone, A., Morin, A., & Racy, F. (2020). Developing self-awareness in robots via inner speech. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 7(16).
Brinthaupt, T.M, Morin, A., & Puchalska‐Wasyl, MM. (2020). Editorial: Exploring the nature, content, and frequency of intrapersonal communication. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 601754. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.601754.
Morin, A. (2019). When inner speech and imagined interactions meet. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 39(4), 374-385.
Racy, F., Morin, A., & Duhnych, C. (2019). Using a Thought Listing procedure to construct the General Inner Speech Questionnaire: An ecological approach. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 33(4), 385–405. DOI: 10.1080/10720537.2019.1633572
Morin, A., Duhnych, C., & Racy, F. (2018). Self-reported inner speech use in university students. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 1–7.
Morin, A. (2017). Toward a glossary of self-related terms. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 280. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00280
Morin, A. (2016). The 'self-awareness&mdash:anosognosia" paradox explained: How one process can be associated with activation of, and damage to, opposite sides of the brain. Laterally: Asymmetries of Body, Brain & Cognition (Vol. DOI: 10.1080/135765X.2016.1173049).
Morin, A., Runyan, J.D., & Brinthaupt, T.M. (2015). Editorial: Inner Experiences: Theory, Measurement, Frequency, Content, and Functions. Front. Psychol. 6:1758. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01758
Racy, F., & Morin, A. (2015). Special issue on self and social cognition: Editorial. Behavioural Sciences Undergraduate Journal, 2(1), 2-3.
Morin, A. & Uttl, B. (2013). Inner speech: A window into consciousness. The Neuropsychotherapist, doi: 10.12744/tnpt.14.04.2013.01
Morin, A., & Hamper, B. (2012). Self-reflection and the inner voice: Activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus during perceptual and conceptual self-referential thinking. The Open NeuroImaging Journal, 6, 78-89.
Morin, A. (2011). Self-awareness Part 1: Definitions, measures, effects, function, and antecedents. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 5/10 (2011): 807-823.
Morin, A. (2010). Self-recognition, Theory-of-Mind, and self-awareness: What side are you on? Laterality, 16(3), 367-383.
Morin, A. (2009). Self-awareness deficits following loss of inner speech: Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor's case study. Consciousness and Cognition, 18(2), 524-529.
Morin, A. & Michaud, J. (2007). Self-awareness and the left inferior frontal gyrus: Inner speech use during in self-related processing. Brain Research Bulletin, 74(6), 387-396.
Morin, A. (2007). Self-awareness and the left hemisphere: The dark side of selectively reviewing the literature (Commentary on Keenan et al., Cortex, 2005). Cortex, 8, 1068-1073.
Morin, A. (2006). Levels of consciousness and self-awareness: A comparison and integration of various neurocognitive views. Consciousness and Cognition, 15(2), 358-371.
Morin, A. (2005) Possible links between self-awareness and inner speech: Theoretical background, underlying mechanisms, and empirical evidence. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 12(4-5), 115-134.
Morin, A. (2004). A neurocognitive and socioecological model of self-awareness. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 130(3), 197-222.
Encyclopedia Entries
Morin, A. (2012). Inner speech. Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, Second Edition. W. Hirstein (Ed.), Elsevier.
Morin, A. (2009). Inner speech and consciousness.Encyclopedia of Consciousness. W. Banks (Ed.), Elsevier.
Morin, A. (2006). Self-recognition. Invited paper for the 2006 Encyclopedia of Science & Technology (McGraw-Hill).
Book Chapters
Morin, A. Inner speech involvement in self-processes: Rationale, evidence, dissenters, and applications. In press.
Morin, A., & Racy, F (2022). Frequency, content, and functions of self-reported inner speech in young adults: A synthesis. In P. Fossa (Ed.), Inner speech, culture & education. Springer.
Morin, A., & Racy, F. (2021). Dynamic self-processes. In J. Rauthmann, Ed., Handbook of Personality Dynamics and Processes. Elsevier.
Brinthaupt, T., & Morin, A. (2020). Assessment methods for organic self-talk. In A. Latinjak & A. Hatzigeorgiadis (Ed.), Self-talk in sport. Routledge.
Morin, A. The self-reflective function of inner speech: Twelve years later. In. P. Langland-Hassan, & A. Vicente, Eds., Inner Speech Anthology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In press.
Morin, A., El-Sayed, A., & Racy, F. (2015). Theory of Mind, self-awareness and inner speech in typical and ASD individuals: A critical review, in Theory of Mind: Development in Children, Brain Mechanisms and Social Implications (43-114). Nova Publishers.
Morin, A. (2012). What are animals conscious of? In J. Smith, R.W. Mitchell, & M.S. Schneider (Eds.), Minds of Animals, Columbia Press.
Talk presented at the online International Symposium LACCOS [virtual] (Laboratory of the Study of Self-Awareness, Consciousness, Higher Order Cognition and Self) on December 20, 2021: Morin, A., “Self-awareness and inner speech: Empirical evidence and theoretical considerations”.
Colloquium presented at the 11th International Conference on the Dialogical Self (virtual) on June 7-10, 2021: Morin, A., & Racy, F., “Frequency, content, functions, and correlates of self-reported inner speech: A synthesis”.
Poster presented at the Interdisciplinary Conference in Psychology (virtual) on May 13-14, 2021: Morin, A., “Self-reported inner speech informs frequency & content of self-as-object/self-as-subject experiences”.
Poster presented at the Interdisciplinary Conference in Psychology (virtual) on May 13-14, 2021: Racy, F., Hagerty, J., Duhnych, C., & Morin, A., “Exploring self-reports of inner speech, self-awareness, self-consciousness, social emotional competence, and personality traits in Canadian undergraduates”.
