Evelyn Field

 Evelyn Field 

BABSc. (University of Lethbridge)
M.Sc. (University of Lethbridge)
PhD (University of Lethbridge)
Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Calgary)

Office: EA 3072
Email: efield@mtroyal.ca


  • PSYC 2275 Foundation in Biopsychology
  • PSYC 3327 Sexualities and Identities
  • PSYC 3357 Contemporary Topics in Biopsychology


  • Emerging technologies and sexuality, nervous system control of sexual behaviours, sex differences in behaviour, the evolution of sex, sexuality and consent, sexuality education


Field, E.F. (2022). The Electrical Mind. Webinar for John Wiley and Sons Publishers

Field, E.F. (2021). 21st Century Skills and the 5C’s in the Classroom – Part 2. Webinar for John Wiley and Sons Publishers

Field, E.F. (2020). Tips and Tricks for Teaching about the Brain. Webinar for John Wiley and Sons Publishers

Field, E.F. (2020). 21st Century Skills and the 5C’s in the Classroom. Webinar for John Wiley and Sons Publishers

Field, E. F. (2020). 1-XXX-HOT-DOLL. Love, Lust, and Beer. Presented by Mount Royal University

Field, E. F. (2020). Team workshop on promotion to full professor. Mount Royal University.

Chaston, A and Field, E. F. (2018). Pop Up Research - Virtual Reality. Mount Royal Research Days.

Chaston, A and Field, E. F. (2018). World Changing Books - Ready Player One. Calgary Public Library.

Chaston, A and Field, E. F. (2018). Nerd Nite - The world of virtual reality. Center for Psychological Innovation, Mount Royal University.

Field, E. F. (2018). So you would like to publish a book? Presentation at MRU with Dr. Kit Dobson.

Connecting for Success: Collaborating Today for Tomorrow's Psychology Classroom (2017). Invited Panel Discussion/Workshop, Wiley Publishers, Toronto, Canada.

Field, E.F., Tavcer, S. & Shankar, I. (2016). Sexual assault on post secondary campuses: Policy development and educational challenges. Alberta Society for the Promotion of Sexual Health.

Field, E.F. (2016). Sexual development, Secular Humanist Society (MRU).

Field, E. F. (2016). In one second or less: The evolution of sex differences in movement organization. Society for the Study of Sex Differences, Phildelphia, U.S.A.

Field, E. F. (2016). The juiciness of sex. Telus Science Centre, Calgary, AB.

Field, E. F. (2015). Redefining your research: Going from $$$ to 0 - now what? University of Lethbridge.

Field, E. F. (2015). What are you afraid of? Telus Science Centre, Calgary, AB. Presented again in December 2015 at the best of 2015 Adults Only evening.

Field, E. F. (2013) Sex differences and brain function. Conference Board of Canada, Calgary, AB. Invited to present this again in Toronto later that year.

Field, E. F. (2013). The role of prenatal inflammation in the development of social and motor behaviours. The 21st annual Western Perinatal Research Meeting, Banff, AB

Field, E.F. (2013). Sex and Hot Flashes. Community Presentation via the Canadian Mental Health Association, Calgary, AB.

Field, E.F. (2012). Sex differences in the organization of behaviour. Animal Genomic/Reproduction Facility Research Day, Laval University, Quebec.

Field, E. F. (2011) Train the trades - the people component of small business. SAIT, Calgary, AB.

Field, E. F. (2011). Endocrine disruptors, SSRIs and sex. The Chemistry Between Us. presentation for High School Students of Calgary at Mount Royal University

Field, E. F. (2011). The role of research in a teaching institution. Hotchkiss Brain Institute Neuroscience Graduate Student Society. University of Calgary

Field, E. F. (2011). The problem of dwindling males. Board of Govenors. Mount Royal University

Field, E. F. (2011). Endocrine disruptors, the nervous system and behaviour. International Day of Chemistry. presentation for High School Students of Calgary at Mount Royal University

Field, E. F. (2009). Does perinatal inflammation lead to an autistic-like phenotype in juvenile rats? Canadian Association for Neuroscience, Vancouver B.C.

