Dan Devoe

Dan Devoe


B.A. High Honours (University of Regina),
MSc, PhD (University of Calgary)
Post-Doctoral Training (University of Calgary)

Office: EA3043
Email: ddevoe@mtroyal.ca


PSYC 1103 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 2213 Research Methods I
PSYC 2265 Cognitive Psychology


Brain and Mental Health, Cognitive Assessment, Schemas, Mental Models, Psychological Treatments, Early Identification and Prevention, Eating Disorders, Psychosis, OCD, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, and Sustainable / Environmental Psychology.


Devoe, D. (Co-I): The Canadian Youth Mental Health Insight Platform: Integrating data, research and evaluation to improve the lives of young Canadians. Brain Canada Foundation and RBC Future Launch Funding-Brain Canada Youth Mental Health Platform. $5,130,000.00

Devoe, D. (Co-I): TransitionED: Co-Designing and Implementing Canadian Practice Guidelines for Transitions for Youth with Eating Disorders. Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR)- Team Grant: Transitions in Care. $960,000.00

Devoe, D. (Co-I): The increase in economic and social costs for eating disorders in youth across Canada: How much did the COVID pandemic cost youth, families, and the system? Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR). $149,965.00

Devoe, D. (Co-I) LEAPS-IYS: Learning to Equitably Adapt Peer Support for Integrated Youth Services, Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR). $199,960.00