Poster presented at the Interdisciplinary Conference in Psychology (virtual) on May 13-14, 2021: Hagerty, J, Racy, F., Duhnych, C., & Morin, A., “Considering validity when interpreting results from inner speech questionnaires”.
Poster presented at the Interdisciplinary Conference in Psychology (virtual) on May 13-14, 2021: Racy, F., Duhnych, C., Morin, A., Hagerty, J., & Patton, J., “Self-dynamics: Inner speech, self-awareness, self-consciousness, mindfulness, self-concept clarity, reflection, rumination, mind-wandering, anxiety, self-control and self-regulation”.
Talk presented at the Inner Speech in Humans and Robots Workshop, University of Palermo (Sicily, Italy) on June 6, 2019: Morin, A., Duhnych, C., Racy, F., Hagerty, J., Patton, J., “Inner speech in Humans”.
Talk presented at the Inner Speech in Humans and Robots Workshop, University of Palermo (Sicily, Italy) on June 6, 2019: Racy, F., Hagerty, J., Morin, A., Duhnych, C., Patton, J. “Self-awareness in Humans”.
Talk presented at the Universidad de Madrid (Madrid, Spain) on June 4, 2019: Morin, A., “Current Canadian research on inner speech”. Also presented at the Centro de Investigación Micaela Portilla Ikergunea in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) on May 28, 2019.
Poster presented at the Research Days conference (Calgary, AB) on April 2, 2019: Racy, F, Duhnych, C., Morin, A., Hagerty, J., Patton, J. “Links between inner speech, autobiography, self-esteem and meaning in life”.
Poster presented at the Research Days conference (Calgary, AB) on April 2, 2019: Duhnych, C., Racy, F., Morin, A., Hagerty, J., Patton, J. “Are there variations in self-reported inner speech as a function of different time probes?” [Also presented at BASICS (Banff, AB) on May 3, 2019]
Poster presented at the Research Days conference (Calgary, AB) on April 2, 2019: Hagerty, J., Morin, A. “Does Self-Reported Inner Speech Differ as a Function of Pre-Training?” [Also presented at BASICS (Banff, AB) on May 3, 2019]
Poster presented at the Science of Consciousness Conference (Tucson, Az) on March 2-7, 2018: Morin, A. Racy, F., Duhnych, C., Patton, J., Hagerty, J., “Preliminary validation of the General Inner Speech Questionnaire”.
Talk presented at the Science of Consciousness Conference (Tucson, Az) on March 2-7, 2018: Racy, F., Duhnych, C., Morin, A., Patton, J., Hagerty, J., Gomez, D., “I talk to myself about, in order to, and when: Self-reported inner speech content and functions in a university sample.” [Also presented at BASICS (Banff, AB) on May 4, 2018]
Talk presented at the Science of Consciousness Conference (Tucson, Az) on March 2-7, 2018: Duhnych, C., Racy, F., Morin, A., Patton, J., Hagerty, J., Gomez, D., “Correlations between inner speech, mind wandering, mindfulness, self-regulation, self-reflection, self-rumination, self-concept clarity, and situational self-awareness”. [Also presented at BASICS (Banff, AB) on May 4, 2018]
Duhnych, C., Racy, F., Morin, A., & Patton, J. (2017) "Measuring inner speech using improved Thought Listing and coding procedures". Poster presented at the International Conference on Psychology and Behavioural Sciences (ICPBS), Lisbon, Portugal. (Role: Co-Author)
Racy, F., Duhnych, C., Morin, A., & Patton, J. (2017) "Correlations between several self-related constructs". Poster presented at the International Conference on Psychology and Behavioural Sciences (ICPBS), Lisbon, Portugal. (Role: Co-Author)
Morin, A. (2016). The "self-awareness - anosognosia" paradox explained. The Scientific Study of Consciousness conference, Tucson, AZ, USA. (Role: Presenter)
Morin, A. (2016). Inner Experiences: An overview of the process of editing/publishing 15 research papers on this topic for Frontiers in Cognitive Science. Research16 MRU Psychology Symposium, Calgary, AB, Canada. (Role: Presenter)
Morin A. (2015). The self-reflective function of inner speech. Inner speech: Theories and models, Granada, Spain.
Morin, A., & Clements, L. (2015). Toward a glossary of self-related terms. BASICS, Banff, AB, Canada. (Role: Co-Author).
Uttl, B., White, C., Morin, A., Wong Gonzalez, D., & Mathison, K. (2014). Prospective memory, personality, and psychopathology. 4th International Conference on Prospective Memory, Naples, Italy. (Role: Co-Author)
Sovalson, K., Morin, A., Uttl, B. (2014). Age-related differences in inner speech. BASICS, Banff, AB, Canada. (Role: Co-Author)
Uttl, B., White, C.A., & Morin, A. (2013). The numbers tell it all: Students do not like numbers! CSBBCS Conference, Calgary, AB, Canada. (Role: Co-Author)
Morin, A. (2013). Activation of the Left Frontal Gyrus During Self-referential Thinking. International Neuropsychology Society 41st Annual Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA. (Role: Presenter)
Uttl, B., Morin, A., Faulds, T., Hall, T., & Wilson, J. (2012). Sampling inner speech using text messaging. CSBBCS Conference, Kingston, ON, Canada. (Role: Co-Author)
Morin, A., Uttl, B., & Hamper, B. (2011). Self-reported frequency, content, and functions of inner speech. The Psychonomic Society Conference, Seattle, WA, USA. (Role: Presenter)