Conduct Your Research

Preparing your application

When you are working on an application for research funding, it can be helpful to have additional assistance. We can help. We provide a full substantive review of complete grant applications up until three weeks prior to external funding deadlines. If you submit your grant application after this three-week deadline, we will do our best to provide constructive and substantive feedback, but we cannot guarantee we will have time. If you submit your complete grant application for the one-week hard internal deadline, we will provide a brief administrative review of your application.

A Research Activity Form must be submitted via ROMEO one week prior to the external funder's deadline. The Research Activity Form must include the full and complete grant application (or LOI, NOI, etc.) for review, whether of not the external funder requires institutional signatures. A Research Activity Form must be submitted for each stage of the funding process, such as LOI, NOI, etc. 

Requesting a Letter of Support from the AVP-RSCE
Institutional letters of support are a common requirement of many research funding opportunities. Generally, institutional letters of support for research are prepared by the Associate Vice-President Research, Scholarship and Community Engagement (AVP-RSCE) in consultation with the faculty member and their faculty. The requirements for letters of support vary depending on the opportunity therefore it is important that ORSCE receive requests a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the opportunity deadline. 

To facilitate the request the following is required:

  • Details of the funding opportunity
  • Contact information and internal deadlines of the leading institution, if applicable.
  • Confirmation of institutional commitments, if applicable
  • Copy of the draft application/proposal
  • Additional information may be requested depending on the opportunity

Additionally, ORSCE will need to receive a Research Activity Form for the application/proposal in ROMEO before the letter of support is provided.
Please contact Ethan Ward ( to request a letter of support from the AVP-RSCE.


For a table of common competitions and their deadlines, visit this webpage



Grants and Research Facilitator

One of ORSCE's core priorities is supporting researchers in the development of their research proposals and grant applications. ORSCE's Grants and Research Facilitator offers one-on-one support in developing your grant proposals. Yvonne can work with you from idea to proposal submission, or review proposals at any stage of completion.

Contact our Grants and Research Facilitator for:

Strategic Advice: The G&RF can sit down with you one-on-one and discuss your research direction, project idea, funding options and provide strategic direction in your options for funding your research. This can also include a discussion on how to better integrate your research and scholarship to make your teaching stronger, your research trajectory clearer, all while lessening your workload.

Grants Development: You have a plan and need to get started on the grant proposal. Contact the G&RF to help provide some direction in how to approach proposal development, strategies for some of those particularly tricky areas (budgets, for example), and  feedback on drafts. The earlier you make contact, the more we can help.

Final Proposal Review: Just need an additional set of eyes for a final review of your proposal? Contact us at least THREE WEEKS before the MRU internal application deadline for a substantive review against the evaluation criteria of the competition.

Contact Us for more information. 

Sample proposals

We keep a selection of sample proposals for certain competitions for you to review. Contact Yvonne Kjorlien at to inquire as to whether we might have something relevant for the competition to which you are applying.

In addition to the ORSCE's in-house library, you may also explore grant proposals in the open repository Open Grants. This is an international repository with a concentration on US grants, but there are some Tri-Agency grant applications. There are successful and unsuccessful grant applications available.


 Curated external resources

Aside from our services, there are many resources on the web you can tap to craft and strengthen your grant application.

We are here to help

For questions and assistance with preparing grant applications, please contact ORSCE Grants and Research Facilitator, Yvonne Kjorlien,