Ines Sametband, PhD

BA (Licenciatura) Universidad de Buenos Aires
MSc. (University of Calgary)
PhD (University of Calgary)
Office: EA3074
Phone: 403.440.5962
- PSYC 3406 Introduction to Counselling and Psychotherapy
- PSYC 3404 Effective Communication Skills in Psychology
- PSYC 3311 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods for Psychology
- PSYC 2285 Introduction to the Psychology of Abnormal Behaviour
Counselling, family therapy, intercultural dialogues, cultural discourses in psychotherapy, social justice, therapeutic process and outcome, social constructionist informed therapies.
Current Research: Overcoming cultural blindness in family therapy: Exploring opportunities for relational wellness. IRGF Fall 2020 Award.
Selected Publications
Sametband, I., Chiara, G., Gaete, J., & Strong, T. (2023) Negotiating Cultural Relevance From within Therapy Conversations. Human Systems: Therapy, Culture, and Attachments.
Gaete, J., Sametband, I., & Ferretti, R. (2021). Therapeutic change process as reifying relational preferences: An exploratory study into family therapy for behavioural problems (Proceso de cambio terapéutico como reificación de preferencias relacionales: un estudio exploratorio en terapia para problemas de conducta). Estudios de Psicología, 42(1), 130-157.
Strong, T., Sametband, I., & Gaete, J. (2020). Constructing processes of involuntary global migration: An introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 34(1), 1-8.
Gaete, J., Durán, A. & Sametband, I. (2019). Trayendo al frente el ausente pero implícito: El comportamiento disruptivo como testimonio de lo sagrado (Bringing forth the absent but implicit: Disruptive behaviour as a testimony of the sacred). Revista Argentina de Psicología, 28(3), 221-233.
Gaete, J., Sametband, I., St. George, S., Wulff, D., Tomm, K., & Durán, G. (2018). Realizing relational preferences through transforming interpersonal patterns. Family Process, 59(1), 21-35.
Sametband, I. & Strong, T. (2018). Immigrant family members negotiating preferred cultural identities in family therapy conversations: a discursive analysis. Journal of Family Therapy, 40(2), 201-223. doi: 10.1111/1467-6427.12164
Sametband, I., Gaete Silva, J., & Chang, J. (2017). Galvanizing family therapy: Reclaiming and revitalizing collaborative practices: Introduction to the Special Section. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 36(3), 16-19. Retrieved from:
Mudry, T. E., Strong, T., Sametband, I., Rogers-de Jong, M., Gaete, J., Merritt, S., Doyle, E. M., & Ross, K. H (2016). Internalized other interviewing in relational therapy: Three discursive approaches to understanding its use and outcomes. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 42(1), 168-184. doi: 10.1111/jmft.12110
Strong, T., Wulff, D., Mudry, T., St. George, S., Sametband, I. (2015). Differences over dollars and sense: Discourses involving money in family therapy. Human Systems, 26(1), 66-85. Retrieved from
Mudry, T., Sametband, I., Strong, T., Wulff, D., Michel, J., & St. George, S. (2014). “Where I’m coming from”: A discourse analysis of financial advice media. Journal of Financial Therapy, 5(1), Article 5.
Sutherland, O., Sametband, I., Gaete Silva, J., Couture, S., & Strong, T. (2013). Conversational perspective of therapeutic outcomes: The importance of preference in the development of discourse. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 13(3), 220-226. doi: 10.1080/14733145.2012.742917
Sametband, I. & Strong, T. (2013). Negotiating cross-cultural misunderstandings in collaborative therapeutic conversations. International Journal for the Development of Counselling, 35(2), 88-99. doi: 10.1007/s10447-012-9169-1
Chapters in books:
Smoliak, O., Couture, S., Gaete, J., Rogers De-Jong, M., Sametband, I., & Lamarre, A. (2021). Approaching family therapy discursively: Practice-based evidence to enhance family therapy conversations. In M. O’Reilly & J. Lester (Eds.), Improving communication in mental health settings: Evidence-based recommendations from practitioner led research. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. doi: 10.4324/9781003024330-3-4
Strong, T., Sametband, I., Gaete, J., & Lopez-Bilbao, S. (2020). Whose culture is it anyway? A social constructionist and discursive approach to researching cross-cultural interactions within families and family therapy. In R. Singh & M. Rastogi (Eds.), Handbook of Systemic Family Therapy (Vol. IV). Wiley & Sons.
