Nancy Ogden

BA (University of Calgary)
M.Sc. (University of Calgary)
PhD (University of Calgary)
Office: EA3042
Phone: 403.440.8991
- PSYC 1105 Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 2235 Life-Span Development
- PSYC 4451 Atypical Child Development
- Physical Literacy in Early Childhood
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Kuzik, N. Clark, D., Ogden, N., Harber, V.,Carson, V. (2015). Physical activity and sedentary behaviour of toddlers and preschoolers in child care centres in Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 106(4), e178-83. doi: 10.17269/cjph.106.4794.
Carson, V., Clark, D., Ogden, N., Harber, V., & Kusik, N. (2015). Short-term influence of revised provincial accreditation standards on physical activity, sedentary behavior, and weight status in Alberta, Canada child care centers. Early Childhood Education Journal, 43(6), pp 459-465. DOI: 10.1007/s10643-015-0688-3.
Boyes, M., Hornick, J., & Ogden, N. (2010) Developmental pathways toward crime prevention: Early intervention models. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, Vol. 1 No. 2, 98-118.
Boyes, M. & Ogden, N. (2009) Working on identity and cultural support: 10 years of the Metis Calgary Family Services Aboriginal Student Program, in R.W. Heber (Ed.) Indigenous Education: Pacific Nations, Centre for International Academic Exchange, Regina, SK, Canada.
Boyes, M., Ogden, N. & Hornick, J. (2007). The importance of the family as an agent of socialization: developmental pathways and crime prevention. Chapter in J.J. Macionis, N.V. Benokraitis & B. Ravelli (Ed.) Seeing Ourselves: Classic, Contemporary, and Cross-Cultural Readings in Sociology, Pearson Education Canada Inc: Toronto.
Boyes, M., Ogden, N. & Hornick, J. (2004). Developmental pathways towards crime prevention: early intervention models. Chapter in M. Valle & G. Tulio (Eds.) Models and Policy for Crime Prevention.
Comer, R., Ogden, N., Boyes, M., Gould, E. (in development). Psychology Around Us, 3rd Canadian. Mississauga, Ontario: John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd (senior Canadian author)
Comer, R., Ogden, N., Boyes, M., Gould, E. (2015). Psychology Around Us, 2nd Canadian. Mississauga, Ontario: John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd (senior Canadian author)
Comer, R., Gould, E., Ogden, N., & Boyes, M. (2012). Psychology Around Us, 1st Canadian. Mississauga, Ontario: John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd (senior Canadian author)
Lefton, L.A., Brannon, L., Boyes, M.C., & Ogden, N.A. (2008). Psychology (3rd Canadian Edition). Toronto, ON. Pearson Education Canada, Inc.
Lefton, L.A., Brannon, L., Boyes, M.C., & Ogden, N.A. (2005). Psychology (2nd Canadian Edition). Toronto, ON: Pearson Education Canada, Inc.
Lefton, L.A., Boyes, M.C., & Ogden, N.A. (2000). Psychology (Canadian Edition). Toronto, ON: Prentice-Hall Canada, Inc.
Clark, D., Ogden, N., Jewitt, K. (2016). Preschool physical literacy: Supporting adults to create motivated, confident, competent and resilient children, Canadian Sport for Life National Summit, (January 27-28, Gatineau Quebec).
Clark, D., Ogden, N. Jewitt, K. (2015). Early childhood educators talk physical literacy in early childhood. ARPA (Alberta Recreation and Parks Association) Conference and Energize Workshop (October 22-24, Lake Louise, Alberta)
Clark, D., Ogden, N., Jewitt, K., Duke, K., Carson, V. (2015). The Physical Literacy Observation Tool (PLOT): Using observation to understand and enhance physical literacy of preschool children. International Physical Literacy Conference, (June 13-16, Vancouver, British Columbia).
Clark, D., Ogden, N. (2015). How much are our preschool children moving? Canadian Sport for Life National Summit, (January 27-29, Gatineau, Quebec)
Clark, D., Ogden, N. (2015) Calgary (and Area) Thrives: Calgary child and family community data repository. RVS Research Conference (August 22, 2014, Airdrie, Alberta).
Carson, V., Clark, D., Ogden, N., Harber, V., Kuzik, N. (2015, June). Short-term influence of revised provincial accreditation standards on physical activity, sedentary behavior, and weight status in Alberta, Canada child care centers. 2015 Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) June 3-6, Edinburgh, Scotland
Kuzik, N., Clark, D., Ogden, N., Harber, V., Carson, V. (2015, June). The relationship between movement behaviors and weight status in different settings among toddlers and preschoolers. 2015 Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), Edinburgh, Scotland
Clark, D., Ogden, N, Clark, T., Jewitt, K., Duke, K., Carson, V. (2015). Physical literacy: An early childhood paradox. . International Physical Literacy Conference (June 13-16, Vancouver, BC).
Clark, D., & Ogden, N. (2014). Calgary (and area) Thrives: Calgary child and family community data repository. Rocky View Schools Research Conference (Airdrie, Alberta, Canada, August 22-23, 2014).
Clark, D., Ogden, N., Turcott, A., & Danelsko, E. (2014). Calgary (and area) Thrives: APPLE in the Early Years: Active Play and Physical Literacy Everyday. Early Years Conference, (January, Vancouver, British Columbia).