Field, E. F. (2008). The effect of prenatal inflammation on sex-typical patterns of motor coordination during contact righting. International Behavioral Neuroscience Society, St. Thomas, U.S.A.

Field, E. F. (2007). Sex differences in movement organization: Relavance for Parkinson's Disease. Movement Disorders and Therapeutic Brain Stimulation Research Retreat, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.

Field, E. F. (2007). Sex differences in movement organization: Relavance for Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Hotchkiss Brain Institute Seminar Series, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Field, E. F. (2006). Sex differences in movement organization: It is in the head not the hips! Behavioral Neuroscience Research Group, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Field, E. F. (2005). Sex differences in movement organization: The role of gonadal steroids and body morphology. Invited Lecture at the International Behavioral Development Symposium, Minot, North Dakota.

Field, E. F. (2004). Sex differences in behaviour, Minot State University, North Dakota


Techentin, C., Ogden, N., Taylor, J. & Field, E. F. (2024). Helping students see the future: Including work-integrated learning in individual psychology courses. Society for the Teaching of Psychology’s Annual Conference on Teaching, Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A.

Rodger, K. & Field, E. F. (2024). The impact of social chatbot use on users’ human social and romantic relationships. Canadian Sex Research Forum, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Citrigno, O. & Field. E. F. (2023). Sex education and YouTube videos. Connecting Minds, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.   

Dockter, E. & Field, E. F. (2022). The evolution of flexing in popular music. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.   

Brunet, L. & Field E.F. (2020). Gender bias in sentencing in fictional statutory sexual assault cases. 2nd Annual Canadian Forensic Psychology Virtual Conference.

Briand, K., Fox, S. & Field E.F. (2020). Does creativity correlate with sexual openness? Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality – Online Conference.

Parmar, J., Barnes, L., Chaston, A. & Field, E.F.  (2019). The interplay between participant bias and implicit racial biases in virtual reality. Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Sciences. Banff, Alberta, Canada. 

Fox, S. & Field, E. F. (2019). A comparison of the social interactions of domestic horses and Hartman zebras. Mount Royal University Research Days

Parmar, J., Field, E.F. & Chaston, A. (2018). Performance in a Virtual Reality First Person Shooter Game in Females Naïve to Virtual Reality Gaming. Connecting Minds, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (J. Parmar is a MRU student)

Chodak, A., Field, E.F., & Chaston, A. (2018). Is performance in a virtual reality fast food game influenced by an individual's locus of control? Connecting Minds, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (A. Chodak is a MRU student)

Parmar, J. Field, E.F. & Chaston A. (2018). Aggression and perception of visible minorities in light skinned female participants based on avatar skin color in a first person virtual reality game. Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Sciences. Banff, Alberta, Canada. (J. Parmar is a MRU student)

Chodak, A. & Field, E. F. (2017). A lack of alignment of sexual assault policy development and resources for sexual assault survivors at post-secondary institutions in Canada. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Atlanta, U.S.A. (A. Chodak is a MRU student)

Falardeau, C. & Field, E. F. (2017). The relationship of religiosity, mindfulness and empathy with participant attitudes toward the legalization of polyamorous relationships and whether this relationship style is detrimental to children. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Atlanta, U.S.A. (C. Falardeau is a MRU student)

O'Reilly, K. & Field, E. F. (2017). Students as partners: The development of course goals and student assessment of a third year psychology of sexuality class. International Scholarship of Teaching. (K. O'Reilly is a MRU student)

Field, E. F. & Murdoch, M. (2017). A Survey of Experiential Teaching and Learning Opportunities in Psychology at the Post-Secondary Level in Canada. International Scholarship of Teaching.

