Scholarships & Awards
Psychology Department AwardsThe Department of Psychology at Mount Royal University is pleased to be offering two awards to students at the conclusion of the 2024-2025 academic year. The awards are for Outstanding Honours Performance and Outstanding Achievement. We will also recognize students who perform volunteer work; see Volunteer Recognition. Students majoring in Psychology are encouraged to review the criteria for each award and to apply for consideration (if appropriate). All criteria are outlined below:
- Honours students wishing to be considered will need to complete an application for the award. The application will include a statement of consent for the Honours course instructor to release course/grade information to the committee.
- The committee will calculate performance by averaging students' performance in PSYC 5110 and PSYC 5120 to two decimal places to determine the award recipient. In the event of a tie, the Honours thesis grade will be used to break the tie.
Who should apply? Students who will be completing PSYC 5110 and PSYC 5120 this year.
When to apply? Submit your application form before April 30th in the year that you complete 5110 and 5120. You can submit your form to the online submission portal, found here.
* Please note - This award may not be given annually.
This award will be presented at June Convocation.
In the event of a tie, the following tie-break criteria would be applied:
- Percent of PSYC courses with a grade of A+
- Overall (cumulative) GPA
How to apply? You do not need to apply for this award, unless you are a graduating student that is currently taking transfer courses at another institution in order to qualify for full-time status.
If you are taking transfer courses to qualify for full-time status and you would like to be considered for this award, you must self-identify by emailing by April 30th with your appropriate Letter(s) of Permission and documentation verifying that you have passed your transfer course(s).
This award will be presented at June Convocation.
We want to recognize Psychology students who volunteer in the community. Students will be recognized on our website. If you are completing (or have completed) volunteer work during the 2024-2025 academic year, please send an email to by April 22, 2025, letting us know where you volunteer, what you do there (in 1-3 sentences), and how long you've been doing it. Feel free to include your supervisor's name and contact information if you think that other students may want to volunteer there as well.
2023 - 2024 Psychology Award Recipients

Mount Royal Student Association AwardsThe Students Association of Mount Royal University (SAMRU) also has a collection of Student Awards. The E-Awards, which stand for Excellence, Enrichment and Endeavour, are scholarships that recognize students who have contributed to their campus community in an outstanding way that inspires and enhances the lives of their fellow Mount Royal students. Follow this link to the SAMRU Awards and Bursaries page for more information.Mount Royal Scholarships and BursariesMount Royal offers hundreds of awards, providing students with more than $3 million in scholarships and bursaries. Take a look at the MRU scholarships and bursaries page, maybe there's one there for you.