Resources and Training

Research Resources
Like teaching, doing research has its own challenges and rewards. Here are a few resources (in no particular order) to help you function as an academic researcher.


  • ROMEO is an effective one-stop-shop for researchers, signing authorities and reviewers, designed to streamline submission through approval processes. Users can log in to check the status of an ethics application, or start a new grant application, or complete a few review assignments.
  • The ROMEO User guide provides insight on how to use the platform starting from its home page navigation to learning how to submit application and event forms.


General information about the ROMEO Research Portal including important dates about workshops and other updates, and important how-to's.

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ROMEO User Guide

More information about the Research Portal detailing parts and techniques on how to use the platform.

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ROMEO Research Portal

Login to the ROMEO Research Portal to access applications, events, and other research related materials.



EDI for Researchers 

Mount Royal is committed to providing a safe and inclusive space for all members of its community. To help make good on that commitment, research practices must adhere to EDI principles. 

Look here for more information on how researchers can implement EDI principles and values into their research. How can research experiments, surveys, and interviews be more inclusive and address systemic issues that might alter research outcomes?

If you are a researcher and want to answer questions like this, explore Mount Royal's EDI resources and guidelines. These guidelines will outline how to conduct equitable research that includes people, while acknowledging inherent systemic issues that may appear over the course of research. 

EDI resources for researchers. 


Software and By-Appointment Training Sessions


If you have any questions or require more information about ROMEO and our other resources, please contact the Office of Research, Scholarship, and Community Engagement at