Karen Atkinson-Leadbeater

BSc (University of British Columbia)
MSc (University of Toronto)
PhD (University of Calgary)
Office: EA 3066
Phone: 403.440.8442
Email: katkinsonleadbeater@mtroyal.ca
- PSYC 2275 Brain & Behaviour
- PSYC 3302 Psychopharmacology
- Neural Development; Axon Development
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Atkinson-Leadbeater, K., Hehr, C.L., McFarlane, S. (2014) Fgfr signaling is required as the early eye field forms to promote later patterning and morphogenesis of the eye. Dev Dyn 243(5):663-75.
Atkinson-Leadbeater K, McFarlane S. (2011) Extrinsic factors as multifunctional regulators of retinal ganglion cell morphogenesis. Dev Neurobiol. 71(12):1170-85.
Atkinson-Leadbeater, K., Bertolesi, G.E., Hehr, C.L., Webber, C.A., Cechmanek, P.B., McFarlane, S. (2010) Dynamic expression of axon guidance cues required for optic tract development is controlled by FGF signaling J Neurosci, 30(2):685-93.
Atkinson-Leadbeater, K., Bertolesi, G.E., Johnston, J., Hehr, C.L., McFarlane, S. (2009) FGF receptor dependent regulation of Lhx9 expression in the developing nervous system. Dev Dyn. 238(2):367-75.
Chen, Y.Y., Hehr, C.L., Atkinson-Leadbeater, K., Hocking, J.C., McFarlane, S. (2007) Targeting of retinal axons requires the metalloproteinase ADAM10. J. Neurosci. 27(31): 8448-56.
Pollock, N.S., Atkinson-Leadbeater, K., Johnston, J., Larouche, M., Wildering, W.C., McFarlane, S. (2005) Voltage-gated potassium channels regulate the response of retinal growth cones to axon extension and guidance cues. Eur J Neurosci 22(3):569-78.
Atkinson-Leadbeater, K., Nuttley, W.M., van der Kooy, D. (2004) A Genetic Dissociation of Learning and Recall in Caenorhabditis elegans. Behav Neurosci 118(6): 1206-13.
Nuttley, W.M., Atkinson-Leadbeater, K., and van der Kooy, D. (2002) Serotonin mediates food-odor associative learning in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. PNAS 99(19): 12449-12454.
Winzinowich, C., Atkinson-Leadbeater, K., Field, E. (2015). The impact of Ethanol on the Righting Reflex in Helisoma trivolvis. Student Research Day, Calgary, AB. (Role: C-Author)
Field, E., Atkinson-Leadbeater, K. (2014). Manipulating Synaptic Transmission and Behaviour in Helisoma trivolvis: Building a BA Psychology (Biopsychology) Honours program from the ground up. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC. (Role: Co-Author)
Atkinson-Leadbeater, K., Hehr C., Johnston, J., Bertolesi, G., McFarlane, S. (2014) Mical is required for retinal ganglion cell axon repulsion. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC. (Role: First Listed Author)
McGrath, A., Atkinson-Leadbeater, K. (2014). Tracking Changes: Students' Experiences Revising Papers based on Instructor Feedback. Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Banff, AB. (Role: Co-Author)
Tejada, N., Field, E., Atkinson-Leadbeater, K. (2014). The impact of starvation and sucrose on rasping behaviours in Helisoma trivolvis snails. Student Research Day, Mount Royal University. (Role: Co-Author)
MacPherson, K., Atkinson-Leadbeater, K., Field, E. (2014). The Effects of Ethanol on Helisoma trivolvis Development. Student Research Day, Mount Royal University. (Role: Co-Author)