Research & Scholarship Governance

MRU Research and Scholarship Plan 2024-2030

The 2024-2030 Research and Scholarship Plan sets Mount Royal University’s research and scholarship direction to 2030.

The Research and Scholarship Plan is a blueprint for building a scholarly community that is actively engaged in reimagining the learning experience, innovating beyond the classroom, nurturing a culture of curiosity, and celebrating success through knowledge mobilization.

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Guidelines and Procedures


Committee Information


Ethics Committees 

All information regarding research ethics processess and requirements can be found under Research Ethics

Human Research Ethics Board (HREB)  

Student Human Research Ethics Committee (SHREC) 

Animal Care Committee (ACC) 

Research Support Fund 

For more information about research and scholarship governance, please contact Connie Van der Byl, the Associate Vice President of Research, Scholarship, and Community and Engagement, at