Falardeau, C. & Field, E. F. (2017). The relationship between religiosity, mindfulness and empathy on dehumanization attitudes toward individuals in consensually non-monogamous relationships. Canadian Sex Research Forum, Fredericton, N.B. (C. Falardeau is a MRU student)

Chodak, A. & Field, E. F. (2017). The availability of services and support for student sexual assault survivors at postsecondary institutions across Canada: An assessment of university websites as a gateway to support services. Canadian Sex Research Forum, Fredericton, N.B. (A. Chodak is a MRU student)

Rogers, N. & Field E. F. (2017). Mental health disparities amongst subgroups of the LGBTQ* Population: A critical review of the literature and suggestions for future research. Canadian Sex Research Forum, Fredericton, N.B. (N. Rogers is a MRU student)

Field, E. F. Tavcer, S & Shankar, I. (2016). Alignment of proactive and reactive policies and programs for sexual violence prevention at post-secondary institutions in Alberta. Canadian Sociological Association - Panel Presentation (Congress). Calgary, AB.

Tavcer, S., Field, E. F., Shankar, I. (2016). Sexual assault in Alberta: Understanding the crime funnel effect of adult-on-adult sexual assault and its discrepancies between police-reported and victim service-reported information. Canadian Sociological Association - Panel Presentation (Congress). Calgary, AB.

Shankar, I., Tavcer, S. & Field, E. F. (2016). Development and implementation of sexual assault protocols and policies on university campuses. Canadian Sociological Association - Panel Presentation (Congress). Calgary, AB.

Atkinson-Leadbeater, K. & Field, E. F. (2014). Manipulating synaptic transmission in Helisoma trivolvis. A laboratory exercise for undergraduate students. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C.

Mitchell, C., French, H, Atkinson-Leadbeater, K. & Field, E. F. (2013). Diethylstilbestrol exposure in Helisoma trivolvis. Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science, Calgary, Alberta. (C. Mitchell is a MRU student)

Field, E.F., McLeod, S. A., Kentner, A. C., Pittman, Q. J. (2011). The effects of maternal inflammation on the sex-typical development of motor behavior and the architecture of striatal medium spiny neurons in peri-pubertal rats. Organization for the Study of Sex Differences. Oklahoma City, U.S.A.

Callaway, K., Payette, B., Field, E. F. (2011). The efficacy of support services for family members of internationally deployed Canadian forces. Connecting Minds, Vancouver, B.C. Canada. (K. Callaway is a MRU student)

Mitchell, C., Kentner, A. A., McLeod, S. A., Kolb, B., Field, E. F., Pittman, Q. J. (2011) The effects of maternal inflammation on the sex-typical development of social behavior and the architecture of prefrontal neurons in peri-pubertal rats. Experimental Biology, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. (C. Mitchell is a MRU student)

Mitchell, C. Field, E. F. & Lukowiak, K. (2010). The effects of Bisphenol A on non-reproductive and reproductive behaviours in Lymnaea stagnalis. Twenty-second Spring Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, BC, Canada. (C. Mitchell is a MRU student)

Lang, M., Field, E.F. & Pittman, Q. J. (2010). The effects of maternal inflammation on maternal behavior in the Sprague Dawley rat. Twenty-second Spring Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, BC, Canada. (M. Lang is a MRU student)



Ogden, N., Field, E. F., Boyes, M., & Gould, E. (in preparation). Psychology Around Us. 5th edition, John Wiley & Sons: Toronto.

Ogden, N., Boyes, M., Field, E. F., Comer, R., & Gould, E. (2021). Psychology Around Us. 4th edition, John Wiley & Sons: Toronto.

Field, E. F., Miller, J. & Finch, D. (2018). Designing You For Psychology Majors. https://www.designingyou.org/

Carrol, J.L., Field, E.F., Aveline, D. (2016). Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity. Nelson: Toronto.

Field, E.F., (2015). Powerpoint lectures and revised instructor resources - 18 Chapters. Psychology Around Us. Wiley: Toronto.

Ellis, L., Geary, D. C., Field, E. F., Hoyenga, K., Kazmer, K., Palmer, C., Pellis, S. M., Wersinger, S., Werstal, S. (2008) A Sourcebook for Male and Female Differences. Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates.