Sametband, I. & Gaete, J. (accepted). From parenting training to collaborating with parents. In C. Sinclair & S. Bisson (Eds.), Counselling from the front lines, psychologists’ lived experiences.
Gaete, J. & Sametband, I. (2017). El uso del PIscopio en el trabajo terapéutico con problemas con problemas conductuales en niños y adolescentes (Using the IPscope in therapeutic work with children and adolescents dealing with behavioural problems). In E. Rasera, K. Taverniers, & O. Vilches-Álvarez (Eds.), Construccionismo social en acción: Prácticas inspiradoras en diferentes contextos (pp. 365-390; Social constructionism in action: Inspiring practices in different contexts). Chagrin Falls, OH. Worldshare Books.
Gaete, J., Sametband, I., & Sutherland, O. (2014). Can I give you a TIP? Inviting healing conversations in practice. In K. Tomm, S. St. George, D. Wulff, & T. Strong (Eds.), Patterns in Interpersonal Interactions Inviting Relational Understandings for Therapeutic Change (pp.103-123). Routledge.
Sametband, I., Wilson, T., & Tsai, C. (2014). Sensing, understanding, and moving beyond intercultural PIPs. In K. Tomm, S. St. George, D. Wulff, & T. Strong (Eds.), Patterns in Interpersonal Interactions Inviting Relational Understandings for Therapeutic Change (pp. 168-186). Routledge.
Schultz Hall, J. & Sametband, I. (2014). His Cave and her kitchen. . .gendered PIPs and HIPs and societal discourses. In K. Tomm, S. St. George, D. Wulff, & T. Strong (Eds.), Patterns in Interpersonal Interactions Inviting Relational Understandings for Therapeutic Change (pp. 143-167). Routledge.
Conference Presentations
Gaete-Silva, J. & Sametband, I. (2023, August). Workshop: TIPs' to Move from Disquieting Disruption to Generative Participation. Calgary Family Therapy Centre 50th Anniversary Conference, Calgary, Alberta.
Guanaes-Lorenzi, C., Sesma-Vazquez, M., Tomm, K., Gaete-Silva, J., Sametband, I., & Mudry, T., (2023, August). From disquiets to potentials: Investigating therapists’ actions on navigating disquieting interactions in family therapy. Calgary Family Therapy Centre 50th Anniversary Conference, Calgary, Alberta.
Sametband, I., Gaete-Silva, J., Say, Z., McCallum, N., Guanaes-Lorenzi, C., Sesma-Vazquez, M., & Mudry, T. (2023, August). Relational disquiets and Socio-Cultural Interpersonal Patterns: Family Therapists and their actions on navigating different cultural understandings. Calgary Family Therapy Centre 50th Anniversary Conference, Calgary, Alberta.
Sametband, I. & Wu, S-J. (2022, November). Keynote for the Taos Conference Plenary: Context and Culture Influence Stories and Conversation. Taos Gathering Conference (Virtual), The Taos Institute.
Chiara, G., Strong, T., & Sametband, I. (2022, November). Relational and Collaborative Counselling with Refugees and Survivors of Trafficking. Taos Gathering Conference (Virtual), The Taos Institute.
Gaete, J., Sametband, I., & Ruz, V. (2019, June). Disagreeing in Affiliative Ways: Managing the Therapeutic Alliance through Micro-Conversational Practices. 50th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Gaete, J. & Sametband, I. (2018, August). Patrones interpersonales transformadores en la resolución de problemas de comportamiento disruptivo en niños, niñas, y adolescentes (Transforming Interpersonal Patterns in the resolution of children and adolescents’ behavioural problems). Chilean Psychotherapy Congress, Reñaca, Chile.
Sametband, I. (2018, June). Moving beyond cultural stereotypes through conversation. American Family Therapy Academy’s (AFTA) 40th Annual Meeting and Open Conference, Austin, Texas.
Gaete, J., Sametband, I., St. George, S., Wulff, D., & Tomm, K. (2018, June). Pursuing relational activism through relational preferences in family therapy: Some “TIPs.” American Family Therapy Academy’s (AFTA) 40th Annual Meeting and Open Conference, Austin, Texas.