Book Chapters

Field, E. F. (2010). (Invited book chapter). Sex differences in toy preferences: Sociology or Biology? In S. L. Gillies & S. Hewitt (Eds.), Biology on the Cutting Edge: Concepts, Issues and Canadian Research around the Globe. Pearson Canada, pp. 97-100.

Field, E. F., & Whishaw, I. Q. (2008) (Invited book chapter). Sex differences in movement organization: Becker, J., Berkley, K., Geary, N., Hampson, E., Herman, J., Young, E. (Eds.) Sex differences and the brain: From genes to behavior. Oxford University Press.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Finch, D., Levallet, N., Saunders, C., Field, E. F., Ribeiro, J., Raby, S., Roberts, M., Uzoka, F.-M., Campbell, A. (2023). A Dynamic Capabilities View of Career Adaptation: An Exploratory Study. Education + Training, 65(5), 769-789.

Finch, D., Levallet, N., Field, E. F., Raby, S., Saunders, C., Roberts, M., Uzoka, F.-M., McIntyre, S., Ribero, J. & Cressman, S. (2020). Calgary on the precipice: Learning our way forward. (p 1-63) Calgary Economic Development Council. 

Finch, D., Levallet, N., Field, E. F., Raby, S., Saunders, C., Roberts, M., Uzoka, F.-M., McIntyre, S., Ribero, J. & Cressman, S. (2020). Calgary on the precipice: The path to learningCITY 2025. (p. 1-25) Calgary Economic Development Council.

Kentner, A. C., McLeod, S. A., Field, E. F. & Pittman, Q. J. (2010). Susceptibility to 'depressive' behavior in male and female rats after neonatal LPS exposure: The role of sex steroids. Journal of Endocrinology 151: 2689-2699.

Spencer, S., Field, E. F., Pittman, Q. J. (2010). Neonatal programming by neuroimmune challenge: Effects on responses and tolerance to septic doses of LPS in adult male and female rats. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 22: 272-281.

Field, E. F., & Pellis, S. M. (2008) (Invited review). The brain as the engine for sex differences in movement organization. Archives of Sexual Behavior 37: 30-42.

Field, E. F. Metz, G. A., Pellis, S. M., & Whishaw, I. Q. (2006). Sexually dimorphic postural adjustments during vertical behavior are altered in a unilateral 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson's disease. Behavioural Brain Research 174, 39-48.

Wallace, D. G., Wallace, P. S., Field, E. F., Whishaw, I. Q. (2006). Pharmacological manipulations of food protection behavior in rats: Evidence for dopaminergic alterations in timing perception during a natural behavior. Brain Research 1112, 213-221.

Field, E. F., Watson, N.V., Whishaw, I. Q. & Pellis, S. M. (2006). Development of play fighting in tfm-affected males: Direct androgenic effects are necessary for the developmental changes in playful defense in adulthood. Developmental Psychobiology, 48, 111-120.

Field, E. F. & Whishaw, I. Q. (2005). Sex differences in postural adjustments during a single pellet skilled reaching task do not affect reaching success. Behavioural Brain Research, 163, 237-245.

Field, E. F., Martens, D. J., Watson, N. V., & Pellis, S. M. (2005). Sex differences in righting from supine to prone: A masculinized skeletomusculature is not required. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 119, 238-45.

Field, E. F., Watson, N. V., Whishaw, I. Q. & Pellis, S. M. (2005). A masculinized skeletomusculature is not required for male-typical patterns of food-protective movements. Hormones and Behavior, 47, 49-55.

Field, E. F., Whishaw, I. Q., Forgie, M. L. & Pellis, S. M. (2004). Neonatal and pubertal, but not adult, ovarian steroids are necessary for the development of female-typical patterns of dodging to protect a food item. Behavioral Neuroscience, 118, 1293-1304.

Field, E. F., Whishaw, I. Q. & Pellis, S. M. (2000). Sex differences in catalepsy: Evidence for hormonal-dependent postural mechanisms in haloperidol treated rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 109, 207-212.